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Kristi KT7 restoration pictures

Ok ,

I spent the day removing the operator controls ,instrument Panel , lights, hydraulic tank ,heater and anything else I could take off .
Drew out a diagram of the Hydrualic Hoses and where they attach . What a nightmare ! Hoses going everywhere ! I still think some are wrong but hydraulic's is my weakest area . When I get back to installing the hydraulics back into the Kristi I am going to trailer the whole rig to the hydraulic hose shop to make sure it is done correctly .
Tomorrow may see the engine coming out ! Suppose to snow heavy tonight and I may be plowing snow instead .

The one thing that keeps amazing me about this snowcat is how techically advanced some items are done and other things are just Rinky Dinked together !!! It is like the engineers got tired at some point in construction and just started to short cut the assembly !

On a good note , I picked up a complete motor manual on the Ford Industrial Motor as well as a complete "break down manuals" on the Funk Hydrostatic drives ! It won't help anybody but me , as this seems to be the only KT7 in existance .

researching this thread need it on top
Thank You ,
I am still not happy with the pump performace of the KT7. It will climb but not as fast I feel it should . I can base this on the hay swather I own that has the same setup . That thing hauls ass . I do have a friend who is first rate on repairing / reworking these drive systems . He has looked at it and told me it just needs some hose changes to be complete and more powerful . I was waiting to finish the shop before tearing it down . Shop is done now . The leak in the bar turns out to be me "Sleep Drinking" at night . The wife caught me and two hot women who were also sleep drinking . Ain't that strange in such a small town:brows:

Back to the thread; This is what I have the Hydro shop investigating now… I will reconvene back here after the shop reports the results.:whistling:

Evening Gents & Lady's :tiphat: ,

Today found me rebuilding the Clam Shell Gear drives that the sprocket connects to . The #50 roller chain was replaced with new . I found parts of an exploded roller chain in the bottom of the gear case . I finally realized that the cause was two chain gears that were not aligned causing the roller chain to rotate in binding action . Those two gears were a 1/8 " out of alignment at about 6'' center to center on the gears . That is way too much for such a short distance .

Later ,I was able to smack my thumb with a big old greasy Ball ping Hammer . So I been sucking on a Greasy thumb ever since . Why is that ???:confused: It just feels better sucking on it ..... Hmmmmm. I wonder if that has some hidden meaning .......

Tomorrow , I will be finishing up the second Clam Shell and be just about as far as I can go until I reinstall the frame . I do have a little work on the right angle gear drive unit where some idiot has welded the u joints in place .:pat:

Here are a 4 pictures of the clam shell .


There's a some information on your pumps/motors on the Eaton Hydraulics digital product literature website for you to download and peruse. These documents are catalogs, parts diagrams, model codes (important for obtaining parts) and some service information.

For the Vickers TA19 Series the url is:

For the TA15 Series the url is:


There is good info in here! Read it and have fun learning.

Best of Luck! - Paul

Going to need this on the op of the thread
Brad ,
Right now I have decided to take a break and weigh my options .I would like to keep it basically stock on the drive system . The hydro guy did tell me that it is the same system they used in a New Holland Skid Steer loader of the 1970's . The KT7 will be fixed but it may be put on the back burner for a while .
We are getting ready to return home to Idaho for a little R&R for a while . I have a barn to build !!!
I still honestly believe that it is a simple fix , but until I gain more knowledge I am unsure what to do . I am studying anything and everything ,I can find on the internet as we speak . I have a repair manual coming so that will be a great help .

PP something to consider
Thanks Everyone .
I just won the service manuals for a 1970's L-35 New Holland Skid Steer loader on ebay . $127 , but it is suppose to have it all . I hope so . I also downloaded the Eaton manuals . So Now I just got to figure out if it is a TA15 or TA19 pump .

