Jim you are right they could move it the judge would just move it to the next month that would be during iditarod and i make too much money on tours during that time of the year.Jim Kirk and Don sorry to hear you can't make it ! If something changes we all would love to meet up
I will still be there
Thanks Jim!Your welcome in my snow trac. They are small so it will be the two of us. how is your navigational skill ? don't worry I don't get lost to often. Are you for one of the days or overnight?
I only booked a room for one .my wife made sure of that.
For those planning to stay in town it is best to reserve something now.
You'll have room at the trailhead if you have a camper.
It has been said a few times in this thread so I will address it now. There has been a few posts about leaving wives at home, they are invited as far as I know. I'm sure all you guys are a lot of fun but no need to neglect our better halves for this. The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned and a women's touch on an event like this is welcomed in my opinion.
It has been said a few times in this thread so I will address it now. There has been a few posts about leaving wives at home, they are invited as far as I know. I'm sure all you guys are a lot of fun but no need to neglect our better halves for this. The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned and a women's touch on an event like this is welcomed in my opinion.
every one that attends will get one of the 2.5" decals made for 2013 jamboree.
the bombi is mine but can someone tell me who owns the other two?
wives, children ,pets are all welcome .marco got a room for him and his wife and one other couple.
Both my wife and I will be there for the weekend (Friday night through noon Sunday) but I'll be solo for the mid-week training session.
great web site. Looks like fun times to be had. I will have to start chatting up the wife about attending.
Sorry everyone I get my cat up and running this last weekend, but I am going to not be able to make it up to levenworth. Hopefully closing on my dads house round then, and taking care of other matter that aren't going to allow me to join everyone..
I will get lots of pictures of the runs that I make here at home.
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I am new here, but my friend here in Princeton B.C. has a Tucker, and we are thinking that next year we will come down.