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New book Defending Dixie's Land: What Every American Should Know About The South And The Civil War

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Did you read it? You cherry picked a few paragraphs, it also says a PEW research pole indicated 48% of Americans believe the war started over economics and states rights with 38% believing it was over slavery, the rest un decided. You must have some type of emotional connection to this debate as you are not using logic.

Lots of Americans still believing Lost Cause drivel is not evidence dude, especially compared to the actual stated reasons for secession.

As I said before, it started over one specific “state’s right”; the “state‘s right” to own slaves.


I have almost 100 pages that go in-depth on the various causes of secession and respond to the most common claims (such as what you have posted) that say the South left to preserve slavery. Your post proves my point, we are given limited data out of context to come to a false conclusion.

There are 16 secession documents; why do we only ever quote sections of four of them? Because those are the only ones that mention slavery! Why is it that we ignore the wealth of speeches and documents declaring why the South left the Union? The same reason. Why are we not given the working and understanding of the Union and the context in which these documents were formed? Once more, that would show a very different story to the causes of secession and that when slavery was an issue, it was always connected to something more vital.

If you wish to maintain your delusions and false historical narrative, DO NOT, READ MY BOOK!

In other words, you are alleging some grand conspiracy because just about every reputable historian has rejected your claims. Sorry dude, the Confederates made it very clear they were fighting to defend slavery.


I never say that; I quote many slaves, northern abolitionists, and other observers who do, not in those exact words. But once more, we must dismiss history and those who observed the events because Tiburon has told us it must be false, and so it must be!

Gee bud, if slavery wasn’t so bad, then why did the overwhelmingly majority of those involved in it attempt to escape from being enslaved? There was no mass movement of tens, or hundreds, of thousands of people fleeing south to give up their freedom.

When you are reduced to defending literal slavery, you lose any “credibility” you might otherwise have claimed.
In other words, you are alleging some grand conspiracy because just about every reputable historian has rejected your claims. Sorry dude, the Confederates made it very clear they were fighting to defend slavery.

The fact that you make this claims proves you have not read my book, or very many historians!

It is only "clear" to people like you who refuse to let go of there own delusions.
Gee bud, if slavery wasn’t so bad, then why did the overwhelmingly majority of those involved in it attempt to escape from being enslaved? There was no mass movement of tens, or hundreds, of thousands of people fleeing south to give up their freedom.

When you are reduced to defending literal slavery, you lose any “credibility” you might otherwise have claimed.
More "history" from Tiburon. The overwhelming majority did not attempt to escape; a small minority did. The vast majority refused to leave, and many escaped back into the South after being forcibly removed by federal soldiers!

History matters; you have faith and beliefs but no evidence to support your claims. I have historical evidence and statistics. More vital a willingness to change my opinions based on fact.

Pride is a sin; you have it my friend. You spout off as if your beliefs are true when they are blatantly false.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
Lots of Americans still believing Lost Cause drivel is not evidence dude, especially compared to the actual stated reasons for secession.

As I said before, it started over one specific “state’s right”; the “state‘s right” to own slaves.

See, there it is really. Put a name on something that sounds better to sway the masses in your favor. The Demon Party is the best at that there is. Reproductive Rights aka ABORTION. Transgender rights aka child grooming. They have always done this because their arguments are hollow, so lying and deceit become the norms for them to the point they actually start to believe them.

All this boils down to is the fact the Demon Party has been evil to the core since in was organized by Martin Van Buren in the late 1820's or so.

The Demon Party is a virus that needs to be eliminated and like I said earlier, it should have been done so following the Civil War.


More "history" from Tiburon. The overwhelming majority did not attempt to escape; a small minority did. The vast majority refused to leave, and many escaped back into the South after being forcibly removed by federal soldiers!

History matters; you have faith and beliefs but no evidence to support your claims. I have historical evidence and statistics. More vital a willingness to change my opinions based on fact.

Pride is a sin; you have it my friend. You spout off as if your beliefs are true when they are blatantly false.

Roughly a hundred thousand slaves managed to successfully escape to freedom. That’s not counting those who tried to escape and were captured.

How many people volunteered to go south and be enslaved? I’ll give you a hint: nowhere near that number 🙄😂

You having a crush on Robert E Lee doesn’t change the facts, sorry.


See, there it is really. Put a name on something that sounds better to sway the masses in your favor. The Demon Party is the best at that there is. Reproductive Rights aka ABORTION. Transgender rights aka child grooming. They have always done this because their arguments are hollow, so lying and deceit become the norms for them to the point they actually start to believe them.

All this boils down to is the fact the Demon Party has been evil to the core since in was organized by Martin Van Buren in the late 1820's or so.

The Demon Party is a virus that needs to be eliminated and like I said earlier, it should have been done so following the Civil War.

Oh look, a mindless rant that doesn’t actually disprove any of what I pointed out.


The fact that you make this claims proves you have not read my book, or very many historians!

It is only "clear" to people like you who refuse to let go of there own delusions.

You are doing nothing more than regurgitating the same long debunked drivel that’s been shredded time and again.
Roughly a hundred thousand slaves managed to successfully escape to freedom. That’s not counting those who tried to escape and were captured.