Back to honeydo projects

Ok found it on E bay and will have it on the 20th
Al, The 15 stands for 15gpm@1800 rpm and the 19 is 19gpm@1800rpm
when and if you do check your pressure releif valves check the springs for they loose presssure after 30 plus years of being compressed and you need to also check pressures and flow from your tilt/charge pump, if you need to borrow at set of test gages in think we have two that checks pressure and flow at the same time.........if you have questions..... please ask.

do you know what that 4 cylinder is rated for hp?

PP Need to get a set of gauges and test this flow. I haven't done that yet
My Kristi brochure says it is rated at 87 Hordepower . I think they (Kristi) are being very generous . It is a 1972 104 cu.in. V-4 Ford Industrial Engine .
Thanks for the offer . I have another name of a guy down here who may be able to test the system for me . He supposenly has all the test equipment . We shall see .

PP not sure Al realized that the motor is a 1.2L which makes the engine older than a 1972. (lets talk about that)
Very Funny ! Hahaahaa ....... Kiss My :moon: !

Actually Yetti has not been throw to the way side . I have had another hydro repair guy look at it and he seems to think it is just a hose change to correct it . I will switch hoses when I return in 2 weeks from Idaho . If that does not work he is going to change out the hydro drives and correct the problem .
I asked him if it would be better than a Snot Track when he is finished and he informed me that "walking would be better than a Snot Track" . WOW ..... The man is smart :moon: !

PP this was one of the conversations that caught my attention
News Update : June 20th 2007

:hide: FFmember BIgAl was found today hiding under a chair ,crying from happiness and damn near hysterical . It appears that crossing the hydraulic lines and introducing a "Charged Oil" hyd line into the hydro drive system has created a working drive system once again .

When asked why he was hiding under the chair ,BigAl, through tears, replied that he was waiting for the other shoe to drop and that he did not want to be hit on the head when it happens . It appears that he has had a run of bad luck latey :snow2_smi: .

Because of a newly sealed asphalt driveway BigAl was not able to do more than move the Yetti in the shop . It was kept in the low speed setting .

Tommorrow he will be pulling his Yetti trailer up to the shop door and loading the Yetti to perform futher test in the gravel area behind the shop . Both high and low speed settings will be tested .:17875:

Al stated that when he fired up Yetti and moved the drive lever control it jumped forward or reverse with no hesitation at all ,even at a idle . This is a first ,as in the past it has always taken a minute or so before movement started ,if at all and at considerbly higher engine RPM's .

At this point it appears that Al has "Jerry Rigged " the system together and plumbed into a hyd charge line to see if this would indeed correct the problem before spending additional money for new hyd hoses of the proper length .

He promised that this "Slip Shod" job would be replaced and correctly installed once all test are completed and he is sure the system is working correctly .

He was later coaxed out from under the chair and escorted to his home by his wife who promised him a DR. Rum and :boobies: .He did request a cooking pot be placed on his head ,before leaving the safety of his chair , just in case all hell broke loose .
Updates to follow ............

PP important photo likely Yetti had this configuration prior to NW Hydraulics here in Bellingham working on it
Well guys , I ran some test . I am just not happy with the performace . Top speed appears to be about 8 MPH now . It does not squeal anymore but the torque leaves a lot to be desired . It has one hell of a job trying to climb the hill behind the shop . Just runs out of poop at the tracks . Motor is still running strong and not struggleing .I sent off a email to those guys on Ebay who rebuild these things and recieved a quote of $2200 for each set . Thats $4400 for rebuilt units and me doing all the labor to R&R .
I have another call into a hydro expert to see it he will come out and attach test gauges to be damn sure this is where the problem lies before spending this type of money .It may just be better to trailer the damn thing down to Chico ,Ca. and just let them fix it . Not having any real speed numbers to use as a guideline is tough .

PP he didn't fix that
KT7 is now at Gold Country Hyd. in Chico Ca. . A very big and impressive place . Guy who helpped me is pretty sharp . MY cat has TA15 Vickers drives and he also give me a ton of Infor .I learned a lot .
Also told me they had converted a Snow Trac to hydro drive about 18 years ago ! That I would like to see !

