• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

Rusty's thought of the day thread

Took the day off for the most part. Went to hospital to get checked in early for surgery and training for my own INR meter so I won't have to drive there every time to test my blood. Stopping my meds has brought back the terrible aching again so I took some pain pills and laid around this afternoon. The wind is trying my patience as I only got one garden frame covered in plastic and gave up for now. Most of the rain missed us again so I will have to start watering for things to sprout right. Long range forecast is for SNOW again this weekend. Got a ton of stuff to move out of the greenhouse and weather is not working out.:hammer::hammer:
Yeah right now it is like a yo yo. Hit 72 around noon then got a 15 min. thunderstorm and dropped it to 60 right now. We moved a bunch of things into the one hoop we got covered and she repotted a whole lot of seedlings for veggies and flowers.
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Theres a good boy.....keep it coming:yum::yum::yum:


  • black_dog_beach_poo.jpg
    36.7 KB · Views: 103
Girrrrrrrl he love his Reese's... Mmm mmm mmm..


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNP7KpDI1_0"]YouTube- I Love Reese's![/ame]
Girrrrrrrl he love his Reese's... Mmm mmm mmm..


When we were kids mom use to make this really thick chocolate frosting for her chocolate cakes. You could pick it right off and it stayed whole. We then would put peanut butter on it before eating. We usually ate the cake first and left the hard frosting for last. If you wasn't careful it would disappear. Never trust your bothers and sisters.

Hurt like hell! Can't sleep and my legs are swelled up with an extra 10 lbs. of fluid. If It is still a problem come wednesday I will end up in the hospital for a day or 2 of IV lasix. Can't get my special socks on yet to try to help get rid of the fluid. Tripled my usual dose of fluid med and it is not helping much. I only dropped 4 pounds since Saturday. :hammer::hammer:
If you ever had a bad attack of CHF you would know how serious it is. When I start getting numb in the toes and legs it is time for more drastic action!
Well, I am ticked off because my sister decided to wait until the last minute and call me this morning to tell me she couldn't take me to my appointment to have this stent removed.
So I had to schedule it AGAIN for the 25th, and I already had 3 days off from work anticipating possible complications or something.
I've been feeling frustrated all day and moping.
Thank goodness they could put me back on the schedule at work.