• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What Do YOU Think Other Members Look Like?

It is nice to have a face to put with a name. It's also fun to see pix of people you've been chatting with for awhile and see if your mental image is even close to the real person. Most times, mine is wayyy off!
I thought Sushi looked like a suave, debonair sort of guy, until his pic was posted. He looks like a reg'lar mook, like me! :tongue:

Yup, sure is.
Hey Sushi is a cutie patootie pie lol

I've been on other forums where people NEVER post a photo.
It drives me nuts!!:bonk:
Errr, ok. :thumb: :poke:

:tongue: wanna go divin' Bobcat??
Hmmmmmmmmmm??? :smile: haha
Might as well join in , this is me and the little dude at a wiggles concert , must be getting old when the only live band I've seen in the last year is the wiggles , twice ....

Thanks PG! I don't like my nose either....
Sport, your little man looks like his Daddy!
Hey this is fun....
:rolf2: God are we women ever happy with our looks?
The answer: No :smile: haha..
By the way, feel free to take the scissors to my hair ma dear, I need a trim and possibly a dye job.
I've got 4 white hairs that keep appearing right on the front of my bangs.
They get ripped out regularly, but keep coming back.
:angry: :wink:
I'd have to have some really long sissors, or a lot of money.
Trackternut keeps asking for a haircut and I have to keep reminding him he has NO hair:rolf2:
I'd have to have some really long sissors, or a lot of money.
Trackternut keeps asking for a haircut and I have to keep reminding him he has NO hair:rolf2:
Do you have a buffer?
Shine that dome sister! LOL
Mr. Clean (he's going to kill me when he sees this) lol!!!


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Hay AW, I got an idea. PG and TRAKTERNUT both want their hair done. We have never been to Ohio or North Dakota. Maybe you can get a couple more hair-dos on the way, charge them enough for the GAS, & there is our vacation!!:thumb::punk:

Ok, I don't know how I got talked into this, I hope I don't break any monitors with this ugly mug. But the sugar-lump on my lap mabe will make up for it. It's about the best picture I got. This was taken the day I got my new Kubota, & I think my baby was proud as I was.


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Good ones all. Rep points for all who posted pics today, very good pics to I must say!!! :thumb: If I missed any of you just PM me.
I will bring mine back up. I do need a few rep points, no comments please though


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RedRocker you got your hair cut! I've never seen snow but I know it's cold. I can't beleive you are standing in it with just a longsleeve shirt. I would have a snow jacket, gloves, and a ski mask on.:rolf2:
Hi there Red! Cool sled thingy you got there.
What is it? lol
Looks like a mix between a bobsled and a snow mobile.

Murph, you do NOT look like Kelsey Grammer.
You're a lot more handsome with a lot more hair. :D
Hi there Red! Cool sled thingy you got there.
What is it? lol
Looks like a mix between a bobsled and a snow mobile.

Murph, you do NOT look like Kelsey Grammer.
You're a lot more handsome with a lot more hair. :D

Thank you, the Kelsey pic was a photo shop that I think DaveNay did.

Good ones RR & Kelsey ...er I mean Murph!!!! :yum: Rep points given.

PG you confuselled me. :yum:
Hay AW, I got an idea. PG and TRAKTERNUT both want their hair done. We have never been to Ohio or North Dakota. Maybe you can get a couple more hair-dos on the way, charge them enough for the GAS, & there is our vacation!!:thumb::punk:

Except it would be work and not a vacation for me.....Yur just try'in to get out of paying for a real vacation!