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Occupy protesters Creating Major Law Enforcement Problems


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Yes. Do you understand that when you frame a question as you did it implies things that were never said?

Have you stopped beating your wife yet? See how that implies something which may not be true?


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
The problem I have with these occupy protests, is that they are increasingly disturbing the peace, and putting undue pressure on finite resources of the political subdivisions they are impacting. It's one thing to assemble lawfully and with the proper permits for a finite period of time, but to take over public or private property unlawfully for an unspecified time period, disturbs the peace for law abiding citizens who pay taxes for the services the occupiers are draining. IMO, they are just punks without a cause who are creating problems. Arrest the bastards and put them in tent cities guarded by junkyard dogs. We are STILL a nation protected by laws which the protestors are ignoring, and often scoffing at. With rights come responsibilities as well.


Active member
:yum: NO, asking you if you thought they should not be allowed to protest because it was too expensive does not mean anything except what I asked. Face it, I asked a simple question, you flew off the handle. That is just damn funny, I asked you a direct question, actually a simple yes or no, and I framed it wrong. Again :yum:.
Yes. Do you understand that when you frame a question as you did it implies things that were never said?

Have you stopped beating your wife yet? See how that implies something which may not be true?


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
:yum: NO, asking you if you thought they should not be allowed to protest because it was too expensive does not mean anything except what I asked. Face it, I asked a simple question, you flew off the handle. That is just damn funny, I asked you a direct question, actually a simple yes or no, and I framed it wrong. Again :yum:.

No? Des that mean you still beat your wife? :whistling:


Active member
Yes. Do you understand that when you frame a question as you did it implies things that were never said?

Have you stopped beating your wife yet? See how that implies something which may not be true?

The following question has no implied intent, secret framing or any other sneaky stuff to throw you off.

What was the point of your post?


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
as long as they;re not breaking any laws or ordinances they can do as they wish.





Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
lol..."Bring back Firefly":yum:

Yup, if you are going to protest, might as well protest real injustice.

Just like this lady says. . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiPffDtdIJE"]Occupy Atlanta clearly explained.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]


Now a Published Author
Site Supporter
:yum: NO, asking you if you thought they should not be allowed to protest because it was too expensive does not mean anything except what I asked. Face it, I asked a simple question, you flew off the handle. That is just damn funny, I asked you a direct question, actually a simple yes or no, and I framed it wrong. Again :yum:.

They Protesters have every right to protest, to the point they don't distroy private/public property.

If they went home in the evening and allowed the streets to be cleaned and came back in the morning to start over, most people could care less.

Those that do have businesses in the area are having customers stay away for fear of riots.

As I said before, these people have a stick on their shoulder and want someone to knock it off to define their own "Four dead in Ohio" movement!

This isn't going to end peacefully...


New member
It seems the protesters in Atlanta and Oakland have overstayed their welcome. The Mayors have ordered them out.

Tear gas and rioting ensues.



Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
It seems the protesters in Atlanta and Oakland have overstayed their welcome. The Mayors have ordered them out.

Tear gas and rioting ensues.


Does that not seem ironic to you?

Or is it just me?


Now a Published Author
Site Supporter
I was not aware OWS was a democratic party movement. Is it?

Your clearly joking right?

Well let's see...

Have any of the Republicans come forward to praise them, other than of course the Democratic President, Democratic Senate Majority and Democratic House Minority leaders whom have tripped over themselves to be aligned with the OWS groups.

What part of that don't you see?


Now a Published Author
Site Supporter
I thought maybe it was a grassroots movement with no real...oh wait.

Let's go over this again...

Obama uses class warfare speeches for months, Rich people not paying their fair share, poor people victims.

Then OWS shows up on Wall Street where the
Money is at...

I would say that is cut and dry that Obama's foot soldiers heard the call!

Your take on it?


New member
Let's go over this again...

Obama uses class warfare speeches for months, Rich people not paying their fair share, poor people victims.

Then OWS shows up on Wall Street where the
Money is at...

I would say that is cut and dry that Obama's foot soldiers heard the call!

Your take on it?

lol, he's going to compare it to the TEA party:rolf2:


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Let's go over this again...

Obama uses class warfare speeches for months, Rich people not paying their fair share, poor people victims.

Then OWS shows up on Wall Street where the
Money is at...

I would say that is cut and dry that Obama's foot soldiers heard the call!

Your take on it?

