• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Rusty's thought of the day thread

Oy, mama. $215 bill at the dealer today for parts to get me back on the road. But the good news is, the old bitch runs like a scalded cat now, instead of a tractor :yum:
But you get in less trouble like that. Think up something to do. I been thinking I might have to roust the wife early tomorrow and go visit my buddy that moved last year.
Here's a good thought for the day;

Whilst your aggression holds out hope for the same, the true hearts of real women and men choose the path of silent passiveness- wrapped in love and knowing that truth springs eternal in the righteous minds of those who seek truth, and not ummm... bullshit- Loralei

What's that I hear?
Keats,Shelley and Rossetti rolling in their graves.