• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Dargo's little girl needs our prayers

I hope Mel is progressing nicely, getting a little better day by day.

I have $35 left over that was donated for Mel.
Someone suggested an Amazon gift card might be good, or any type of gift card. Does anyone else have some other suggestion?

Brent & Mel can review the suggestions and pick which one they prefer.

Brent, if you know of something in particular Mel would like just let me know what it is and I'll order it and have it sent to your house. It does not have to be right at $35, in the ballpark is okay by me.
If she has an iPod then an iTunes gift card would be a good choice, but Brent would have to let you know if she has an iPod.
If she has an iPod then an iTunes gift card would be a good choice, but Brent would have to let you know if she has an iPod.

I can't express the sincere thanks to all for how wonderfully kind everyone has been. Again, thank you!

Yes Bob, Melanie does have an iPhone which obviously includes an iPod. We practically had to pull it from her hands as she went to surgery and, as soon as she was out of recovery, it was the first thing she asked for. I'm sure she'd love an iTunes gift card; especially since I have given them an allowance of $0.00 to make purchases at the Apple store. :mellow:
Well you folks never cease to surprise me. I have had another generous donation and an excellent suggestion for something special for Melanie. Melanie should have a package delivered in 7 to 10 days.
My sincere thanks goes out to all members of FF who helped us show a little support for Brent and Melanie during this trying time. You all are AWESOME!!!!!!

Brent, both you and Melanie are in my thoughts and prayers. :flowers:
Well you folks never cease to surprise me. I have had another generous donation and an excellent suggestion for something special for Melanie. Melanie should have a package delivered in 7 to 10 days.
My sincere thanks goes out to all members of FF who helped us show a little support for Brent and Melanie during this trying time. You all are AWESOME!!!!!!

Brent, both you and Melanie are in my thoughts and prayers. :flowers:

It's what Family does, Doc. :wink:
Hopefully she can concentrate on getting better and being a teen again. Best wishes for her recovery and good job on being her advocate Brent.:clap:
I just read through this long thread and I have to say that it really touches my heart to read so many wonderful and kind comments from people who have never even met Melanie, now me for that matter. It really helps lift my hope in the thought that I want to have and that is; there is good in everyone, it just is hard to find in some. With this group, there was never any doubt nor need to look for the genuine kind and caring people on this forum. Again, thank you all so much. This is my little private escape.

The "diagnosis" that we were given a couple days ago has now been sort of withdrawn. I'm not being critical of the neurologists and surgeons but, dang, this is really getting long and painful in many ways. For those who care to look it up (I'd be shocked if anyone had heard of it, I sure hadn't), it was "Tolosa Hunt Syndrome". However, with Melanie's seemingly fast regression in the last couple of days, they, the group of neurologists and physicians, are not so sure that is what she has. This is yet another dive on the roller coaster journey. If it was Tolosa Hunt, a regimen of 5 days of powerful IV steroids with a rapid detox would, in theory, clear up her symptoms in about 72 hours. We were cautiously ecstatic until they called again and canceled the steroid treatment and are wanting us to take her up there again for "more tests".

I'm going to likely miss one of her appointments since it's next Thursday and I did one too many break dancing face plants with my knee going out (some may recall I talked about having knee surgery about 5 months ago - just before this started). I now really can't walk and have surgery on Wednesday. I suppose I'll just have to be tough and make the trip the next day one way or another.

Anyway, I thought I'd post a 'normal' picture of the little girl you have all prayed for and have made so many kind comments about. I'll then post a not too gross picture of the staples that were in her head. Since I've removed enough of them from my own body after injuries and had the removal tool, the lead neurologist/surgeon deemed me competent enough to remove them. She says it feels better with them out.


  • Mel.jpg
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  • Staples.jpg
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She's a gorgeous young lady, Dargo. Continued prayers for her healing. The Almighty has her in the palm of His great hand. Hang with us, Buddy. Tell her that she's got a huge fan club and we're all hoping for the best.
Dang Bent, how did you manage to produce that pretty offspring? Tell her we are all pulling for her, and good luck on your knee surgery. Docs have been warning me for 20 years I'm gonna have to get it done, but I can still walk so I've managed to avoid it.
Tell Melanie she has a bunch of adoptive Aunts and Uncles out here rooting for her.
She's a gorgeous young lady, Dargo. Continued prayers for her healing. The Almighty has her in the palm of His great hand. Hang with us, Buddy. Tell her that she's got a huge fan club and we're all hoping for the best.
I cant say it any better then that . continued thoughts & Prayers from here . Thanks for the update & pics Dargo . :flowers:
Thanks again Brent for taking the time to update.....the pictures bring a lump straight up in my throat....such a pretty young Lady having to go through so much is heart wrenching.

