B_Skurka said:
Either way, it is childish and shows a very simplistic mind at work.
Oh come on Bob!
I was just joining in with "humorus intent" like you were
encouraging everyone to do. You need to lighten up and get some thicker skin ......... where is your sense of humor? But as Dave said
OkeeDon, "there you go again"
Bob, I didn't take it that he was equating you with Hitler; I took it that he was praising Hitler for his actions and was suggesting someone else finish the job. Of course, my interpretaion may have been influenced by my opinion of the author
Actually, I have worked with the IDF in miltary exercised and found them to be a great and very professional group of very nice people. I would find it to be an honor and priveledge to join with them to help protect their nation should the requirement ever arise if I were to be recalled from military retirement.
Anyhow Don, I am honored by your jesture of "humorous intent"?
Kinda reminds me of a mix of Barney Frank and Barbara Boxer type "accusation bomb throwing" humor.
Good and humorous techique!
Back to Bob again.
Chief, I really think you need to think before you type. You will notice in my prior posts to this thread that the suggestion to move Isreal was made by the leader of Iran. You will also notice that I said that I would gladly welcome them here. You gladly seem to twist words to fit your needs; look back and see that I never suggested forced relocation to concentration camps. For you to equate me to Hitler is nothing more than a childish attempt to cause trouble. I will have none of it.
Bob???????? What am I going to do with you and Okiedon????????
Hopefully the post has not been deleted yet but who knows? Seems to me from what I have read, the only folks in this thread talking about
forced relocation to concentration camps
someone else finish the job
is you and Okiedon.
If I didn't realize you and Don were using "humorous intent"; I would be shocked and offended as this could be misconstrued as racism and anti-sematism. But I do realize that we are all just good friends sharing "humorous intenet" with each other.
California, LOVED the link on foil hats!
I think my preference would be for the Centurion model with the classic as my back up.
How about you?
Bob, INDEED you are VERY correct and thank you for the sage advice!
Chief, I really think you need to think before you type
Since the edit feature has been has been blocked on my membership account, I guess I gotta watch my spelling and P's & Q's. My compliments on surpassing TBN standards on censorship and "moderation" !
WELL! This has be an very "humorous intended" discussion! What do we move onto next? I have been made to feel sooooooo welcome here that I feel just like one of that family!
Cheers, Merry Christmas to all, and best wishes for the holidays!