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My new 1970's Snow Trac project.

SnowTrac Hunter

New member
Contact Moosebgy, I lent him mine to make one for his. He probably has templates made he could give you dimensions to. Not sure if anyone has posted dims for them yet, or if it changes for different size engines.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
if you have the old single port cooler jimvt's will work for a template to build yours by if you have a doghouse style cooler it's going to be different you may try couch loafer i think he is in your area.


Active member
Thanks, I'll look into those. Mine does not have the dog house shroud. Just a reg single port shroud.
Didn't get much done over the weekend. Took my 6 year old skiing today. Also took a look at a couple of spots I may be able to use this thing along the way.

So I still have some pics to post, maybe I'll get them tomorrow.

I did find out maybe why my front sproket was also hard to adjust. It has ran out of adjustment room in the slot in the aluminum side panels. So it now is sort of mushrooming it a bit. Maybe pushed into it about 1/2 in. However, the chain now seems tensioned better but I still think the track spoket is too close to the tire. Even my adjuster rod doesn't have tooo much room to extend further, maybe about 2 in.

But some other things I am going to start looking at is my steering box. It's been replace and I think a bit micky mouse. The steering shaft is shortened about 4 in. Makes driving it a pain cause the wheel is at your knees. I just ordered a 3.5 in dished wheel as the on on there is breaking. That should help.
I'll keep you all posted as I'll have a bit of time this week and then I'm gone for about 4 days.
Been reasonably warm in the evenings which is making it nice.
I'll run out tonight and measure that chain and report back later.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I think the hardest part of making a new shroud will be the round flaired opening that mates up to the engine fan. The rest is easy flat work. Maybe a trip to a salvage yard would net you that round flange from a car. Section out this opening from that, and use it to build your new shroud around...

If you want dimentions of my single port shroud, letme know and this evening I'll pull mine and measure it up for you. We have no snow yet anyway...:letitsnow:

Regards, Kirk


Active member
Thanks Kirk, I have yet to find any dimensions on here for the horn. I have read almost evey single post re snow tracs so far.....
Don't want to trouble you but I'll need to fab something up. I don't weld and am not too handy with metal but I think if I had dimensions and I could scrib it out on a sheet of material, I could then bring it somewhere and have them cut and make the bends.
I could not find my caliber last night. I may need to pick up a new one. I'll get the chains measured and see how they compare.
Still more pics to come, just got to get a little work done first.....


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
didn't someone build one on tis fourm? I remember seeing pictures of it.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
i took pics and posted for moose buggy as for the round opening Big Al has a piesc of stove pipe stuck in his krusty fan intake so that would be a good source for a pipe that fits

SnowTrac Hunter

New member
Moosebgy just made one this summer. I loaned him mine so he could take dimensions. Send him a PM. He may have templates, or at least the dimensions. There are a few angles involved, but it should be simple enough. :hammer:
Snowsurfer - the reason I mentioned the shock mounts is that I had a shock come apart on the trail, which resulted in the bogies flipping over. It was a major pain to get them flipped back over, and no way to drive it without it snagging guides until I did. :whistling:


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
i took pics and posted for moose buggy as for the round opening Big Al has a piesc of stove pipe stuck in his krusty fan intake so that would be a good source for a pipe that fits
you better hope Big Al lives a long life because he's going to haunt you the rest of your life. that was a good one!


Active member
Hmmm, wonder if Big Al would lend me his stove pipe adapter, from my understanding the Kritsti's prefer to be lounge lizards and not really active members of the snow cat society.

So these shot keep going sideways on me, sorry I'll get better. This is a close up of the track gear. Looks to me like an aftermarket part.


This is of the grousers. I'm wondering how the wear looks on them and if this could be what's slipping. Maybe the only way for me to tell is to have someone watch while I drive it. Just curious how these look to the experts.


Another grouser shot.


Again another sideways shot. This is supposed to show that I have maybe 1/2 in of clearance from the chain to the grill or the curvature of the side panel. It's real close, not hitting but can only adjust maybe 1/4 at most.


Sideways again. This is showing that the axle is now mushrooming the side panels as there isn't enough room to move further forward. This surely was not helping when I was trying to adjust it more.


Still not sure how I'm going to fix the tire/gear clearance issue. Amost seems easier to convert back to full boogie wheels. But on the other hand, it's sooo close to working.


Active member
Also Joe, thanks for mentioning the shocks. Just wondering if even the middle bogie wheels will flip or is it mainly the front ones?
Seems like a lot of the big wheeled one I've seen pictures of don't have the shocks mounted on them.
I don't think I want to deal with a flipped bogie but curious if there's one set that's generally flips over more than others.

SnowTrac Hunter

New member
Do you live close by any of the other owners? Nothing like a good visual comparison to help out. I am finding that most of the problems I encounter have already been addressed by others. I wish that I had the time and money to completely rebuild mine. At this point it is just fix as they come up.:doh:


Active member
I'm not sure yet if anyone is close by. A visual would really be nice.
I'll keep being friendly and hope that someone close by has some experience with these. :smile:

But you guys are helping a lot and I really do appreciate it. Helped a ton so far. I'll stumble my way through it with a bit of help from you all.
hi not close in uk.shall try to help looks like front wheel and chain tenioner mounts need move back and drive chains shortening.track look very steep at front.shall post pics in military snow trac thred.your drive sprokets look like steel not bronze. seen a pic of flat plate bolted loose between the bogies on the end of the axles.looked quik and simple to do.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I have the older style with v w style drums on the outside. Those grousers can be touched up with a welder .

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
snow surfer that one in your thread you posted is one of the mcclarity snow tracs made in irland they were built in the mid 80's after sweedish production had stopped interesting it has the same brakes and drivers i'm guessing that some one got ahold of some of those mcclarity parts and rebuilt yours or more likely the year of manufacture is wrong and yours is newer than you thaught as i remember right the mcclarity snow tracs had a data plate with id info some where on the inside of the cabin.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
also if your drive sprokets are steel you need to get some brass sprokets as you will wear out your grousers


Active member
Thanks Don, I really don't know what year mine is. I was looking again last night and realized the one rivited plate to the left of the door just covers the hole for the old gas tank. Then I noticed that it looked like there was a plate under the side drivers window. The rivets were there but no plate.:sad: It could answer some questions to the history if I knew.
I also notice that both the chain gear and the track gears look just like mine on this rig. I don't see any ST markings on them but to see mine and this machine so far apart but sharing a lot of the same unique parts is interesting to me. Also both 2 trac big wheel versions.
I'll be a little light on time this week to do too much work on it but will post updates as I can.


Active member
I see now that this is the same rig that was brought up earlier in this thread.
Some other unique things on this rig that are the same as mine.
The rear door with the recessed door handle is just like mine and the only other one I've seen like it.
Also the steering wheel on this one is just like mine.
Chain gears, track sproket, Disk brakes, brake booster, big wheel, two track, snouty nose, and the front seat cover are all just like mine and as far as I can tell, unique.
Mine does not seem to have holes on the dash where I would normally see an Alex Mclarty rig ID plate. But might have been under the drivers window because I see where it looks like rivits for some plate but no plate.
Just thought I'd throw this out there as maybe someone else may know more about the Scottish rigs. Don't know if this is one or not but sure looks like this other rig.



Active member
Well thought I'd chime in here again. Been away and then sick as a dog and haven't made a whole lot of progress on the Snow Trac this week. Kind of sctaching my head between a few projects on it. I'll elaborate on what my head scratch is about with some pics when I get a little more time. But Christmas is coming and I have two kids etc and still won't get much done for a few more days. But dang, there's snow at my house, which doesn't always happen and I still am not really ready to take it out. But... I just might get a little drive in it if things go my way this weekend. Even just a short drive up a snowy road would suffice for a bit. If I get it out, I'll post some shots. But then it'll be back to some head scratching....:biggrin:
In other words...more questions to come. In the meantime I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!


Active member
Well I finally got it out for a spin. It's really not ready yet to go far but I figured a short spin would be ok. I actually trailered it up to a place so that I could just run it around near the truck if needed. It was fun but I'm glad the truck was near cause I needed to jump it! Guess my battery either isn't charging, isn't any good or was just real low. I can figure that out easy enough.
Then we had a dump on Christmas day about a 1.5 feet. Just enough to run it around the neighborhood. We live a bit in the country so on the rare occasion that there's enough snow at our house, I can take it from the house as far as I want to go up logging roads. I took two trips in it. Each about 2-3 miles. Had a blast. Even pulled out a big dodge crew cab 4x4 from the ditch and up the hill. No problem!
I don't have the air horn yet so I was aware of it overheating but it didn't seem to be a problem at all on my short trips.
So it runs and drives but I still have work to do. Still have a problem with the front sproket being too close to the front wheel. I didn't have any skipping though at all. The chain was Super loose and now I've tightened it a bit. Still a little slack but I think close enough.
I'll post some pics of the runs later.


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
Well at least you got it out for a run and didn't break anything. That is progress. Better than one fella who can't seem to get his down off the lift.:whistling::yum::yum:


What kind of gas millage do you get from one of those things?
I never gave one of those much thought until I found this site....now....like I needed one more thing to wish for....

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
1.5 gal per hour, but really will use less I just fingure that way to be safe...Say 7-10 mph average speed in average conditions. Top speed about 19 with the original gearing. Up to 30 mph with the optional 15 tooth drive gear. All Aluminum except the top half of the cab. Weight is about 2,400 lbs. Made in Sweden from 1958 to 1980 or so. About 2,200 made....

Hope this helps, Kirk


Active member
Well I had one more chance to take out the Snow Trac from my house before the snow melted. This time I towed the kids in sleds and drove it round trip about 6 miles. Took it up the logging roads near my house and got into about 3 feet of heavy snow. Went up some fairly steep roads and had no problems at all as far as traction. It did get a bit hot since I don't have the air horn for it yet. But I knew to keep an eye on it and all is fine. It cooled down just fine once we turned around and started going down hill. Still so much to do on it before I feel like it's dependable but one step at a time. Anyone have dimensions for the air horn? I can't seem to find anything on the forum.