Member Formerly Known As Kristi KT7
Ok ,
I spent the day removing the operator controls ,instrument Panel , lights, hydraulic tank ,heater and anything else I could take off .
Drew out a diagram of the Hydrualic Hoses and where they attach . What a nightmare ! Hoses going everywhere ! I still think some are wrong but hydraulic's is my weakest area . When I get back to installing the hydraulics back into the Kristi I am going to trailer the whole rig to the hydraulic hose shop to make sure it is done correctly .
Tomorrow may see the engine coming out ! Suppose to snow heavy tonight and I may be plowing snow instead .
The one thing that keeps amazing me about this snowcat is how techically advanced some items are done and other things are just Rinky Dinked together !!! It is like the engineers got tired at some point in construction and just started to short cut the assembly !
On a good note , I picked up a complete motor manual on the Ford Industrial Motor as well as a complete "break down manuals" on the Funk Hydrostatic drives ! It won't help anybody but me , as this seems to be the only KT7 in existance .
researching this thread need it on top