Freedom of speech addresses the grievances the citizenry have to their government. So why are the protesters in NYC at Wall Street
In Oakland at Chase Bank and in other cities at the major banks?

Should they not address their greivances with the government in Washington DC?

Free speech was a Constitutional right regarding issues of the people with their government. It says nothing about our rights for terrorizing a class or group of people because you do not like their politics, their religion, their race or their success.

This is SEIU and the remnants of ACORN community organizers stirring up hate.

Hate, racism and class envy. The left cannot seem to make their point with out it.
If theleft truely wihed to make their point about the accumulation of wealth by the UBER elite and the Uber rich, they should have their most influencial folks take all the money out of Wall Street.

Warren Bufet, gates, T Boone pickens and all of the Hollywoodactors and entertainment elites should do tht.

Then perhaps the "greedy" heads over at Wall Street will pay attention.

Money talks.

But whiny communists outside the doors in the cold rain with bongo drums, No impact at all.

Barry loves Wall Sttreet. And Wall Street loves Barry. The rape of the middle class will continue as will the propaganda. And Barry's tacit support of it.
This is all for the media and their uninformed voters next November.

"The man who reads nothing... is better off than a man who reads nothing but the newspapers" T Jefferson



Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
as long as they;re not breaking any laws or ordinances they can do as they wish.
The problem is they are breaking laws. As I understand it, they are demonstrating without a permit, occupying private property without permission, staying overnight where it is illegal, using the facilities where there are no facilities. Blocking roads and bridges. Overstaying their welcome, fornicating in public.

Today the Tea Party sent the city of Richmond a bill for the return of the money spent on the three peaceful demonstrations on the grounds that the current Occupy
Richmond crowd were granted favoritism as none of the demonstrations have been fulfilled by the Occupy crowd. The Tea Party got permits, provided the approved number of porta potties, posted cleanup bonds, paid for security. The Occupy crowd has done none of that, and no arrests have been made, and no eviction notices have been sent.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
The problem is they are breaking laws. As I understand it, they are demonstrating without a permit, occupying private property without permission, staying overnight where it is illegal, using the facilities where there are no facilities. Blocking roads and bridges. Overstaying their welcome, fornicating in public.

Today the Tea Party sent the city of Richmond a bill for the return of the money spent on the three peaceful demonstrations on the grounds that the current Occupy
Richmond crowd were granted favoritism as none of the demonstrations have been fulfilled by the Occupy crowd. The Tea Party got permits, provided the approved number of porta potties, posted cleanup bonds, paid for security. The Occupy crowd has done none of that, and no arrests have been made, and no eviction notices have been sent.
Anyone aligned or supported by the Democrats and their affiliated supporters, are exempt from permits and fees. WTF do the TEA Party think they are, honest, working taxpayers? Get real. The gubmit done spent their fees on Danish for the union meeting.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Well, it was bound to happen.
An OWS gathering very near to me.
LIMA — The Occupy Wall Street movement has arrived in Lima.


About 15 people showed up Wednesday afternoon in Lima Town Square for an inaugural gathering of Occupy Lima. Most were adults in their 20s, but there were a few older people as well.

“The biggest issue that we have is the undermining of our democracy,” said Aaron Lewis, who organized the meeting. “Our politicians are being bought and paid for by these large corporations, by these financial institutions.”

Lewis led a discussion on the Occupy Wall Street movement's principles and objectives, which the national media have criticized as vague and unfocused. He said the initial meeting's purpose was to establish a framework for the local movement, rather than to join in immediately with protests in other cities.

James Bode, 70, a professor emeritus in philosophy, praised the movement's principle of rule by consensus.

“Consensus decision-making is extremely valuable. It really produces a melding of everybody's best ideas. And that makes the idea of doing this through group consensus so powerful,” Bode said. “It's important, therefore, for all of us to participate. Don't just say, ‘Well, I'll just listen to what the others have to say.' Tell us what you're interested in. Tell us what your ideas are, because we need everybody's ideas in order to make this as effective as possible.”

Ladell Allen, 26, of American Township, took a vacation day to air his concerns about an economic system he sees as backwards.

“Economic growth is measured in how much people are consuming, and in a world with limited resources, that's just stupid,” Allen said. “In all honesty, this is economic slavery.”

Lauren Swick traces much of the current economic upheaval to the bottom-line, union-busting corporate economic policies first popularized in the 1980s. Swick, 53, of Elida, described herself as a college student and mother of a 21-year old college student.

