Yes, right next to hammers at the ACE hardware store.
At the ripe age of 17, I bought thirteen 22 bolt action rifles, two cases of LR ammo, two dozen canoe paddles, three large canvass tents, 6 camp stoves and three gas lanterns, 12 hatchets, 6 Machete knives, and a dozen canteens. All for the summer camp that had employed me. All at a camping supply store.
None of these items required a background check.
This was 1965 and many of my friends were training to survive a mandatory tour in Viet Nam. Several did not come home.
People say guns are different now. More deadly and need to be controlled. I say so are cars. Faster, more popular and yet we still let 17 year olds drive. They don't need a permit to buy a car.
Easily as deadly in the wrong hands.