Thanks to everyone. Needless to say, this has been life changing for our family. Since she is hard headed (wonder where in the hell she gets that?), she insists on catching up with her class and is making sure she maintains a 4.0 GPA in college and is already starting to read books about taking the MCAT for med school. I sure hope they were serious at Harvard when they said that she was the type of student they would look for if she keeps her grades through undergrad school. I honestly think that she feels that if 5 generations of my family has had to suffer through this, she is going to be the physician who finds a cure.
LOL, it just dawned on me. While she is in med school, I'll have 3 other kids in college at that time. I don't know how accurate it is, but when I asked what it costs to go to Harvard med school, then specialize in a particular area, I was told "Oh, about a hundred grand a year". With the other 3 in college at that same time, I hope some can get some scholarships. Having a 4.0 GPA, valedictorian of your class along being involved in every sport possible along with leading community activities only gets you about $1000 a year in scholarships.

When I was in school, the valedictorian had a free ride at their choice of state schools. Changes in our grading system is what ended that I suppose. Some years, actually many years, my HS didn't have anyone with a 4.0 GPA. Now most high schools have a dozen or two. I wonder if undergrad colleges have gone that way as well?
Anyway, a very sincere, heartfelt, thank you to everyone. We are trying to make the best of a bad situation. If it puts my business in shambles, I'm still going to take off the entire time my kids are off from school this holiday season. I didn't see any of them, except Mel in the hospital, the entire last holiday season. Heck, I may bankrupt myself spoiling them this year.