Prayers and positive thoughts ongoing.
Brent, pretty as Mel may be, the only picture I really care to see is the one that will come at some point in the future, its the one the shows her COMPLETELY RECOVERED from this whole nightmare that she has been through. While I do check this thread for progress reports and while we talk about her at our family dinner table, we really are looking forward to the day when we get the "clean bill of health" report. That is the day the I will look forward to seeing Melanie's photo.

Good luck with your upcoming surgery. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family.

Oh, but since you've been whining like a little baby about the knee for several months don't count on getting a fruit basket from us while you are in recovery :hammer:
Brent, pretty as Mel may be, the only picture I really care to see is the one that will come at some point in the future, its the one the shows her COMPLETELY RECOVERED from this whole nightmare that she has been through. While I do check this thread for progress reports and while we talk about her at our family dinner table, we really are looking forward to the day when we get the "clean bill of health" report. That is the day the I will look forward to seeing Melanie's photo.

Good luck with your upcoming surgery. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family.

Oh, but since you've been whining like a little baby about the knee for several months don't count on getting a fruit basket from us while you are in recovery :hammer:

Bob you are quite the card. LOL :yum: :yum:

...but I will admit I agree with all you said. :tiphat: I so look forward to seeing Melanie fully recovered and hearing about her successes at college. I'll be a fan of hers forever and count on Brent keeping us posted in a timely fashion.
Melanie's seemingly fast regression in the last couple of days, they, the group of neurologists and physicians, are not so sure that is what she has. take her up there again for "more tests".

Am sorry to hear she has to go through more testing. Much Less not having the correct diagnoses

- I now really can't walk and have surgery on Wednesday. I suppose I'll just have to be tough and make the trip the next day one way or another.

If you in no condition to drive just call and I'll take your butt up there so you get up there safe. After all what are friends for?

Continued prayers and better news
Oh, but since you've been whining like a little baby about the knee for several months don't count on getting a fruit basket from us while you are in recovery :hammer:

Thanks 'man with pink rifle'. :whistling: I was sort of hoping you could come by and help me with my passive motion machine on my knee so I can get it rehabbed to the point where I can have my back surgery.

Yeah, I'm starting to pay for all those years when someone said "Nobody can do that!", to which I'd say "Oh yeah, hold my beer and just watch". Yeah, yeah, I know; you lived on the other side of the tracks and you guys took a more cerebral approach to things than that. But, hey, somebody had to give the school infirmary some practice at stitching up wounds and keep Crawfordsville's "Tokyo General" in business. :biggrin:

But, you're right. I've always said no sympathy for self inflicted wounds; whether it was a bad hangover or from bad choices after enjoying a few too many adult beverages. Clearly, my baby little girl doesn't fall into either of those categories. I deserve it, she doesn't.

Hey, her boyfriend just showed up to watch both NFL playoff games with us today. I may slip her one extra of her pain pills (which is allowed per instructions), hoping she'll feel better by the time the Colt's play later today.
. . .I'm starting to pay for all those years when someone said "Nobody can do that!", to which I'd say "Oh yeah, hold my beer and just watch". Yeah, yeah, I know; you lived on the other side of the tracks and you guys took a more cerebral approach to things than that. But, hey, somebody had to give the school infirmary some practice at stitching up wounds . . .

I need to lock you in a room with my brother. A couple weeks after having surgery on his knee to reattach a tendon he fell and broke his kneecap into 3 pieces. I feel healthy every time I go to his house.

But back to Mel, the important patient we all come to this thread to read about, I have to ask, is her daily pain diminished any? Have you given any consideration to getting her up to Chicago, out to Johns Hopkins, over to Mayo? I realize that diagnosis is never easy and I realize the doctors now are looking for the best odds to help her, but I wonder if a bigger hospital with more specialized teams might be able to get to the bottom of her problems a bit quicker to relieve her pain and get her back to living her life.
The Zoom family still has Mel in our thoughts and prayers. We'll add you and your knee to our prayers as well.
But back to Mel, the important patient we all come to this thread to read about, I have to ask, is her daily pain diminished any? Have you given any consideration to getting her up to Chicago, out to Johns Hopkins, over to Mayo? I realize that diagnosis is never easy and I realize the doctors now are looking for the best odds to help her, but I wonder if a bigger hospital with more specialized teams might be able to get to the bottom of her problems a bit quicker to relieve her pain and get her back to living her life.