There is a old saying that says " Hope for the best and prepare for the worst .

Well the worst happened today . I am still in Idaho taking care of winter peparations on the ranch . I called the hydraulics repair company ,today,that is testing the hydro drives on the KT7 . Bottom line is they are history and need to be rebuilt .They also informed me that the tilt body hydraulic hose set up was also wrong .This was exactly replaced as it was disassembled . The hoses were incorrect for God only knows how long .
So on about the 9th of Sept I will pickup Yetti and take her home . At that time ,I will tear down the tracks to gain access to the hydro motors .I then plan to return her to Gold Country Hydraulics and have then R&R the motors and rebuild as necessary . They will also replumb the tilt body hydraulics at the same time .That way one trip should finish it up .I just wish I would have taken the time to run and test her first before tearing down . It would have saved a lot of head aches .
So there it is . I have kinda prepared for this and hopefully the hydro's guys can breath some new life back in her soon .

Until later :tiphat:

PP So they were rebuilt
Well Yetti is safely back home . The guys at Gold Country Hydraulics were great . We went over the problems with the current system . I am not sure if it was Kristi factory mistakes or mistakes made later by various owners along the way and over the years . Anyway a course of action has been mapped out and now its my turn to get down to the Hydro drives so they can be disassembled and repair to factory specs . I will then reinstall the units and haul the whole machine back to the experts where they will replumb the hydraulics and go with a new two pump design for the entire hydraulic system . Seems the body tilt system is also plumbed wrong even though it works . Terry ,the owner ,explained that the present system can put to much strain on the existing set up and by adding some additional hydraulic pieces and parts , can become much more efficent . After that is corrected they will supply me with a new improved hose layout drawing for all Kristi's which I will post here . I decided the fastest way is too break down the tracks and remove the track rails . Then I can remove the right angle gear boxes and gain access to the hydro motors . Sounds simple ,but I figure about 4 days , 12 Dr. Rums and a couple dozen cuss words to get er done .

The cost from Gold Country Hydraulic thus far for testing and trouble shooting ???? $0 !!! That impressed me . I know I won't be so lucky when they rebuild and replumb the hyraulics ,but I am very happy .

Bump up if I need to pull a pump some day
Since my nieghbors worthless piece of crap dog woke me up .I decided to go outside and do some damage on Old#7 . Here's proof of what a pissed off sleepless KT7 owner can do when he's really mad . Drain the hydraulics and remove 4 bolts and those motors are out !
Right now I am taking a stress break and practicing some yogurt or whatever it is to calm my nerves . What would really calm me down is to shove a 12 Ga up that dogs ass and pull my finger . OHm........ ohm.... ohmmm.......... ok now that I chanted ,I feel bettter . Here's a picture . I need to go to my happy place now .......:fart2:

Bump for visual
Well the hydro's have been dropped off at Gold Country Hydraulics for final repair . Terry the owner, also told me they would start tearing them down today and should have some idea of condition by tomorrow . I am hoping for the best .

He also told me he had made a few phone calls and the manufacturer says they(Vickers) never made a 2 speed set up like mine . His reply was "Wanna Bet ?... Cause I am looking at it !" . Wish me luck :snow2_smi: !!!

PP lets talk about this post I don't see any 2nd speed
Evening Gents & Ladies :tiphat: ,

The Hydro motors are now sitting in the back of the truck ready to be reinstalled ! They were a mess ! The good news is they were bad before I even got Yetti ,so the damage was not caused by me . It cost me a few major dollars to get them back into specs, but I think and hope this is the best way to proceed . The new motors are now designed to handle more H.P. than my little 104 V-4 ford can produced so the chances of over powering the hydros are non existance .They are also now designed to withstand over 4000 PSI which is a hella of a lot more than Yetti runs at :thumb: .
It will take a few days to reinstall the units and then its time to return to the shop to have them plumbed correctly . Terry, the owner , is going to open the shop , bring in the crew on the weekend and let me help so I will completely understand the new system . He told me we will have the new system up and running in one day and I can take her home that night . I am going to shoot for this Saturday or the next one .Wish me luck !

