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Thoughts on healthcare bill


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
So on one hand, you'll have higher taxes to pay for healthcare. On the other hand, you won't be paying the private healthcare insurance premiums. Will it balance out? I don't know. That's all things you have to consider.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Because I believe business's will be hit with a lot of the costs for this program. With the economy the way it is they will have no choice but to lay people off. JMO that is all. Discussed also at many morning coffee tables with other businesses.

I am still not getting it as to why you would think businesses insurance will cost more hence laying people off. I have seen no reason for that in either the house or senate bills. Under a set number of employees, business would be either partially subsidized or exempt completely. I guess we will see though what actually happens if and when and actual bill gets signed into law.


Gone But Not Forgotten
So on one hand, you'll have higher taxes to pay for healthcare. On the other hand, you won't be paying the private healthcare insurance premiums. Will it balance out? I don't know. That's all things you have to consider.

I think a lot of business that don't pay for health insurance at all right now will be the ones affected the most. I do pay for my employee, he or she is responsible for the rest of the family.


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
Really? Guess I don’t have the same mastery over the English language as you do.

I’m not seeing where you said to set money aside to pay insurance premiums? You said “financial emergency”……emergency, as in something that just popped up out of the blue and is not a recurring thing happening every month such as an Insurance Premium? :ermm:

See post #47. Financial emergency as in, "out of a job" and no income coming in.

Stop drawing incorrect and wild inferences from my comments. It's not an effective "debate tactic."


New member
Golly under a certian number of employee's partially subsidized or exempt completely... So who is paying thier way?? If everything is subsidized where does the money come from?? WHO is subsidized ? I want to meet this guy cause he has everything and just gives it away. OH wait that is uncle sam ... no not him he has no job ... he is an employer ... that pays with others money so he can't be subsidized. so WHO IS subsidized?