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What's for Dinner Tonight?

Ribeye Steak,Grilled Romaine Lettuce and carrots dipped in tzadziki sauce

Bams, I think great minds think alike! We had romaine lettuce salad, not grilled. But I did grill some of the rib eye bones that were trimmed with plenty of the meat left on them. Also cubed up some zuchinni and grilled that after tossing it in olive oil and garlic salt.
I had something that was over bowtie pasta, and some bottled water.

I know the something of which you speak. Pretty sure it's Alpo.

Meanwhile, had another steak dinner with LOTS-o-veggies last night. Once again, veggies courtesy of the unemployed vegetable peddler. Thanks again RD2! :clap: :thumb: Once you've had his 'new potatoes', you'll never go back to 'old potatoes'. :yum:

A wee bit about 'taters'...

Wiki said:
Potato plants are herbaceous perennials that grow about 60 cm high, depending on variety, the culms dying back after flowering. They bear white, pink, red, blue or purple flowers with yellow stamens resembling those of other Solanaceous species such as tomato and aubergine. The tubers of varieties with white flowers generally have white skins, while those of varieties with colored flowers tend to have pinkish skins. Potatoes are cross-pollinated mostly by insects, including bumblebees that carry pollen from other potato plants, but a substantial amount of self-fertilizing occurs as well. Tubers form in response to decreasing day length, although this tendency has been minimized in commercial varieties.

Potato plants

After potato plants flower, some varieties will produce small green fruits that resemble green cherry tomatoes, each containing up to 300 true seeds. Potato fruit contains large amounts of the toxic alkaloid solanine, and is therefore unsuitable for consumption.

All new potato varieties are grown from seeds, also called "true seed" or "botanical seed" to distinguish it from seed tubers. By finely chopping the fruit and soaking it in water, the seeds will separate from the flesh by sinking to the bottom after about a day (the remnants of the fruit will float). Any potato variety can also be propagated vegetatively by planting tubers, pieces of tubers, cut to include at least one or two eyes, or also by cuttings, a practice used in greenhouses for the production of healthy seed tubers. Some commercial potato varieties do not produce seeds at all (they bear imperfect flowers) and are propagated only from tuber pieces. Confusingly, these tubers or tuber pieces are called "seed potatoes".

Know your 'taters'...

Hey there Dan Quayle! :wave:
I know the something of which you speak. Pretty sure it's Alpo.

Meanwhile, had another steak dinner with LOTS-o-veggies last night. Once again, veggies courtesy of the unemployed vegetable peddler. Thanks again RD2! :clap: :thumb: Once you've had his 'new potatoes', you'll never go back to 'old potatoes'. :yum:

A wee bit about 'taters'...

Know your 'taters'...

Hey there Dan Quayle! :wave:
Actually, what I'd had that night was a bowtie pasta dish (from the hospital cafeteria) that was covered in something that looked like peas, julienned carrot, red pepper and possibly chicken in a cream sauce.
Mystery food. Wasn't all that bad.

Oh and stop bragging about your little taters.:biggrin:
I can match that fuzzy pic! :yum:

bbq'd chickie breast, mac and cheese and gahhlic bread..
Yes CHICKEN! Loved every bite! lol

Nay, verily, nay! A match it was not! Fresh my veggies were from the gardens of RD2, and that, you can not match with your loathsome grocery store fare. :nono2:

:unsure: Oh, wait. :idea: You meant your picture was fuzzy, too. Ah, nevermind. :hide:
Nay, verily, nay! A match it was not! Fresh my veggies were from the gardens of RD2, and that, you can not match with your loathsome grocery store fare. :nono2:

:unsure: Oh, wait. :idea: You meant your picture was fuzzy, too. Ah, nevermind. :hide:
Fresh Vegetable Braggart!!
Pan Fried Walleye fresh from Lake Pepin. Couple of ears of corn to go with it. I have corn coming out of my ears but the Walleye sure was good.
Pan Fried Walleye fresh from Lake Pepin. Couple of ears of corn to go with it. I have corn coming out of my ears but the Walleye sure was good.
.. and umm what sort of batter did you use for said Walleye? :smile:

Sounds good Steve.

I ran to Pizza Hut and got a personal pan veggie lovers with the salad bar, which was stupid, because I only made one trip!:bonk:
I was one of 3 persons in there too, around 4:30?
It was storming like hell outside as I ate, and eavesdropped on the conversation behind me :yum:
He's got lovely buns..:biggrin:
Awwwww geeeeezzzz. Yer so sweet to say that. Are you talking about my sandwich buns....


...my cinnamon buns...


...or my Hot Cross Buns?


I dunno who Joe/JEV is, but he most be Italian!
I'm not Italian, but I make Italian foods like Chicken Parmesan...


...and Pasta E Fagioli (homemade Challah bread shown)...


...and even Italian Wedding Soup!


There's more to a person than meets the eye. Be nice to me and you will eat well.:biggrin::biggrin:
Awwwww geeeeezzzz. Yer so sweet to say that. Are you talking about my sandwich buns.......my cinnamon buns...


I don't know who's buns she is talking about, can't be mine but dang your cinnamon buns look great. :thumb: Bad thing to look at so early in the morning as I am sure they won't fit the diet my wife has me on. :hammer: