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I know these pics aren't to exciting, but I got around to making a gasket for the OC-15 cover, they are not being made anymore. I am also getting things ready to move the 601 up to my place in the UP and to start making a video. The video however will take most of the winter to make.


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I don't know why, but I could only load three pics in the last post. So hears the last pic.


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See, I'll be a nice guy here and tell you now that you don't have to stop heading north once you hit the UP. Cross that bridge in the Sault and keeping heading northwest for 7 hrs. I'd be more than happy to let you store it in my yard for the winter. Don't worry about making the video either. We just bought a new digital camcorder and I'd be more then happy to take the task of making a video of your snowcat in action off your hands and put it through its paces for you.
Paradice is just above that big old bridge, literally. We just got hit with some good lake effect snow here. Big beautifal flakes. I'm three hours Northwest of the bridge and I need all the help I can get. :whistling:
I know these pics aren't to exciting, but I got around to making a gasket for the OC-15 cover, they are not being made anymore. I am also getting things ready to move the 601 up to my place in the UP and to start making a video. The video however will take most of the winter to make.
some one is showing their age looks like weatherby knows how to tap outa gasket with a ball peen hammer i have a kid working for me just graduated from the diesel school in denver had to teach him how to do it that way apearently now days they trace mesure and use exacto knifes and punchs i thaught he was going to cut him self so i showed him my way and it was done in about 1/10 of the time he thaught it was cool had to teach a bunch of young mechanics that in iraq to theydidnt know how do it too.
See, I'll be a nice guy here and tell you now that you don't have to stop heading north once you hit the UP. Cross that bridge in the Sault and keeping heading northwest for 7 hrs. I'd be more than happy to let you store it in my yard for the winter. Don't worry about making the video either. We just bought a new digital camcorder and I'd be more then happy to take the task of making a video of your snowcat in action off your hands and put it through its paces for you.

GroomerGuy.....I would seriously consider that, But nowadays, I'm afraid ounce I try to come back across the boarder into the USA I would be asked to show paper work proving that I own the snocat, (which I have none) Then they would tell me I can cross BUT the snocat has to STAY. Then when they have there next "seized & confiscated surplus auction" your going to be first in line to bid on my cat for pennies on the dollar.:whistling:.......Yah you ALMOST had me:glare:
some one is showing their age looks like weatherby knows how to tap outa gasket with a ball peen hammer i have a kid working for me just graduated from the diesel school in denver had to teach him how to do it that way apearently now days they trace mesure and use exacto knifes and punchs i thaught he was going to cut him self so i showed him my way and it was done in about 1/10 of the time he thaught it was cool had to teach a bunch of young mechanics that in iraq to theydidnt know how do it too.

OK DDS.......You didn't have to bring up the age thing.....You could of said, He used the "Old school" technique for making a gasket:wink:

Just pulling your chain DDS :yankchain:
Just thought I would show how I'm going trailer my cat to upper Mich. Mon. mourning where it will stay. I'm wondering if the DOT will have any issues with this configuration.


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that's about exactly how we've been hauling our 4T10 with ramps almost exactly like that - and have never been stopped for it. I think you should be good to go! Are your ramps as heavy as ours? They are SOOO heavy and hard to move around!
that's about exactly how we've been hauling our 4T10 with ramps almost exactly like that - and have never been stopped for it. I think you should be good to go! Are your ramps as heavy as ours? They are SOOO heavy and hard to move around!

YES....It takes every bit of two men to move them around. I remember seeing somebody on this forum using this style, and I thought it was you, but I searched all your threads and could not find the pic. so I thought maybe I dreamed it. Well its good to know you haven't had any issues with this style:thumb:
Erring on the side of caution:

Is there any way that shiny blue thing can scoot sideways? I realize you have the tie-downs triangulated, but I tend to think of worst case scenarios, and if one binder leg should settle in a bit, it does not appear the load would have to shift too far to be a problem.
Or do you have lips on the edges of the ramps?

Make sure it gets where you are going, as action shots would be, well, nice.
YES....It takes every bit of two men to move them around. I remember seeing somebody on this forum using this style, and I thought it was you, but I searched all your threads and could not find the pic. so I thought maybe I dreamed it. Well its good to know you haven't had any issues with this style:thumb:

You probably saw the pics on our website - don't think I've posted any on the forum :)

And, we've never had it 'scoot' anywhere - we put chains with binders on the front and rear on 4 corners and it stays put very well.
I think you'll be a magnet to get pulled over but not because of the trailer. Your machine is so beautiful the police will want to ask you all about it and admire your work!

Seriously though,

I have a car hauler trailer that I have some bolted-together railroad tie cribbing to get the tracks of my Tucker(s) above the trailer's fenders. It works surprisingly well and I have close to 2,000 miles of Sno Cat trailering without incident (police or otherwise).
Erring on the side of caution:

Is there any way that shiny blue thing can scoot sideways? I realize you have the tie-downs triangulated, but I tend to think of worst case scenarios, and if one binder leg should settle in a bit, it does not appear the load would have to shift too far to be a problem.
Or do you have lips on the edges of the ramps?

Make sure it gets where you are going, as action shots would be, well, nice.

Well that's also one of my concerns, no there is no lip on the side of the ramps, and I agree, there is not much room for era maybe only three inches to the side and total destruction. She is bound down tight and I see no way it can move plus I took it for a 10 mile test run and re-checked everything and everything was still good. However I'm still pretty nervous. Bkvail made me feel a little better knowing they had no problems with this style. But your point is well taken.
I think you'll be a magnet to get pulled over but not because of the trailer. Your machine is so beautiful the police will want to ask you all about it and admire your work!

Seriously though,

I have a car hauler trailer that I have some bolted-together railroad tie cribbing to get the tracks of my Tucker(s) above the trailer's fenders. It works surprisingly well and I have close to 2,000 miles of Sno Cat trailering without incident (police or otherwise).

I appreciate your feed back B F T. Because I'm about to go out there and put four more tie downs on it because 125a makes a good point but Bkvail and your self have had no issues with this style (police or otherwise) I'll try to com down a little bit.
You mentioned you will only transport it up rarely as it will reside in the UP so if you're not going to haul it much then it may be ok... but seriously... you have so much time/sweat let alone cash invested in the rig... you should just buy a deckover for a few grand and keep it up there in the UP so as to not take up local space.
With the finest 601 on the planet, I wouldn't be mucking about with stilts. I know, it'll probably be fine... but... for what you've got into her, I'm surprised you're toying with fire...yes, all calculated, all engineered, etc...
You mentioned you will only transport it up rarely as it will reside in the UP so if you're not going to haul it much then it may be ok... but seriously... you have so much time/sweat let alone cash invested in the rig... you should just buy a deckover for a few grand and keep it up there in the UP so as to not take up local space.
With the finest 601 on the planet, I wouldn't be mucking about with stilts. I know, it'll probably be fine... but... for what you've got into her, I'm surprised you're toying with fire...yes, all calculated, all engineered, etc...

I agree .... One of the most beautiful rigs I have ever saw . Be careful !
Just thought I would show how I'm going trailer my cat to upper Mich. Mon. mourning where it will stay. I'm wondering if the DOT will have any issues with this configuration.

Hey weatherby, If you send me your route and final destination,:wink: I think I can take of of any encounters along the way.:glare:
Hey weatherby, If you send me your route and final destination,:wink: I think I can take of of any encounters along the way.:glare:

OK Boggie.....I could use your help. What I will need you to do is maybe create some kind of a distraction at the Mackinaw Bridge because there are always state police & motor carrier officers setting there watching for DOT infractions and any other odd looking vehicles pulling up to the toll booths. So what I was thinking....is maybe when you see me coming (across the bridge) you could get out of your truck and start video taping the bridge and that ALWAYS gets them excited now-a-days, and then when they all approach you or should I say (come running after you and tackle you) I can just roll rite through:clap:
Thanks DDS for your complements. Mainer...BigAl...I agree with you guys, I have been looking for a deck-over, I even sold my dump trailer to make room but I can't find one I like for a decent price. Then I got to thinking.........I think it was ether BobCat or SnowCatOpps. posted pics a wile back of a deck-over made by Utility Equipment, I saved all the pics of that trailer and I'm thinking of trying to get the measurements of that trailer and build one.


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Glad to hear you've been in the search for the deckover...really makes life simple and worry-free ... it took me a long time to find what I wanted. Going through every possible permutation and brand and config was actually kind of fun to figure out what I wanted... you can get into the whole debate with folks on 'to goose' or 'not to goose' and 'tilt' or 'not to tilt' but at the end of the day you have to get what works for you and whatever range of rigs you plan to pull with. I went with a twin-axle, tilt, bumper-pull with a dually pulling. For me, great because I want the bed free for gear, beer, an emergency stack of pallets ;), etc.
Not sure what your timing is but if you have some time to wait, I can go through and measure the heck out of mine and you can customize from those. One important little add which I've not found on any tilt is a winch up front to just pull a rig up onto the trailer (I put a 12K on mine). The closest is the one you have here with the hold down... and I have to say I like where the spare is kept on the one in this photo. Seems everyone of them leaves a little something to be desired. My next add is to use the damping cylinder (the one that keeps the bed from slamming down when you get past the tipping point), as an actuator for the bed so I can tilt the bed with a remote and then remote winch any of the pups onto the trailer. I'll add an equipment box to it then to also hold the hydraulic pump/reservoir. I'd also like to add four hold-downs such that they are perfectly matched to points on the 6-series so I can just pull them up, latch them down rather than deal with chains, etc... four latches onto the frame. Also want to add three cameras: Front to view chains/tie-downs, rear tie downs and inside viewing forward of to rig so I can wave to myself.
I'll send you some pics then you can let me know if you want me to take measurements.
you have a nice trailer i would be happy with a beaver tail just back into a ditch and un load the winch is a good idea the added control and safety is worth it weather ramps beaver tail or tilt deck.
I agree MTcrawler.....and that day shall come.

My 601 made it to its new home "incident free"....I was amazed how well it haled with those ramps, it moved only about a 1/2" in the 300 mi trip. Black Foot Tucker however was the most accurate on what would happen. I DID get PULLED OVER about eight from my destination by the local Sheriff. The first thing he asked me when he walked up to my window was, could he see my license and wile I was giving him my license he started asking me all kinds of questions about the 601 and then he had to tell me all about when he was in the army in Alaska how he got pulled out with a snowcat when he got stuck with some army truck. We talked for about ten minutes before he says, the reason I pulled you over was because my truck mirrors did not stick far enough to see around my trailer, he then hands me back my license, says be careful, and walks back to his car.

These are a few pics of its first time running in snow since about 21 years ago. I got it up to about 30 MPH on that hard packed covered road to see if the tracks would fly off, all was well, so I'll try for 35 next week:biggrin:


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Great pictures of a great machine! Thanks.
I like the idea of ramps on the trailer so you can use the trailer for other purposes also and I'm glad it worked OK for your valuable snowcat. I've got a gooseneck trailer I could modify in a similar fashion.