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The FF New Years Party.

Rusty dude!~
You might not be as famous as the Hulk.. but I say Much KOOLER. :yum:


that sir is excellent. i cant give you reps now, but it is great!
OK I got my quart Mason jar of Rum and Dr.Pepper poured .:sad:

I just got done f*ckin up my sons new gas dryer at his house and I am feeling pretty low . I switched it over to LPG for him and bumped the igniter as I was reinstalling it . Can't get another to Monday .$57 bucks to have it sent out special freight . Happy f*ckin New Year !!!
Just ruined my whole day !!!
Oh Al, for crying out loud!
Cheer up, and Happy New Year!:flowers:
Ackk.. I suppose the full moon came into play tonight at work.
My rezzies (all 26 in the nursing home side-west) were off their rockers!
I was helping one of the aides hold a little lady while they got her ready for bed.
She was sitting on the toilet at the time. I was holding her shoulders and attempting to make her sit still.
Teeth. Pain.. right on my arm lol
Gotta love 'em. She didn't care too much for the shot of Haldol, however.. lol

2009-12-31 23-13-41.700.jpg
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!:yum:
Oh Al, for crying out loud!
Cheer up, and Happy New Year!:flowers:

Ok I am still mad at myself , but I can't remember why . Its amazing what 4 - 1 quart glasses of Rum and Dr.peppers can do .

Happy New Year PG Girl .
Heres hopin you have a great New Year with no bumps in the road of life !!!
Crap I can't feel my tongue !!!!!! :unsure:
On my 10th beer lol hope i can make the last two last..
or else.. I'm history to seeing the new year. :yum:
Ackk.. I suppose the full moon came into play tonight at work.
My rezzies (all 26 in the nursing home side-west) were off their rockers!
I was helping one of the aides hold a little lady while they got her ready for bed.
She was sitting on the toilet at the time. I was holding her shoulders and attempting to make her sit still.
Teeth. Pain.. right on my arm lol
Gotta love 'em. She didn't care too much for the shot of Haldol, however.. lol

View attachment 40570
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!:yum:
ha ha i bet not
Ok I am still mad at myself , but I can't remember why . Its amazing what 4 - 1 quart glasses of Rum and Dr.peppers can do .

Happy New Year PG Girl .
Heres hopin you have a great New Year with no bumps in the road of life !!!
Crap I can't feel my tongue !!!!!! :unsure:
Awwwwwww Al, thanks dear!
Heck I am just getting started with the drinking :yum:
There is sopposed to be a blue moon tonight.
gonna go out and look---------------

LOL!! I fell in the snow... and got up and saw nothing but a full moon.

Yup.. I may have had a beer or two.. :hammer:
Happy new year to you Kitty! Don't mind Rusty. He is running around wearing Big Al's shorts and drinking shots.
Geez Muley ! Don't be over doing it now !LOl:yum::yum:
I hope you don't end up with a ice cream headache !
I always go easy with ice cream. I got these titanium screws in the roof of my mouth where they reattached my jaw and they give you an ice cream headache that is hard to describe!:hammer:
anyway happy new years to you all. time to watch te ball fall with the lovely lady. will see yous all tomorry. heres wishing you all a happy, healthy new year