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Report Your Snow Depth

Recieved 12" in the last 6 hours and its still coming down! Bobcat and BigAl were having another one of there Loud and obnoxiuos Kristi KKK Meetings in my alley. They set fire to my fence. Dont ask how. I think it was when they were trying to syphon gas from my Thiokol. Bob was throwing up and Big Al was pissing all over my fence trying to put out the fire. Anyway as you can tell Im use to these Kristi shinanagins from the likes of Kristi Owners and these two are the worst! The best part though was when they had finally drank enough Eggnog and work them selves into a frenzy. At this point they jumped into one of those Bathtubs on tracks they call a snowcat and started it up. I was actually suprised at this since they have never actually accomplished that feat before! When it squeeked into life the suprise was evident on there faces as they looked at each other and were completely silent. Then all hell broke loose. You would have thought there was a Boy Band playing and all the girls in town were there in my back alley watching it. The giggles and cheers of joy could be heard for miles from those two. I thought Bob was going to passout as BigAl did but he quickly recovered and grabbed ahold of the controls. BigAl finally joined the land of the living but was still dazed and drunk from all the EggNog and the sheer rapture of being in an actually running Kristi. Bob not wanting to pass up on the once in a lifetime opportunatey of a actually running Kristi quickly worked the hydraulic levers and the Krist rose up on the trailer like the avenging angle herself comming for all the Snowtrac owners. I could see this in Bobs eyes. My wife actually looked at me and said. "Have you ever seen one of those things running"? "NO" I exclaimed just a bit to loud. Bob worked the controls like an old pro. The Kristi shacked and shuttered but stayed running. Feeling a bit more confident Bob slipped the lever into reverse while at the same time was slapping BigAls hands away from the controls. Im not sure but I could swear I heard BigAl say he was either Pooing or was the Pubah. Must be some Kristi prayer. But those two seemed a bit at odds at that point. As the Kristi started rolling towards the back of the trailer there excitment grew. Big Al was figgiding with his hands and jumping up and down in his seat. Bob was actually sweating from the sheer stress he was feeling. Was this the day? Was this the moment? He would end this Snow Trac fued. He would prove once and for all that there Snowcat, There idol, There reason for being was the true Snowcat. No others Snowcats would be put before theres. Theres was the only one. The trailer moaned as the weight transfered from the front to the back of the deck. As the tracks started down the ramp you could see that both men were proud. But I could also see that there eyes were watering. Were they crying? I also noticed that there was what looked like fog building up inside the cab. BigAl was trying to open the hatch thing and Bob wasnt looking to good. All of the color was draining from his face as it was also on BigAls. Bob passed out and hit his head on the controls as did BigAl. My wife cried out "Oh Dear!" "Somethings wrong!" As the Kristi rolled down the ramp and hit the snow it stopped. I ran over and tried to open the hatch but it just would not move. Finally after what seemed an eternity the latch gave way and a plume of exhaust erupted from the cabin of the Bath....Kristi. I yelled to my wife "Call 911! Call 911" I reached in and hesitated for just a moment. I knew turning off the ignition might just send these two over the edge of sanity. OK so there Kristi owners and Sanity has no realm with them but still. I knew doing so would utterly detroy them. So I quickly turned off the ignition. Maybe I thought these illegal gathering in my alley would finally stop. Maybe for once I can enjoy a Winters Soltice in peace. BigAl and Bob are once again safe. There both in a nice padded cell with a coloring book and crayons. They almost look happy.
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We have approximately 1" this morning, with snowfall predicted for the rest of the day. I really wish ya'll had kept this white crap up north where it belongs.
I think it is funny that the southeast and coastal areas are getting all the snow. Jersey and NYC are going to get dumped on and we might get 2-3 inches at most. They showed Georgia and SC on the news and the roads were a mess.
We are bracing on getting blasted
The SIL and BIL were driving here from Raleigh didn't get 2 miles and had an accident. I guess we wont see them till summer:sad:

We were thinking on running to our cabin for new years but we will have to play that by ear.

This is what it looks like about 20 miles South of Raleigh:



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WE WANT SNOW!!!!!!!!!!! This has been a crazy winter here. I doubt if we've gotten more than 40inches this winter. That's nuts.
Ha! 148" and counting, 14 miles SW of Syracuse, NY.

Lake Effect baby, Lake Effect.
SW48 taking it like a champ. I picked the perfect year to buy a tracked snowplow. Now I want a second one to go play offroad.
Northern Spartanburg County,SC
Monday Feb,7 2011
Snow total O
Expected Snow up to 2 inches.
Probably be ice or turn into ice.
We got 9.25 inches 1-10-21
Here's my vid.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwnsX5_TbY4"]YouTube - snowevent.3g2[/ame]
32 inches in Lake Arrowhead, CA (yes, that is Southern California!) Hard to believe that I can be stranding on the shore of the Pacific in less than 2 hours and had to spend all weekend in my Bobcat and behind a snowblower. Tomorrow it's back to work where a 1970 Thiokol 1200 Spryte is being used to assist the public out of a multitude of situations. We also have 6 other cats

San Bernardino County Fire Department, Lake Arrowhead
That horizontal beam my son is standing next to is 12' off the ground. My son is 6'8" you can do the math. We got a ton of snow this year in Northern Utah. Would have been nice to tear it up in the snottrak. Hopefully next year!!


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Lots of bare patches here in Elk City ,Id. I think the snow season is about over for us . Now its rain and mud !!!
i am at 8400 feet in west central colorado, frost is out of the roads, but still 18 to 24 inches on the ground, had total accumulation of about 16 inches in the last 5 days.
i have had enough and am ready for spring.
Got one+ foot last night. Expect one more tonight. That will be over eight feet on the snow gauge!


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My property is at 11,820' in the San Juan mountains of SouthWest Condorado...got 1.5' last night and it looks like April will finish wet and wild. Loacl snow gauge has 79". Sherrif says I can keep my 'cat parked on the county road that is not maintained until after Memorial Day weekend......I usually can ski around until late June......and I'd prefer that to the sunny warm days of summer because that only brings tourists and flies.
i am at 8400 feet just west of aspen. i have had accumulations of 3 or 4 inches almost everyday for the last 10 days. the snow is almost gone, with only shady areas or big snowbanks left. but the regular accumulation here is really starting to suck. it snows 4 inches then melts, then snows another 3 inches and melts, then we get a day of sun and stuff starts to dry and then another 4 inches. saturday it snowed ALL day, sunday we had 2 or 3 hours of sun, then rain mixed with snow monday morning now and there is 3 inches on the ground again. socked in with visibility of about 200 yards at max.

bring on the sunshine. i work in the woods and as long as it is muddy i cant work. i am bored and broke.
Plenty of winter around here. First cabin is up Sts John last week, other cabin up the Middle Fork last Friday. Over 500 inches snowfall this season and not finished yet. Ski area closed Sunday with 108" base.


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Well any one got any snow yet? Wolf Creek ski area in Colorado is opening this weekend (40") not 100 % open,but as far as northern New Mexico (6-8") there is still not enough for to take the cat out. waiting for winter sucks!
Winter is here in the San Juans (SW Condorado)....I got snowed out Oct. 4th when hauling freight up to my claims with a helicopter...we got 3' in that storm. Chopper came back Oct. 29th and we finished hauling with 2' still on the deck. Last weekend I got Balto fired up and moved back down the mountain so it is now alongside a plowed county road. Last run in the spring was June 28th; first run this fall Nov. 5th so about 4 months of "summer" down these parts
Well what is settled down is almost a foot deep right now. We almost have as much snow as was all last year! Should start making good trails this year for riding.