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Muskeg Identification


New member

It's right at 8' in total width. 11'6" in length, add 2' for the winch, add approximately another 3'6" for the cutter. My absolute wild guess is between 10k-12k in weight, topped off and ready to work. It has a long date with a hot water pressure washer. If you guys see anything you can tell me about or have questions I'll answer as best I can.



Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I am not a heavy iron guy, like my light weight snow iron....
But that thing is cool! If you are anywhere below 4500 us $ you are in a good spot money wise. Tracks idlers grousers will yield your money.
It likely runs and just got replaced with a 100hp skidsteer and the old guy liked it and it stayed around.

Update with your adventures as you get it back on its feet!


New member
I got it for $3K. The gentleman that bought it owned a bridge building of company for a long time. His son is slowly selling the iron and equipment. Everything appears solid, we'll see as I get it cleaned up and moving.


J5 Bombardier

Well-known member
Definitely the flat style grousers , don't see that to much up here . Very nice machine , good that you saved it .
J5 Bombardier


New member
Thanks guys. I'm a complete newbie with these things so I may not fully understand all the jargon or nomenclature....but I try. I plan on using the excavator to see if it moves freely and get it in a better position to get a big rollback to it. Not having to move it far, shouldn't cost much. I'm going to remove the cutter and related stuff to get the machine going before getting the cutter renovated and going again. Got plans for all kinds of weird stuff.

Concerning the grousers. I have plenty of high elevation private developments where I get work on occasion. Because the grousers are u-shaped (with a flat bottom) they would leave marks on the asphalt and that is a big no-no for these people. Has anyone ever seen either inserts that would keep the metal off the asphalt or some other option? The only plan they have in bad weather is hope a guy can plow UP a 13-15% grade.....HA. I have plenty of guys who know hydraulics and a close friend does custom metal work, that's helpful. Be sure that I will have plenty of questions.

When I get the small hood removed, what other than the fuel tank will that give me access to?



Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
The differential is under the hood. Change oil, check gasket for leaks, check brake band lining.

The onlt way I can think of to make the tracks less marring is to bolt rubber pieces on but I don't think they would last long.