“I don't hate rich people. I don't hate corporations and I do not hate capitalism,” said Swick, who attended with her husband, Brett Swick, an engineer at the Ford Lima Engine Plant. “Capitalism would work, but we don't have that. In capitalism, when a business goes under, it's done. It's not what we're doing. They are actually taking the money out of the public and transferring it into private hands. That's how it's been done the past 30 years. They've defunded education, they've defunded everything. And now the social safety net is being gutted. And we can't afford to live like we don't care.”

Lewis said Wednesday's turnout pleased him.

“My main purpose of today was to get a group of organizers together so we could really get this thing up and going,” he said. “It's exactly as I'd hoped. We've gotten some ideas out there, for the first part. We have organizers willing to help set up other meetings, an occupation, and pretty much everything we need to get this whole thing started.”

The group was applying Wednesday for an assembly permit from the city to enable an occupation in the Town Square. People pitched in to cover the $10 permit fee. Lewis said he hoped to have the occupation started within days. He also hopes to keep it respectable.

“When I first posted information about a meeting, a lot of people asked about the legality of it,” he said. “What I gather from that is people in Lima want to make sure nobody gets arrested.”
there is a video as well


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
I have not heard of any around here. Maybe that is because the tea party is pretty strong around here. This bunch sounds a lot more responsible than the folks out in Oakland and NYC.


legendary ⚓
GOLD Site Supporter
Well Lima ain't exactly NYC lol
I am going to be watching how it unfolds over there and how far it goes.


New member
Well, it was bound to happen.
An OWS gathering very near to me.
LIMA — The Occupy Wall Street movement has arrived in Lima.

View attachment 57215

About 15 people showed up Wednesday afternoon in Lima Town Square for an inaugural gathering of Occupy Lima. Most were adults in their 20s, but there were a few older people as well.

“The biggest issue that we have is the undermining of our democracy,” said Aaron Lewis, who organized the meeting. “Our politicians are being bought and paid for by these large corporations, by these financial institutions.”

Lewis led a discussion on the Occupy Wall Street movement's principles and objectives, which the national media have criticized as vague and unfocused. He said the initial meeting's purpose was to establish a framework for the local movement, rather than to join in immediately with protests in other cities.

James Bode, 70, a professor emeritus in philosophy, praised the movement's principle of rule by consensus.

“Consensus decision-making is extremely valuable. It really produces a melding of everybody's best ideas. And that makes the idea of doing this through group consensus so powerful,” Bode said. “It's important, therefore, for all of us to participate. Don't just say, ‘Well, I'll just listen to what the others have to say.' Tell us what you're interested in. Tell us what your ideas are, because we need everybody's ideas in order to make this as effective as possible.”

Ladell Allen, 26, of American Township, took a vacation day to air his concerns about an economic system he sees as backwards.

“Economic growth is measured in how much people are consuming, and in a world with limited resources, that's just stupid,” Allen said. “In all honesty, this is economic slavery.”

Lauren Swick traces much of the current economic upheaval to the bottom-line, union-busting corporate economic policies first popularized in the 1980s. Swick, 53, of Elida, described herself as a college student and mother of a 21-year old college student.

“I don't hate rich people. I don't hate corporations and I do not hate capitalism,” said Swick, who attended with her husband, Brett Swick, an engineer at the Ford Lima Engine Plant. “Capitalism would work, but we don't have that. In capitalism, when a business goes under, it's done. It's not what we're doing. They are actually taking the money out of the public and transferring it into private hands. That's how it's been done the past 30 years. They've defunded education, they've defunded everything. And now the social safety net is being gutted. And we can't afford to live like we don't care.”

Lewis said Wednesday's turnout pleased him.

“My main purpose of today was to get a group of organizers together so we could really get this thing up and going,” he said. “It's exactly as I'd hoped. We've gotten some ideas out there, for the first part. We have organizers willing to help set up other meetings, an occupation, and pretty much everything we need to get this whole thing started.”

The group was applying Wednesday for an assembly permit from the city to enable an occupation in the Town Square. People pitched in to cover the $10 permit fee. Lewis said he hoped to have the occupation started within days. He also hopes to keep it respectable.

“When I first posted information about a meeting, a lot of people asked about the legality of it,” he said. “What I gather from that is people in Lima want to make sure nobody gets arrested.”
there is a video as well
maybe someone should tell these people we have a republic.....just say'in