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Rusty's thought of the day thread

cherry RC?
although I'm more than half tempted to crack open a Tommyknocker or 2...

:clap: tommyknocker is good stuff!

Twisted (hard?) Iced Tea.
Uber disappointing.. no buzz factor.
Time to dig out the Hornsby's. lol

never was a big fan of the twisted stuff, or hard tea period. not my thang :D

We are celebrating the SAINTS kicking butt on the Giants!:yum::yum:

:glare: bastards. frickin heads were NOT IN THE GAME!!! i shut it off in the 3rd qtr.
tryin to. sent him an email and no reply. but i also didnt want it to die until this was the thread with the most posts in the forum :D not so far off!
Same here, no reply.
I know why he's no longer here, and it's ok.
Just wish he'd at least use his email and let people know how he's doing.:neutral:
I would send you a beer but it would be warm. :whistling: I could tell you the Giants are going to win this week-end if that would help. :neutral:
If your still bored check out my new avatar. I like to watch her ride. :D
I keep thinking she's gonna fall off ....but so far she's hung on pretty good.
Galvi coming back would be better than the way the Giants have not been playing lately. Rusty has been pretty quiet lately as well.
We adopted another dog just a few weeks back.....he is a German Shepard called Dino and has a serious loud bark but as soft as quality toilet roll :yum::yum::yum:

He needs building up as his diet was bad with the last owner but he is getting there....just turned 5 years and he has mad playing spells....nutter like me :yum:

I will dig a picture out later.