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Report Your Snow Depth

About a foot this past weekend….love it! Southeastern Wisconsin.


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It’s about 6" ad 21 degrees

We just got back from a cabin fire hoses lines and trucks, and this old man aren’t cut out for fighting fires in this weather
at least there was Swedish meatballs the better half made for dinner waiting to warm me up.
19" a week ago at my cabin above the Waterville ski hill in Washington state. Probably compacted down a bit now due to all the warm weather and rain lately, due to La Nina's bastard brother El Nino. Not a good snow year by comparison so far.
Finally got a chance to bring the cat out to work last week on Signal Peak in the Pinals outside Globe Arizona. Pretty deep drifts in the shady spots but only about 2ft or so and melting quick out in the sun


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2 feet fell during a 3 day storm a couple weeks ago, the first of the season and not much since. Went up last week, snow was compacted down to maybe 16-18" (not light and fluffy powder this early on).
Fired up the Imp and plowed my driveway. Need to try to stay on top of it before winter really gets cranking since Imps are only good for relatively light duty plowing. And really, it's just to carve out a parking/turnaround space for my 4x4 at my cabin; that's if I can even get there in the 4x4 and if some nice soul plows the 1/4 mile of unimproved road to my cabin. If not, I shoe in and fire up the Imp the hard way.


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My second trip up to my cabin this season. Only about 3" of new since a couple weeks ago. Did some more plowing of my driveway and some chainsawing of trees that were bent across the road from the first heavy snowfall. Too much wet snow falling for too long = bent and broken trees. Will end up adding to my firewood pile.
Ypull notice I have a huge solar panel bungee'd to the front, facing south for the scant 3 hours of winter sun poking over the ridge. Keeps the battery charged. I remove the panel when in operation.
Winter doesn't really kick in until late December...an early start this year in North central Washington. Gonna be a good year!

It was snowing in Chicago while I was up at UIC coaching their fencing club, but none of it stuck.

Temperature about 30(F) degrees according to the car's dashboard readout. No snow falling while I drove southeast to get home. But also high winds and a power outage that took out 1/2 the county! Got a text from the lovely Mrs_Bob that we lost power about 6:30pm but the generator kicked on. The local power company said we should have power restored by 9:15am.
Zero snow down here in South Texas!!! Dont really want any. Seems to me that snow is just rain that stacks up and wont run off!!!!