Well, I had a bad one yesterday...
I woke up at about 2:30AM and felt the stone move out of the kidney and most of the way down the ureter where it stopped about 2" from the bladder. It felt weird but didn't really hurt. No pressure behind it so I didn't have the traditional flank pain. A prickly feeling where it stopped but not too uncomfortable so I fell back asleep.
Spent the day at work and such but after going outside and moving, it was becoming more painful.
So, although not officially prescribed by my last urologist (
but approved with a wink), I started my medication... Beer.
Come about 7:00 PM, the kidney pressure was really starting to build but the stone refused to budge.
By 8:30 PM, I hit the bed, not knowing whether I was going to puke or pass out.
9:00 PM, head for the shower to get cleaned up in preparation for a trip to the ER. Just before hopping in the shower, I did some stomach crunches (or whatever you want to call it when you tighten up your abdominal muscles). Voila!!! It passed into the bladder. The flank pain was gone almost instantly.
Felt great for about 5 minutes then felt that the stone fell right to the urethra and now it's blocked the bladder. The incredible flank pain has just moved to the bladder. Can't push the stone out.
Don't know how, but I was able to get comfortable enough to get to sleep.
Hmmm, maybe it was the beer, Vicodin and Valium, all on an empty stomach.
Woke up at 2:35AM and was able to pass it.

It was about 7-8mm.
I've passed a few more since but they're much smaller so I barely noticed.
It's amazing how great you feel after having passed a stone. The daily aches and pains aren't even noticed since that pain level is so insignificant after passing a good sized stone.