How many people volunteered to go south and be enslaved? I’ll give you a hint: nowhere near that number 🙄😂

You having a crush on Robert E Lee doesn’t change the facts, sorry.

How many refused to go and stand by the South? How many of those who "escaped" to freedom were actually forced? How many came back to the South after finding the North much worse? If you want those numbers you are arguing poorly for your side, because over 95% chose the South compared to the North.

If you have a crush on myths and fables it does not change the facts of history.


How many refused to go and stand by the South? How many of those who "escaped" to freedom were actually forced? How many came back to the South after finding the North much worse? If you want those numbers you are arguing poorly for your side, because over 95% chose the South compared to the North.

If you have a crush on myths and fables it does not change the facts of history.

Who do you fantasize was “forcing” slaves to escape to freedom? And no, the overwhelming majority of slaves did not “stand by the Confederacy”. Ninety thousand former slaves signed up to join the USCT and help put an end to slavery once and for all, in fact.

See, this is why you have no credibility. You come up with the most mind-bogglingly stupid excuses to try and defend your “slavery wasn’t that bad” narrative.


Well-known member

Yeah, the very fact that you are trying to argue that “gee, slavery wasn’t so bad” is, by itself, enough to destroy any “credibility” you might have.
Can you compare slavery in the south to the conditions the slaves were in before they were brought to the south?


Can you compare slavery in the south to the conditions the slaves were in before they were brought to the south?

Well gee, sure. Seeing as vast numbers of them died on the slave ships bringing them over, it’s pretty clear they were not, in fact, better off enslaved.


Well-known member
Well gee, sure. Seeing as vast numbers of them died on the slave ships bringing them over, it’s pretty clear they were not, in fact, better off enslaved.
How many slaved died before the owners sold them to the slavers? Are you trying to say the people who enslaved them in the first place then sold them were just caring folks?


How many slaved died before the owners sold them to the slavers? Are you trying to say the people who enslaved them in the first place then sold them were just caring folks?

I’ll give you a hint: if the Europeans hadn‘t wanted slaves so desperately, the impetus to capture people to sell to them wouldn’t have been there. And none of that is an excuse for the South fighting to defend slavery.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Lots of Americans still believing Lost Cause drivel is not evidence dude, especially compared to the actual stated reasons for secession.

As I said before, it started over one specific “state’s right”; the “state‘s right” to own slaves.
I was referring to the article you posted as evidence. Obviously you didn't even read or understand what you posted. You are just saying the same thing over and over, thats not evidence or an argument. Im done with you. You can believe whatever you want. Over and out.


I was referring to the article you posted as evidence. Obviously you didn't even read or understand what you posted. You are just saying the same thing over and over, thats not evidence or an argument. Im done with you. You can believe whatever you want. Over and out.

I accept your surrender.


Well-known member
I’ll give you a hint: if the Europeans hadn‘t wanted slaves so desperately, the impetus to capture people to sell to them wouldn’t have been there. And none of that is an excuse for the South fighting to defend slavery.
You didn't answer the question.

Who do you fantasize was “forcing” slaves to escape to freedom? And no, the overwhelming majority of slaves did not “stand by the Confederacy”. Ninety thousand former slaves signed up to join the USCT and help put an end to slavery once and for all, in fact.

See, this is why you have no credibility. You come up with the most mind-bogglingly stupid excuses to try and defend your “slavery wasn’t that bad” narrative.
Union soldiers "confiscated" the enemies' "property" by the thousands and used them as forced labor; some would call that slavery. As I state in my book, the politically incorrect runaway slaves are those who escaped and ran back to their plantations from whence they were forcibly removed.

And how many slaves (according to Federal data at the time) were in proximity of federal occupation or soldiers and intentionally stayed with their masters? How many other historical documents from former slaves back up the statistics and the fact that the overwhelming majority of slaves chose to stay loyal to the South?

How many southern blacks volunteered as non-combatants or fought in the southern armies? It is greater than your number, which included many free northern blacks. All these facts are readily available to any interested reader. But you have to be willing to learn.

See, this is why you have no credibility. You come up with the most mind-bogglingly stupid excuses to try and defend your “slavery wasn’t that bad” narrative.
"How many of those who "escaped" to freedom were actually forced?"

slaves were "forced" to escape? that's absurd.

Only because we do not know our own hsitory!

Union soldiers "confiscated" the enemies' "property" by the thousands and used them as forced labor or soldiers; some would call that slavery. As I state in my book, the politically incorrect runaway slaves are those who escaped and ran back to their plantations from whence they were forcibly removed.

You will find numerous accounts in this source of slaves were will tell you how they were kidnapped and forced into labor.

But the federal documents are abundant that speak of this sort of removal of slaves from their homes.


Well-known member
sorry. but you are just plain wacko crazy.

"Union soldiers "confiscated" the enemies' "property" by the thousands and used them as forced labor or soldiers;"
this is not "forced to escape"
"will tell you how they were kidnapped and forced into labor."
this is not "forced to escape"

you are representing The Lost Cause. it's not ever going to work - people can think on their own now-a-days.
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