According to the Constitution/Declaration of Independence from English royalty,;
Those sacred documents are preserved and clear in their meaning.
We have the right to Life, Liberty , and happiness. Which in 1776 meant, we have a right to exist, a right to do so, responsibly, as we wish, and a right to earn wealth and personally own property.
Yet today we kill babies in the womb, cannot drive a nail and combine two boards together without a government permit, or own wealth the government doesn't extract via taxations.
Somewhere along the way all three branches of our "WE THE PEOPLE government, (especially the Supreme Court), didn't get the message.
For over two hundred and thirty years, our government of the people, has depended on weapon savvy citizens to fight and win it's wars.
At the cost of many young lives, we have done so, in defense of our precious rights the government is supposed to preserve and protect.
It now wants to take some of those rights away.
Perhaps the tree of Liberty needs to be watered?