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Report Your Snow Depth

Hey!! What is going on in the Northeast???? Its January 9th and NO snow!!!!! This is the first time anyone can remember (and I mean old people) having no snow for xmas and now January 9 with only rain in sight!!!!!! We did have 22 inches on Haloween, but thats it!!! Some years we have over 100 inches by now. I am in eastern upstate NY. Anyone else with this weird weather????
Last year at this time we were swimming in deep powder, which was also unusual!! Weather is getting real extreme!!!!
Hey!! What is going on in the Northeast???? Its January 9th and NO snow!!!!! This is the first time anyone can remember (and I mean old people) having no snow for xmas and now January 9 with only rain in sight!!!!!! We did have 22 inches on Haloween, but thats it!!! Some years we have over 100 inches by now. I am in eastern upstate NY. Anyone else with this weird weather????
Last year at this time we were swimming in deep powder, which was also unusual!! Weather is getting real extreme!!!!

Nothing here in the Midwest But they come up with a possible reason with all the politictions gathering and giving their vote for me speeches starting with the Iowa straw poles the heat from all the BS is changing the weather patterns. Or the other possible reason is they are all getting a little closer to hell.
Central Utah.... Not much at all. 1" in the valley and prob not much more on the mtn.... Big diff from last year....
Dang, that al gore guy was right all along! We're killing the planet!

Evil conservatives! I have some carbon thingys for sale if you'll want to buy them. I can print off as many as you want.

$100 bucks each. Place your orders now!

Isn't that how he did it?

Amount of snow way down in Wyoming also but last year sure made up for it!
About 10" as of this morning in Elk City Idaho . More on the way !
what's it matter Al krustys just sit in your man cave our snow just blows in here all vehicles in my back yard are under thee snow even my wifes blue broom we will be running the snow trac hard this week withy the arival of thye renda the plan is to have me haul hose across the sea ice up to 1/2 miles of hose than on the 20th i have a client comming in to go into the hills to see musk ox the snow can be deep there 15 plus feet in the valleys
Don't forget that up to 6 inches fell in SOUTH TEXAS yesterday. Winter is a fooler, this year....

Love to have some snow already...:glare: Maybe Febuary?

Less than 1 inch with grass poking through the snow on my lawn. Grass still nice and green in the bare spots and frost only about 6 inches deep, if that, in central Vermont. Crazy winter so far. More rain coming on Thursday. :biggrin:
Hate to say but Valdez has gone over the 300 inch bar and still more on the way. Wish my big loader hadn't popped a hydralic hose.
no snow. disappointed, one of yinz wanna take a snowcat if a a blizzaedy storm slams us, as per usual,. they oft show late.
Had two feet of pure sugar this past week end at our mountain property. Near as I can tell from the weather channel our prop got another 22" the last couple days.

15" this last week and still working on pontoons. Would like to post some Tucker pictures but can't figure how. I have a grand child coming maybe she can help me.
Man! Are you kidding me??? Last year was a record year for snow. And this year? How about <1" or so? Up State NY, between Rochester & Syracuse. My snow machine really won't get much use this year. The battery is probably dead by now... :angry:
i should post some pics of my back yard but we havn't had any snow since before christmas and don't expect any soon with temps dropping to - 30
The NW corner of Minnesota got snow!:smile: Started around 4am and now we have about 6 inches of the white fluffy stuff at our house. Just a little breeze from the north right now, but when the wind picks up it will be full blizzard. Scott called & said the plows are pushing up 2 foot plus drifts on the edge of I29 trying to get a path cleared. Guess I will have to find a shovel for the first time this year!

Current Fairbanks Observation 10:35 AM AKST Saturday January 28-51°F Freezing Fog Pressure: 30.20" steady (1022.7 mb) RelHum: 100% Skies: Partly cloudy Winds: Calm Wind Chill: -51°F
Fairbanks Area (ThreadEx Station)
Monthly Totals/Averages
Snowfall (inches)
Years: 2011-2012

Season Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Season
2011-2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 9.2 12.2 8.5 - - - - - 34.1

This station's record may include data from more than one, possibly incompatible,
locations. It reflects the longest available record for the Fairbanks Area.
Current Fairbanks Observation 10:35 AM AKST Saturday January 28-51°F Freezing Fog Pressure: 30.20" steady (1022.7 mb) RelHum: 100% Skies: Partly cloudy Winds: Calm Wind Chill: -51°F
Fairbanks Area (ThreadEx Station)
Monthly Totals/Averages
Snowfall (inches)
Years: 2011-2012

Season Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Season
2011-2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 9.2 12.2 8.5 - - - - - 34.1

This station's record may include data from more than one, possibly incompatible,
locations. It reflects the longest available record for the Fairbanks Area.

:yum: 91 degrees warmer here and it is only +40F. Which is very warm for this time of year. No offense, but I am really glad you guys have all the cold this year. :biggrin:
- 30 again to day in nome i would gladly swap you all about 30 degrees so the temps would come up enough to go out don't even want to run the snow trac i these temps once it drops below - 25 things start to get brittle and break
- 30 again to day in nome i would gladly swap you all about 30 degrees so the temps would come up enough to go out don't even want to run the snow trac i these temps once it drops below - 25 things start to get brittle and break

Amen to that. Once below -25 things don't like to work very well, including me. :biggrin: Now, I'm just too dang old to stick my nose out in that kind of temps. Was a time I was out on the lake ice fishing and loving every minute of it. Now it just hurts too much.
:yum: 91 degrees warmer here and it is only +40F. Which is very warm for this time of year. No offense, but I am really glad you guys have all the cold this year. :biggrin:
Thanks, Monday it's supposed to warm up. The Imp and freight sleds are almost ready to go up the river. We are outa here for the rest of the winter to the cabin. :clap:
Well its february, the snowy month in the northeast!!! Right now we will hit 50, and rain today will wash away the last 10 inches we got the last few weeks. No nor'easters in sight!! Should be well over 100 inches of snow by now and be near zero temps. Never used so little oil and wood to heat, so there is a silver lining to no snow.
59 yesterday and 54 right now. Only snow left is where it drifted. Windy as heck and had rain this morning. We have mud instead of snow. Folks are seeing bears out moving around it has been that warm. No snow in the forecast till next week.
As of April 1, 153 inches (no fooling).


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Seeing the first signs of winter here in Wyoming. Few light dustings in town. The Snowy Range has a couple inches up at 10,000 feet now. Hope the 2012/2013 season will be a good one.