Bronze Member
this is true on the extra seats. Two safety people are showing from the local hosipital and fire dept that have no machines. I may bring my new snowmobile as backup or whatever that has no operator. I just planned on keeping it at camp.Hey Doc,
Any chance you could make it out? I bet there will be some empty seats for you to ride in....I know I will probably have some room in my machine. Consider yourself invited, if that is OK with Marco anyway...
Lots of us snow catters here who are thankfull for this forum. It's time you got a ride in the mountains, for what you do. Plane tickets are not that much...
Reards, Kirk
My bombi may be even towing a large toboggon for gear. Bring your cushon.
One thing is a method of communication between rigs would be nice.
I have cb,gmrs and ham radio in mine.
to town for loging we can carpool .I have been to the site and it is a short drive . The trailhead is secure and on private land so rigs will be safe.