• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Did You Know ...

Scientist have found what was the first living thing on earth, the beginning of all mankind. It was a tossup between two things, sea sponges and comb jelly. Comb jell won out.

One-fourth of the world's population lives on less than $200 per year. Ninety million

people survive on less than $75 a year.
Number of bridges spanning the Amazon River ; Zero !

There are some good reasons; the most quoted two are:

"There is no sufficiently pressing need for a bridge across the Amazon."

And "The width of the Amazon averages between two to six miles depending on the area, and can even reach up to 30 miles wide during rainier periods.
Heinz makes a Simply Ketchup" - no artificial sweeteners - might no be available in your area.
if you search "low sugar ketchup" some local brands may turn up - there are also sugar free options.
Heinz makes a Simply Ketchup" - no artificial sweeteners - might no be available in your area.
if you search "low sugar ketchup" some local brands may turn up - there are also sugar free options.
Thanks so much for pointing me to Heinz, @chowderman! 🙏 I found that their "No Sugar Added" variety only has 1g of sugar, compared to their "Simply" variant which has 4g. I'll definitely look for it this weekend.
Earth's population is approximately 7.8 billion people. For most people, that's a large number, that's all.
However, if you count the world's 7.8 billion people as 100% human, these percentages become clearer.
From 100% of people:
11% are in Europe
5% is in North America
9% - in South America
15% - in Africa
60% are in Asia
49% live in villages.
51% - In cities
12% speak Chinese
5% in Spanish
5% in English
3% speak Arabic
3% in hindi
3% in bengali
3% in Portuguese
2% in Russian
2% in Japanese
62% in their own language
77% have housing
23% have nowhere to live.
21% of people eat in excess
63% can eat as much as they want
15% of the people are malnourished
The daily cost of living for 48% of people is less than $2.
87% of people have clean drinking water
13% either do not have clean drinking water or have access to a contaminated water source.
75% on the mobile phones
25% nu.
30% have internet access
70% do not have internet access
7% received higher studies
93% of people never went to college or university.
83% can read
17% of people are illiterate.
33% are Christians
22% are Muslims.
14% are Hindus
7% are Buddhists
12% - Other Religions
12% have no religious beliefs.
26% live for less than 14 years
66% have died between the ages of 15 and 64.
8% of people over 65 years of age.
If you have a place to stay, eat healthy food and drink clean water, have a mobile phone,
you can travel on the internet and you graduated from a college or university, you're in a small privileged group.
(In the category of less than 7%)
If you are over 65 years old, be content and grateful. Seize life, seize the moment. You didn't leave this world before you turned 65, like 92% of people who have died because of health. Cherish every moment you have left!

This is a translation. Here is the original.

posted by, and assume created by: Vadim Torgai

Populația Pământului este de aproximativ 7,8 miliarde de oameni. Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, acesta este un număr mare, asta-i tot.
Cu toate acestea, dacă numărați cei 7,8 miliarde de oameni din lume ca fiind 100% oameni, aceste procente devin mai clare.
De la 100% dintre oameni:
11% sunt în Europa
5% sunt în America de Nord
9% - în America de Sud
15% - în Africa
60% sunt în Asia
49% locuiesc în sate
51% - în orașe
12% vorbesc chineza
5% în spaniolă
5% în engleză
3% vorbesc arabă
3% în hindi
3% în bengaleză
3% în portugheză
2% în rusă
2% în japoneză
62% în propria limbă.
77% au locuințe
23% nu au unde să locuiască.
21% dintre oameni mănâncă în exces
63% pot mânca cât vor
15% dintre oameni sunt subnutriți
Costul zilnic al vieții pentru 48% dintre oameni este mai mic de 2 USD.
87% dintre oameni au apă potabilă curată
13% fie nu au apă potabilă curată, fie au acces la o sursă de apă contaminată.
75% au telefoane mobile
25% nu.
30% au acces la internet
70% nu au acces la internet.
7% au primit studii superioare
93% dintre oameni nu au mers la facultate sau universitate.
83% pot citi
17% dintre oameni sunt analfabeti.
33% sunt creștini
22% sunt musulmani
14% sunt hinduși
7% sunt budiști
12% - alte religii
12% nu au convingeri religioase.
26% trăiesc mai puțin de 14 ani
66% au murit între 15 și 64 de ani.
8% dintre persoanele cu vârsta peste 65 de ani.
Dacă aveți un loc de locuit, mâncați alimente sănătoase și beți apă curată, aveți un telefon mobil,
poți călători pe internet și ai absolvit o facultate sau o universitate, te afli într-un grup privilegiat mic.
(În categoria mai puțin de 7%)
Dacă ai peste 65 de ani, fii mulțumit și recunoscător. Ai grijă de viață, prinde momentul. Nu ai părăsit această lume înainte de a împlini vârsta de 65 de ani, ca 92% dintre oamenii care au murit din cauza sănătății. Prețuiește fiecare clipă rămasă!
The term "googol" was coined by a 9-year-old boy? In 1938, American mathematician Edward Kasner asked his young nephew, Milton Sirotta, to come up with a name for an extremely large number: 1 followed by 100 zeros. Milton suggested "googol," and his uncle liked it so much that he adopted the term for this astronomical figure. This playful origin story highlights the creativity and imagination of children, showing that even the most complex mathematical concepts can be inspired by youthful curiosity. So, the next time you hear about a googol or its even larger cousin, the googolplex, remember that it all started with a child's idea!
The Diomede islands are just three miles apart but the bigger island is almost one day ahead of its smaller neighbour (21 hours) because they sit on either side of the International Date Line which passes through the Pacific Ocean and marks the boundary between one calendar day and the next. They sit in the Bering Strait between mainland Alaska and Siberia

Big Diomede is located on the Russian side while Little Diomede is on the US side. The ice bridge that forms between the two islands in winter makes it possible, although illegal, to walk the short distance between them and 'travel through time'

Did you know that the Snail Road, also known as Paso de los Libertadores, is one of the most emblematic and challenging routes in South America. This road connects Chile with Argentina, passing through the majestic Andes Range.

Top features:

1. **Location**: The road is located in the Valparaiso Region, Chile, and runs through to the province of Mendoza in Argentina.

2. **Route**: The route rises from the valley of the Aconcagua River in Chile to the Cristo Redentor tunnel, located at a height of approximately 3,200 meters above sea level.

3. **Design**: It's known for its closed, steep, snail-like curves, from which its name derives. The road has numerous zig-zag curves that are a challenge for both drivers and vehicles.

4. **Weather Conditions**: During winter, the road can be extremely hazardous due to snowfall and severe weather conditions, which often leads to temporary closures.

5. **Importance**: It is a crucial route for trade and tourism between Chile and Argentina, and is often used by trucks and tourists who wish to cross the mountain range.

6. **Tourist Attractions**: Along the route, you can observe breathtaking landscapes of the mountain range, as well as points of interest such as the Inca Lagoon and Portillo Ski Resort.

The Snails Road is a spectacular and challenging route that offers a unique driving experience through one of the most breathtaking landscapes of the Andes. Its intricate design and location in a region with extreme weather conditions make it one of the most famous and photographed routes in South America.
