• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What Do YOU Think Other Members Look Like?

I frequent the MLR, and I am a lady- as well as being a WOOooooooooooooooooooooooman....:whistle: :D

Why does it be that the Ladies here,(I did say Ladies) get to go into the MLR but the men(pervs)don't get in the LLR? :yum: Not that there would be any reason that I would want to go in the LLR but asking for the other guys here :4_11_9: :rolleyes:
Murph, maybe they need a guy in there to keep an eye on things. Do you volunteer? :D
Murph, maybe they need a guy in there to keep an eye on things. Do you volunteer? :D

Doc, seriously I was just asking for the other guys :yum: :yum: I have no desire to go in there. I just don't think I could handle the monthly conversations that go on in there. :4_11_9:

Ask Sushi:yum:
Why does it be that the Ladies here,(I did say Ladies) get to go into the MLR but the men(pervs)don't get in the LLR? :yum: Not that there would be any reason that I would want to go in the LLR but asking for the other guys here :4_11_9: :rolleyes:

Heck, I can't get in either room.
Heck, I can't get in either room.

Cowgirl, all you have to do is send me $100.00 for each room or $175.00 for both rooms and I can get you in.

Or you can do like the rest of us and just ask Doc to let you in.

Just check under the stall door before you enter. No one likes being surprised.

By the way, what happened to this thread? Seems like it's been hijacked.
Would you trust this guy in the LLR?


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:yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: you guys are funny.

Send me $50, your ATM pin number, and the keys to your car and I'll set you up. :thumb:

Ok i sent you a IOU on the $50. Hmmm pin number well that wont get you anywhere. As for my car well after you pay the mechanic then you can have the keys.

And for the record I would not want to go into the MLR. I grew up with 2 older brothers, I have a good idea what goes on in there.:yum: :yum:
Why does it be that the Ladies here,(I did say Ladies) get to go into the MLR but the men(pervs)don't get in the LLR? :yum: Not that there would be any reason that I would want to go in the LLR but asking for the other guys here :4_11_9: :rolleyes:
Because I understand men better than most women ;)
I like them better too.:D :D
You can now .......... :tiphat:

BTW ........ There is a MLR room that is men only just like the LLR is ladies only. The "Adult, Photos and Jokes" is for both!

As far as I know I think there IS one woman in the MLR...Honestly.. if they can handle it, I don't care if they are there... kinda like women reporters in the sports teams locker rooms
As far as I know I think there IS one woman in the MLR...Honestly.. if they can handle it, I don't care if they are there... kinda like women reporters in the sports teams locker rooms

Does that mean I can slap bums as I walk by, or flick ya with a towel?:festive: :D :halo:
who you calling a BUM!?!and I don't care who gets flicked with a towel, as long as it's not me...

I really think she meant BUNS not Bums?? If so I don't know why she just didn't come out and say "Slap A$$s on the way. :yum:
Now if I was in a women's locker room I would be more of lite pinching type guy :4_11_9: I am told women don't like to be slapped ?????????
Some of you should update in here.
I don't know what a lot of you look like!

P.S. I hate my nose in this photo..


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You gots a cute nose! :w00t2:
Thanks Monte Cristo.
Certain angles make it look awful.

I actually went back through this thread today and saved anyones pics to my documents so I could memorize faces.
Call me weird, but that's important to me- to know what someone looks like.
I still say Working Woman needs to post a pic.
If not, she'll be like "Wilson" on Home Improvement, or is that The Invisible Woman? :smile:
It is nice to have a face to put with a name. It's also fun to see pix of people you've been chatting with for awhile and see if your mental image is even close to the real person. Most times, mine is wayyy off!
I thought Sushi looked like a suave, debonair sort of guy, until his pic was posted. He looks like a reg'lar mook, like me! :tongue: