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Aside from the wiper arm/motor assembly , I pulled the diff out of the Sw48 parts machine. Worst diff I ever removed from a Bombardier ,salty driver's boots was the main culprit . Covered up the windshield with tin and parked the machine in the boneyard , just before the 12 in snow dump we got thurs and more coming tonight...........I'm not ready ........ seems to be the same every year.......J5 Bombardier
Trans is in , more fun trying to find loose parts , still have to sort out the cooler lines . I bought a cable kick down kit for the 727 , going to see if I can get it to work. I'm not impressed how Bombardier locked the throttle pressure linkage (at the factory ) in one spot , we'll see how it goes.
J5 Bombardier
Trans is finished up , need to get this thing moving to see how it shifts , so it's track time . One stripped yesterday , working on the second one today, between other jobs. New bolts , change the crossers and some paint required , belts still have some life in them.
Change of plans for belts , ended up stripping a set of Go-trac / Nodwell tracks for the SW48 still have to cut them. While I was having so much fun I started stripping a set of Muskeg tracks to make a set for my other J5 that broke a track during Maple Syrup season last spring . Figure I'll need my 3/4 and 1/2 impacts rebuilt and two hand transplants when this is over.......
Dusted off my belt jig after probably 10 years , should have painted it before putting it away last time . Ended up drilling this used belting as it's pretty hard after being in the elements , tough going with a belt punch.
Between plowing snow and breaking trails in order to cut firewood for my neighbor , it's been slow for the track business. But , we are down to install nuts ,tighten and repeat......448 times.