I wondered the same. So big. Hope it's real but .....who knows.Humongous Rex?
Is it even real?
Maybe it's real.Looking around the internet, I don't see this as being real. Photoshop or a movie prop is my guess.
They are below the equator and the whirlpool in the toilets spun the other way so they had to reengineer itUmmm, the math doesn't add up. That's less than 32 billion in cost. They paid more than 10 times that? The "big guy" must be getting more than is usual 10%.
OK, I dug a bit deeper on this one.Introducing America's Cutting-Edge 6th Generation Fighter Jet
(Any of you know what this one is called?)
View attachment 176505
Yep! I'd hold the rails with my hands, lift up my legs and slide down.