• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

What are you doing today, II

3f note.

Yep, happened on mine a couple years ago. Easy fix. Blow the line out.
That is what I do, every 2 to 3 hours.

Not clogged. Just happens, usually once a year or every other year. Very very cold day, especially if humidity is high. No biggie, but can't leave the house unattended in weather like this when it kicks off. Typically I do it once or twice. But given the negative temps, still reasonably high winds and humidity, it has not been cooperative.
Mine had a trap contraption. After multiple blowing out escapades, I bought a new tap contraption on ebay. The instructions indicated a Vent line above the trap. The one installed did not have that. So i put a tee in above the trap thingy with a short hose that extended above the level of the drain pan, and haven't had an issue since.
Maybe similar issue with yours?
Glad I don't have to deal with that vent clogging anymore. This house has a newer boiler with infloor heating in the basement and vents on the main floor. We also have 2 gas fireplaces going as we have 2 main living room/rec rooms on the main floor and one downstairs. Each living room has a fireplace.
Chores, then wood cutting. Going to start raining here tomorrow for a week. Some more snow for the mountains as well.
Kids came up from Florida. His diesel truck never seen cold, especially 10f cold. One tire went flat. Needed new batteries to get it started up here, glow plugs dead, a quick short shot if ether got her going, he was worried something was wrong because of all the white smoke, then one of the disconnects on heater hose started leaking, fixed that. That Florida truck does not like cold.
All is well now.
Recovering from a food baby after Christmas dinner yesterday. Tonight is Christmas dinner 2.0. The in-laws arrived today for a visit and are staying at our place for a few days. My sil family are bringing their leftovers to combine with ours and we hope to disperse of some food from the fridge.
Catching up on sleep. It is Christmas day here at my house, right?

Because of travel problems with the super cold, my son and grandson were a day late getting here for Springfield MO. So, Christmas was delayed one day at my house. I'm doing absolutely nuthin' I don't have to do.

Our 5 year old granddaughter had what will likely be her first memorable Christmas. Took her a good hour to get thru the presents under the tree. She wasn't that good this year, but Santa winked his eye at her grandma and delivered big time.
Its raining cats and dogs out there and is going to continue all week into next week. Its about an hour till daylight when I gotta go out for chores, they are going to get done quickly today.
The outlaws are here till Friday doing the Christmas thing. I drove into the city this morning to pick up our daughter and run an errand. The "guests" are heading out for the afternoon so I may take a nap. The winds have calmed and the temperatures are rising. We're getting another smaller dump of snow this afternoon so depending on when it stops I will head out and plow snow.
Up and to the doctor's office for a routine blood test.

Stopped at the grocery on the way home.

Puttering about the house today doing misc whatever needs to be done.

Back on my diet after holiday debauchery.

Going to the fencing club late this afternoon for a long session of private lessons. Lots of pent up demand for those and there are kids home from college that want lessons. So it will be an "open early + stay late" sort of evening.
Chores then went to the horse training, when I got there it looked like a lake on most of the property so we decided to re schedule. Did lunch then to the feed store for hay.
At work things went well. Had a nice check in the mail. Good thing as the bank was running low.

Grandma and the kids are going to the St Louis Zoo light show on Thursday. They will have more fun without stogy old Grandpa.
He will stay home and work on Madison's new bedroom.

The basement library is where my "Man Cave" used to be. I actually preferred it there so putting me back in there will be a project I enjoy.

Gradually, I will work my way across the room to the place my bar is supposed to be built. And, hopefully, begin on that project. Perfect winter project.
Water and drain hookups are there so this will be a wet bar.
Fighting falling asleep after an unproductive day at work. Super late delivery truck. I'm going to work have to work Saturday, but it can't really be avoided at this point. But I'll make it worth my while for Monday.
Took the Tree down today. Normally we get a Frazer Fir so fresh it lasts for weeks. After New Year's, I put it in the yard with treats for the birds.

This time it was so brittle, After just 5 days, I feared a flash fire from just about any source.

So, it went out the door. Mostly.

Damn thing was so brittle half of it fell just going to the door.

We buy from the same vendor every year. Mike is a longtime friend who just retired. He always bought the best and freshest produce and trees. I suspect, now that his son has taken over, things will be different.

We do artificial trees. I could never understand killing thousands of trees every year just to have them die and drop needles everywhere. I do understand the romance of having a "real" tree though at Christmas.

So far I have nothing planned for today. The boss is still sleeping though and I have yet to receive my marching orders. I do have to head to the city this morning. It's only a 12 minute drive to the outskirts but I'm at a point where I could care less about going there and just would prefer to stay home.
We do artificial trees too. But in the Catholic tradition, the Christmas celebration actually starts on Christmas day, the 8 days of Christmas in the Church teaching start with the celebration on Christmas day. The decorations should stay up, the celebration should continue, in the Church tradition, thru New Year's day. So the decorations stay up thru New Years in our home. Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on Jan 7, not on Dec 25. We sometimes keep our decoration up through Orthodox Christmas.

Late afternoon we are going to have Kobe for the afternoon/night tonight. There is a large farm about 25 miles away that has a 1 mile holiday light show/walk. We are going to pick Kobe up from daycare, take him to the farm to see the lights, have dinner, bring him home with us, and then tomorrow he will go back to daycare in the morning. His grandmother will pick him up from daycare and keep him for the New Year's weekend.

Temps here have climbed 60 degrees from last week. Last week showed me how much weather stripping I need to replace in which of my windows! So I'll be installing a bunch of new weather stripping in a bunch of my windows. I picked up several rolls of several different styles so I'll be keeping myself busy today.
We do artificial trees too. But in the Catholic tradition, the Christmas celebration actually starts on Christmas day, the 8 days of Christmas in the Church teaching start with the celebration on Christmas day. The decorations should stay up, the celebration should continue, in the Church tradition, thru New Year's day. So the decorations stay up thru New Years in our home. Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on Jan 7, not on Dec 25. We sometimes keep our decoration up through Orthodox Christmas.

Late afternoon we are going to have Kobe for the afternoon/night tonight. There is a large farm about 25 miles away that has a 1 mile holiday light show/walk. We are going to pick Kobe up from daycare, take him to the farm to see the lights, have dinner, bring him home with us, and then tomorrow he will go back to daycare in the morning. His grandmother will pick him up from daycare and keep him for the New Year's weekend.

Temps here have climbed 60 degrees from last week. Last week showed me how much weather stripping I need to replace in which of my windows! So I'll be installing a bunch of new weather stripping in a bunch of my windows. I picked up several rolls of several different styles so I'll be keeping myself busy today.
We do traditional Catholic as well. But after a few years of artificial tree, we went full natural.

From maple syrup to eggnog, I don't like artificial anything.

I was out playing in the snow with a couple of guys. We actually had a purpose as we were scouting out a 100km stretch of snowmobile trail that hasn't been opened in 2 years. We encountered a big washout though that will most likely keep this section of trail closed again this season.



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still raining for the second week with the forecast predicting rain for at least the next ten days. We need the rain/snow pack but it makes chores suck.
Cleaned the Hippie Ridge One-ton Dodge out today. Amazing what had been accumulated.

Ants had taken up residence in the mess that occupied the 8 ft bed.

They are now gone.
Cleaned the Hippie Ridge One-ton Dodge out today. Amazing what had been accumulated.

Ants had taken up residence in the mess that occupied the 8 ft bed.

They are now gone.
You talk about Hippie Ridge a lot. Where is it?