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My new 1970's Snow Trac project.


Active member
Thought I'd get some new pictures up. These are from our Christmas day dump. Santa left his sleigh at our house so we took it for a spin.:clap:




The view heading out the driveway. Can head straight into the hills from here.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
looks like you had a bunch of fun i'v been layed up all week with a back injury no Bg Al jokes please


Active member
And this one is sideways...again. I'll get this figured out...
The main problem I'm finding on this big wheel two track rig is the front tire is too close to the track sprocket and it has dug a deep groove into the tire. You can see here that the tire does have a bit of "toe in". But even if it were straight, it would still be a problem on the other side. I think the only solution (asking for suggestions too) is to somehow get the sprocket farther forward. It's beyond the max as far as the slot in the body goes, it's all the way forward and bending the side panel as it is. I could adjust it more (and bend the side panel more) but am going to run out of room on tensioner rod and the chain length and also the chain sprocket is going to hit the grill. I could modify the grill to help clear it but only want to do that as a last resort. When I got the Snow Trac the chain on the passenger side was really loose, like dragging on the bottom of the frame and it skipped. Now that I have it tighter it doesn't skip but I still don't have the clearance I'd like. I have a new tire but don't want to put it on until I fix this. The one on there is shot but it's foam filled so I don't know how much farther it will go.
I also thought about longer springs on the front tire's suspension. But I don't know the dynamics and if that would really work. Seems like if the tire could be pushed down, so the front would be jacked up a bit, it might have better clearance. But the spring on there seems fine as far as I know.I also don't know how easy it is to get and put a new, longer spring on.
This problem is mostly the passenger side. The other side is also very close but hasn't worn a big groove in the tire yet.
I know with the three band tracks, the front sprocket had more spread and would straddle the tire but on my two bander, it's just too close.
Here's the sideways pic. Looks like I stuck another pic on there by accident.



SnowTrac Hunter

New member
Still thinking you could go with a smaller tire. You might be able to find a spare that is smaller, yet narrow enough to work. If not see Don's redo.


Gone But Not Forgotten
SUPER Site Supporter
Anyone have dimensions for the air horn? I can't seem to find anything on the forum.
I don't know if this will help or not . I had made a paper template but i sent it to someone on the forums and cannot remember who it was .


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SnowTrac Hunter

New member
. . . it appears that Big Al is secretly using Snow Trac technology for his Kristi redesigns. :yum: Wonder what kind of wicked spawn he will make.:hammer:


Active member
Thanks Joe and BigAl and Don,
BigAl, I do have the front pieces. I didn't have one of them on when it overheated a bit. I have it on now. Moosegby is sending me a template of his. I'll see if I can make one. I post some photos as I go.

Joe, I thought of a smaller tire too. I have no idea of where to start. Would it be just the tire or the whole wheel and how hard would it be to match the lug holes? I like Don's conversion. I'll have to look at that thread again. I don't do any welding so I'd have to take it somewhere. I also thought about moving my existing big wheel back a bit. But that again requires a bit of welding and engineering. I also thought about a smaller track sprocket but that sounds spendy to me.

Don,I hope that back gets better.

On a side note. We had about 2 inches of snow today. Just enough to cover the roads long enough to get to the hills. I took my son and a friend and his son. We got about 2 miles out and it quit. Ended up being my fuel line from the tank came off. No big deal, but my battery was also near dead. Not enough to crank the fuel in and start it. We walked home. It was a nice night. Drove back up in the car with a spare battery, fortunately we didn't get in the real snow yet, and by that time it started on it's own and I drove it home. I have a feeling my wiring is such that the alternator isn't charging the battery. It's hotwired and I know it's not right. I'm going to have someone fix it. I can't seem to figure it out.
But my second headlight came on tonight. It hasn't worked yet.
Nice to be able to have some shake down runs close to home. It's not often there's enough snow at the house.

SnowTrac Hunter

New member
Not sure what the lug pattern is, but I am thinking a small donut tire would work. May need to change out the hub with a different one that fits. Problem there may be it could offset the tire. I have heard there is a BMW spare that fits, so that may have the correct lug pattern. May take some cross reference with someone that has one. Maybe Ice Queen??? :unsure:

I have seen it mentioned in a couple of threads. Too bad you weren't close I could weld it for you. Eventually I will probably do the redesign like Don did. :hammer:

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Santa brought me a BMW spare, but the Snow Trac is out side and a SKi doo with a plastic recoil that refuses to work is cloggin up my shop...I put in the new parts yesterday and wasn't succesfull, as the recoiler still dosn't work reliabley. Simple stuff, but sometimes....

The height is right for the tire, I am sure it could be put on a Sno Trac wheel. But I haven't tried to bolt it up yet, as right now I don't need it. The three band track units, it may not work as well, as the wheel guides are taller that the tire, and the rim is about 1/4" wider that the original rim. The guides may hit the rim.

I realize this doen't help much.

Regards, Kirk


Active member
Happy NEW YEAR to everyone in the F.F. :beer:

Sometimes there are moments that you cant find the original part, so you have to watch for something, or to find a part that it looks like the original one.
That is the way of the "Transformation" of the part that arent original.

regards Nikos


Active member
That looks like a nice one. Probably would have been all over that if I hadn't already found the one I have. Thanks for the heads up cheeto. I'm guessing it's about 3 hours away. Interesting grousers on it. I think I've seen it on here before.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
as for my conversion ran it across the frozen tundra yesterday its still the best thing i have ever done as for welding the welding part took about 2 hours to cut the old crap off and weld in mounting plates after that i drilled 6 haole and bolted on teh axles simple


Active member
I was just looking through your thread on your conversion again DDs and it does look pretty simple. Wish I could weld.... This could be the best solution to my problem though. Sorta curious though if I go this route if it's just about as easy to move my existing wheel back about 1 inch. Cutting it off and moving the whole unit back a bit would do it too.
I am now working on making the air hood. Moosegby has sent me the template and I have a cardboard unit made up. I noticed on the one he sent me the top of it isn't flared out to cover the whole louverd area on the hood. What I have only covers about 2/3rds of the louvered intake area so I wouldn't have the "seal" that's optimmum but still seems like it would be enough bring the cool air in. I see some of the horns gets flared out a bit at the top to accomodate this. I could alway modify the one I'm working on later if it doesn't do the cooling job properly.
And on Monday I'm bringing it to a fellow to wire up the ignition properly. Hopefully that will solve the charging issue too.

Also just fixed my hubs on my tow vehicle, a 62' International, so my 4x4 works now. I also picked up a mean set of chains for it too. Since I will mostly be towing it to where it'll be used I'll need to make sure it's as safe as I can make it. The truck otherwise sucks in the snow with only 2wd.

Right now it's dumping here again! If this keeps up I'll be able to take it for a run from my house by the afternoon or tomorrow. I'll bring an extra battery this time though...:wink:

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
you would find that relocating the axle would be a bit more difficult than you think you may run in to un seeen rust my conversion uses a lot of area to ensure i have a lot of purchase area i would not go with the full 2 k axles rather a 1500 pound set for a better ride as i have gone through trying to weld those stubbs back on as mine were missing with a cobbled in vw axle when i got mine i than put the dual boggies back in what a pia even with a plasma cutter.i like your choice of tow vehicles i had a 69 1200 i converted to 4x4. the wiring should be simple enough depending on what kind of switch you have the snow trac switch was a master switch with 3 wires one battery wire and 2 switched wires. ditch the oe fuse box and get a marine box of 12 fuses i had availavle i used 10 and remember i have a bunch of lights and radio gear

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
forgot asfar as yur intake scoop modify the with t acomodate your louvers your rig may have origionaly had a dog house oil cooler on it i believe it is newer than advertised and once may have had a newer motor with the dog house oil cooler


Active member
Well I'm making some prorgress. Got the wiring sorted out and now it starts with a key:clap: Also had to put a new alternator in because the internal regulator went out and it was overcharging. Glad I found that out since the battery sits right next to me. I think I'll also put in in a battery box just to be safe.

Still working on the air horn I have at least the first version almost done and boy does it look homemade:ermm:. We'll see if it works and I imagine I'll eventually make a better one.
Snow is all melted now at our place and my tow rig is having some issues I need to sort out. I have another rig I could use once I wire up the lights but it's only 2wd.

Soon though and I'll have it out for another run.


Active member
And this one is sideways...again. I'll get this figured out...
The main problem I'm finding on this big wheel two track rig is the front tire is too close to the track sprocket and it has dug a deep groove into the tire. You can see here that the tire does have a bit of "toe in". But even if it were straight, it would still be a problem on the other side. I think the only solution (asking for suggestions too) is to somehow get the sprocket farther forward. It's beyond the max as far as the slot in the body goes, it's all the way forward and bending the side panel as it is. I could adjust it more (and bend the side panel more) but am going to run out of room on tensioner rod and the chain length and also the chain sprocket is going to hit the grill. I could modify the grill to help clear it but only want to do that as a last resort. When I got the Snow Trac the chain on the passenger side was really loose, like dragging on the bottom of the frame and it skipped. Now that I have it tighter it doesn't skip but I still don't have the clearance I'd like. I have a new tire but don't want to put it on until I fix this. The one on there is shot but it's foam filled so I don't know how much farther it will go.
I also thought about longer springs on the front tire's suspension. But I don't know the dynamics and if that would really work. Seems like if the tire could be pushed down, so the front would be jacked up a bit, it might have better clearance. But the spring on there seems fine as far as I know.I also don't know how easy it is to get and put a new, longer spring on.
This problem is mostly the passenger side. The other side is also very close but hasn't worn a big groove in the tire yet.
I know with the three band tracks, the front sprocket had more spread and would straddle the tire but on my two bander, it's just too close.
Here's the sideways pic. Looks like I stuck another pic on there by accident.



Hello Snow Trac owners! I'm trying to get this thing a bit more sorted out for this winter. I thought I'd have all summer to do this but here I am, winter is here and I'm scrambling to get it going and get out there!
I noticed my throttle shaft was leaking so I've sent my carb out for a rebuild and rebush and should have it back any day now.
I also have one of the tracks apart. I am still dealing with the drive gear eating into my front tires. Worst side is the passenger side.
Now that I've looked at it closer, it still seems to me that if I could get longer coil springs for the front wheel than it would push the front big wheel down and away from the drive gear.
Cutting and welding and moving things around seems like a lot of work if I can get away with longer springs in the front.
It's a bit unique because I have the 2 band track with the big wheel up front.
Any thoughts? My springs measure about 9.5 inches. I don't know if that's what they were new or ?? I'm also not sure how easy it is to get ones that will work but thought it's worth a shot.
Once I can get that figured out, I'll feel pretty good about longer trips.
thanks for any help/ideas!!

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
as long as you have suspension travel maybe you should look into a bump stop of sorts to limit upward travel. also you may have to disassemble the arm it looks to be wearing on one side only. the snow tracs had a phenolic bushing in them prone to wear once you remove the spring preload, you should be able to check it for play also the spindles that the rocker carriage sat on in the boggie models were soft and would bend with a hard impact. some things to check while the track is off.I still believe that the torsion axle upgrade I did was the best thing ever using a 12 inch trailer tire,it has plenty of room to move,and i'm not going to bend those axles. also now have a way to grease the bearings with out disassembly.