According to her, her pain runs between a 6 and 8. I'm really concerned now because this morning her right eye, previously unaffected, will no longer look up past level. :sad: As you correctly noted, I need no sympathy, but this is killing me watching her not only get better, but seeing new symptoms develop after all these months and the pain of brain surgery.

She has an appointment with an infectionist disease neurologist in Indy on Friday now. If that doesn't work, I need to find me an RV place locally that can "winter-proof" my RV so I can take off to Mayo of Johns Hopkins or even Boston with her. Right now my RV has all the holding tanks and water lines exposed under the coach. There has to be some sort of winter kit that can be added to the coach so it can be used in temps below 32 degrees.
You could always just use RV antifreeze in the system and only use the water for toilet use. Buy a few cases of spring water for drinking, cooking and brushing teeth. The RV antifreeze won't hurt you and if you don't mind smelling like a candy cane you can shower with it.
You could always just use RV antifreeze in the system and only use the water for toilet use. Buy a few cases of spring water for drinking, cooking and brushing teeth. The RV antifreeze won't hurt you and if you don't mind smelling like a candy cane you can shower with it.

That's what's in there now; lines and a little in each tank. I could get by with the toilet, but I don't think I could take a shower or use the washing machine with antifreeze. Hopefully there is some place that could install some sort of kit. I know I've seen plenty of larger coaches running around in the winter. They all can't be going around without water. I suppose I'll have to start making calls Monday am.
Thank you all so much for the wonderful bear Melanie received today! She was really moved and absolutely LOVES the bear. I tried to get a picture of her napping this afternoon since she was cuddling with it, but it was too dark for the picture to come out and I didn't want to use a flash. Believe me, she loves it! You guys done good!!! :clap::clap:

She goes back to Indy tomorrow for what will likely be her last trip there. Since we seem to be getting nowhere with the physicians and hospitals in Indy, I feel I have no choice but to take her somewhere else; likely Children's Hospital in Boston.

Unfortunately, I cannot travel to Indy with her tomorrow, so I'm having my wife record everything for me. My knee surgery yesterday was a bit more than was expected. I was told in no uncertain terms today, no travel, no weight bearing on that leg and elevation and ice packs for a week or I'm headed for knee replacement. Yeah, they got my attention with that one. :hammer: I had no intention of missing this trip, but my wife and Mel pretty well nixed me going. I'll be no good for any possible trip to Boston if I'm back in the hospital for knee replacement. :glare:

Anyway, since she couldn't read it, I read most all of this thread to her and she was extremely moved at how many people who don't know her can show so much kindness towards her. Little smarty britches somehow figured out who WorkingWoman was with almost no clues on here. Thanks you Judy. Your very kind start to all of this is not unnoticed by me. And, no, that's not why I cleared your parent's driveway and street. If you didn't hear, I just happened to stop just past your parent's place and didn't get the next driveway I've been clearing for the last 10 years. It sort of ticked me off when I asked for one small favor from him that would have taken maybe 10 minutes and he said he just couldn't do it. (sorry, inside little issue WorkingWoman would understand).

Thanks again to all!!!!!!!!!:dancing::thewave::jumpingSm
I'm glad she got it and likes it. :clap: :clap:
Guys, I had no way to tell all of you but thanks to your generosity we got Melanie a "Vermont Teddy Bear" dressed in blue like a Colts cheerleader with Melanie's name on the front. It came from here:
http://www.vermontteddybear.com/Def...=TC|14358|vermont bear||S|b|5934826335&bhcp=1

Thanks to a member who prefers to remain unnamed for suggesting this idea. I think it was a good one. :thumb: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I'm glad she got it and likes it. :clap: :clap:
Guys, I had no way to tell all of you but thanks to your generosity we got Melanie a "Vermont Teddy Bear" dressed in blue like a Colts cheerleader with Melanie's name on the front. It came from here:
http://www.vermontteddybear.com/Def...=TC|14358|vermont bear||S|b|5934826335&bhcp=1

Thanks to a member who prefers to remain unnamed for suggesting this idea. I think it was a good one. :thumb: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Well hope the bear keeps her spirits up for what lies ahead. I don't endorse the Colts blue at all!:hammer: Maybe green and gold for the Packers or black and gold for the Steelers!:whistling:
Well hope the bear keeps her spirits up for what lies ahead. I don't endorse the Colts blue at all!:hammer: Maybe green and gold for the Packers or black and gold for the Steelers!:whistling:

To hell with that.

I can suck it up about the Colts thing 'coz Payton went to U. of Tennessee but I'd really prefer something with a big Cowboys star on it. :yum:

Doc, you did good.:clap::clap::clap:

Dargo, hang in there buddy. Tell Mel that we're all still pulling for her.