• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

The FF New Years Party.

This is way more fun than going out with all the drunks - that party at the bars and drive home... LOL!!! If i all of sudden pass out... no harm done. :yum: you will know I'm
safe and at home- (1 beer left) that 1 beer should do me in for the night.. (total of 12- I used to do an 18 pack... but that would take me till daylight. :w00t2:
Happy New Year to you all. Just flying through and hopefully will see you all on the flip side. Have a great one all.

30 minutes till 2010 here.. in Wisconsin.
As I sit here drunk.. i recall the year 2000 newsyear.
There was all that doomsdayer shit about year 2K was the end of computers and the world would end. Well me an the kids babysitter went out that night to a popular bar here..
and at the stoke of midnight.. the owner of the bar flipped off the main breaker panel of power. It was dramatic. the count down.. and then all the lights went out - tv's and all.
For a split second I thought something of it. But after all the mayhem - he switched it back on.. and btoke out the champain bottels for all. Oh that spackling wine was awesme.

15 MINUTES TILL 2010 here!~~~~

Happy New Year to all in the midwest!
and since the fireworks have stopped so the dogs are no longer freaking out, I'mm off to bed.
Sorry Al - I got up at 5:30 this morning, I'm not staying up until 2 with you.

Happy New Year to the rest of the forum folks.
Sung to a famous song:
"this old man - he drank 12 - he played chit chat on the forums - forums forums - With a big ol sluggy sluggy slugs - this old man goes rolling home."

night all! Thanks for the party!:yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:
folks, i give you: New Years Eve at the Rusty household. its the best i have so far, but keep in mind, i still have 2.5 hrs to go till my new years

keep in mind, Rusty has had a beer or 4 and more.

Check out those stretch marks! :eek: When are you due? :shifty:

(I still gave you rep points for having the kahunas to do that)
Check out those stretch marks! :eek: When are you due? :shifty:

(I still gave you rep points for having the kahunas to do that)

I didn't even realize there were pics of Rusty and Galv (and family) until just now!
Good stuff you goons!:smile:


Hey Paul!
Thanks for the call.. I was nude and stepping outta the shower when I heard your voice bellowing New Year greetings throughout the house on my answering machine.. LOL

Pirate head???????????
wonder when he'll show up? that was so much fun. like bein at the bar with all your friends, but without the crowd andd random drunks bumpin into ya. I PROPOSE A MONTHLY FF PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well he has been logged in since last night SOOooo I would venture he has not seen the keyboard yet. A monthly party might be fun. Last night was the first new years I have laughed at in quite a number of years.