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Rusty's thought of the day thread

I'm here. and yes, Lil' Rusty is on his way. Work schedule is hell, and I've been working on my storm spotter certs. Got my chase team already, and need to get some gear, and we will be ready to go this season. FINALLY!
Fresh veggies and a blender worked for our kids. You need to get a goat for milk next. It is good for them and their digestive system. You can puree a lot of food like beef, turkey and ham if it is not too salty. The wife used to eat the leftover after the kids. YUCK! I would give it to the dogs.
Gary great to have you here ...errrr is that Rusty?? :confused: heck if i know but glad to have ya here mate. :beer:
Hey bud, I'm glad you resurfaced. :clap: Hope all is well with you and yours.

Going to be a daddy. Well, at least, we know what you've been doing for past months. :brows:

When's the due date?
seriously, baby stuff is cheap if u've friend/family that has stuff to sell. most is high quality, since babies can fit 'em fer a few months before u hafta buy new ones. carter's is inexpensive, tho has pretty sweet stuff. gerber onesies can be made into various colors w/ tints. they can be tie-dyed. (hides staining via the various ways an infant manages to stain stuff. food, milk, markers, Mommy's lipstick,- & sugars stain items, too.)
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