Important posting verifying TA15s were rebuild and can handle up to 4000PSI
Sure Mouse Ear , deny everything like it never happened ......
Ok ,
The gear drives are hooked up and the Clam shells are installed . Remember those Damn snaprings that kicked my ass a year or so ago ??? Well , they are still doing it . I finally got one on after 5 hours of trying . Tomorrow I hope to get the other one in place .
I also tried damn hard to break my thumb with a nuclear powered 1/2 drill today . It puts out about 285 horse power and wrapped my thumb around the handle about 4 times before I could let go . My thumb is now about 6 " long . It also bends in any direction . Tomorrow I hope to find the thumbnail that was attached to it :smileywac .

Anyone know what snap ring he is talking about ?
Yetti only needs her Tracks put on and she is ready to head down to Chico for the new revised Hydraulic plumbing .Getting that last snapring in was a pain and I ended up building a set of snap ring pliers that really work .:thumb:

I'll be taking all my new hoses that I just had made a year ago with me when I head down to the shop . That was over a $1000 in Hoses when they were made up and I am hoping I can use some of them . I am going to give the hydraulic shop a call in the morning and hope I can take her down on Wednesday. It should not take to long unless they decide to go with a two hydraulic pump design . One for the body tilt and one dedicated to the hydro drive system . Terry seems to think this is where Kristi Co. made a big mistake by tying the two systems together .He seems to think she will really scoot across the snow, based on the bench test he ran on the motors :17875: . We shall see soon as they have a big field out back of the shop where they test run equipment after were finished putting the hoses on correctly .

PP this is an important post lets talk about this when I see you
Thanks Doc !
Just a little update . Yetti is stored away in her warm little bed in a heated garage . She is complete and just waiting for me to return and play with her controls !!!:brows::brows::brows::brows:. She may be for sale ,but it will take a very serious offer to let her go .

Oh and by the way .... There is one person ,that shall not be named, from another lessor known web site that will never own her , touch her or see her perform !!!

Yes !!!! I am a ass !!!:yum::yum::yum:

This was a stopping point for Al
I just realized that the finished snow pictures of Yetti never got posted .

Yetti is now in Idaho and kept in a heated garage on the Ranch . I have taken her out a few times and we enjoyed her . I still need to adjust my steering linkage a little bit to get a better balance and open the the hydros drives to 100% .I will do this when my new shop is completed later this year . This is no big deal and other than that she runs very well

This past year saw me wearing many different hats and being in many locations in this world , so forgive me for not catching up on this earlier .

AS of now I am 3/4 done with my 2nd snowcat restoration and that will be my last one .It can also be found here on ForumsForums

Its a little Kristi KT3 ." Old lucky #13 " Very plain Jane and no bling bling but still restored with love and determination .

I thought these pictures had been added quite some time ago but maybe they were lost when the thread was down for awhile .

So heres the picture that no one ever expected to see .

Good Night and thanks for staying with me to the end ! :smile:

I need to verify there is enough push pull on the cables running to the TA15 valves to open them wide open if they aren't the Yetti would drive slow 8mph
Thank You ,
I am still not happy with the pump performace of the KT7. It will climb but not as fast I feel it should . I can base this on the hay swather I own that has the same setup . That thing hauls ass . I do have a friend who is first rate on repairing / reworking these drive systems . He has looked at it and told me it just needs some hose changes to be complete and more powerful . I was waiting to finish the shop before tearing it down . Shop is done now . The leak in the bar turns out to be me "Sleep Drinking" at night . The wife caught me and two hot women who were also sleep drinking . Ain't that strange in such a small town:brows:

PP I need to verify if there is any truth to this statement (what are those changes) a larger diameter hydraulic hose ?? Mountain topper pipe in here
After a distributer, points adjustment and wiring correction on the fuel oil pressure sending unit Yetti is purring on the trailer. Now refocusing on the Hydraulic system. Time for a road trip