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Once the episode starts (and as Bob states) it persists and does not waiver.

Hope it passes soon. :)
I went to the dr today...she thinks I have bi-lateral stones, or one on each side:(
They are scheduling a CT scan to be 100% positive. In the mean time, I have tylenol/codine and big fat Motrin to take every 6-8 hrs. If the pain gets worse...they want me in the ER :pat:

Oh yeah....I also got a funny little strainer to catch them when the come out:thumb:

Did they take a urine test to check for blood?

I've never had a CT scan. They just inject a contrast then take a few X-rays. If the contrast doesn't show a flow all the way to the bladder, it stops at the point of blockage then they know where the stone is.

Hopefully, they gave you a bunch of strainers (if they're the big white ones with the fine screen at the bottom). The extras work great in the shop for straining.

Hope you're feeling better!
bczoom said:

Did they take a urine test to check for blood?

I've never had a CT scan. They just inject a contrast then take a few X-rays. If the contrast doesn't show a flow all the way to the bladder, it stops at the point of blockage then they know where the stone is.

Hopefully, they gave you a bunch of strainers (if they're the big white ones with the fine screen at the bottom). The extras work great in the shop for straining.

Hope you're feeling better!

Yep...no blood in urine

She didn't want to (I guess) to do the contrast thing. She mentioned it, but I was in so much pain I wasnt paying attention. All I remember her saying was they will schedule a CT scan......

Hopefully I'll get in soon:( Im on 2 Tylenol and Codines and I dont think it's gunna work:mad:
Jen, there was a previous kidney stone thread here last year. http://www.forumsforums.com/3_9/showthread.php?t=1717 .

This was my contribution.

I passed the stone in that photo in 2005 and was still getting intermittent unexplained hangovers that I assumed were impaired kidney function. Finally spring 2006 I had five sessions of ultrasound shattering. The first session solved my 'poisoned' feeling and released a lot of chunks but after 4 more treatments the xrays show both kidneys still filled with big fragments. I feel fine so we agreed to wait and see what develops.

Stay where you have reasonable access to an ER. When stones (or fragments in my case) start moving around they can cause pain so bad that you can't keep down any sort of pills - only an injection to knock you stupid will help.

I hope you feel better soon!
I've had them before...preggo even. They admitted me then:(

Right now, Im at least an hour from Kaiser. The closest hospital is in Placerville, about 15 mins away...I learned from the last one, dont wait for the pain to get "really, really" bad, I know when Ive had enough.

I wish I could find my pics;)
I have gallbladder stones that feel alot the same and are affected alot more by what you eat and not so much by what you drink!!! They are hard to see they finally found mine with an ultrasound.
mbsieg said:
I have gallbladder stones that feel alot the same and are affected alot more by what you eat and not so much by what you drink!!! They are hard to see they finally found mine with an ultrasound.

Mine is gone...gallbladder that is!
HEY LOOK WHAT I PASSED TODAY! Biggest kidney stone I've ever passed.

Thank goodness I'm taking all sorts of narcotics for the foot surgery I had or this thing would have hurt like all hell :smileywac By the way, it is sitting on an inverted styrofoam jumbo sized coffee cup to give you a little idea of the scale (massive size) of this thing. Lots of sharp corners, angles, and edges too.


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Jen's Jeep said:
OUCH.....do you feel better now????
Yup I feel all better. Amazingly, it was the largest and still least painful stone that I've ever passes. Thankfully I was still under the infuence of drugs from foot surgery and had vicodin in my system to suppliment my courage. I'm not saying it was a good experience, but I did learn that I will be drinking a lot more water :drink: for the rest of my life to prevent them from getting to this size.
Holy crap man!! Vicoden must help you more than me. It only seems to constipate me so bad that I need to practically use a pick and hammer for relief from that side effect. The one I passed in a 5 star restaurant in Napa a few years ago wasn't nearly that big and I thought I was going to pass out. Besides that, I had to stuff nearly an entire roll of toilet paper in my pants to catch all the bleeding. It felt to me like someone shot Mr. Winky off with a shotgun, and that was after a long day of drinking!

I didn't now you had foot surgery again. That doesn't sound like fun in itself. I've had a few surgeries over the years, but none on a place I need to walk on. I suppose it's out of the question for you to come down next week and help with the driveway...
I actually don't think the vicidin does all that much for me, but they told me that they doped me up at the surgery center with something that should last for the better part of 24 hours. I don't know what they gave me, but I was pain free for for about that long, and it was during that period that I passed the stone in that photo. (if I can crawl over to the camera I will take a better photo because I saved the stone to take to the doctor).

And no, I will not be able to help with the driveway. Sorry.
Here are some real photos (not from a camera phone) :4_11_9:


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mbsieg said:
Good Gawd it hurts looking at that thing??????
According to Wikipedia:
90% of stones 4 mm or less in size usually will pass spontaneously, however the majority of stones greater than 6 mm will require some form of intervention.
If you take a look at the ruler, that stone is roughly 8mm x 4mm x 5mm. It should NOT have passed.
On the other hand Bob, have you seen the tool they go up and retrieve it with if it won't pass? Thank your lucky stars it passed.
OhioTC18 said:
On the other hand Bob, have you seen the tool they go up and retrieve it with if it won't pass? Thank your lucky stars it passed.
Pardon me I have actually had that tool used on me. Bled for a couple days when they go and remove the stint it is really not that bad. feels really weird hurts about a 4 on their scale of pain. But definitely not the worst thing a doctor has done to me... Hey and Madonna even prepped me for the procedure!!!!!
Ouch! I hope I never get one of those, glad to hear it has passed and I hope none of you get another one. Bob I hope the foot improves soon, too. I need another cup of coffee after all this drama..........
B_Skurka said:
According to Wikipedia:

If you take a look at the ruler, that stone is roughly 8mm x 4mm x 5mm. It should NOT have passed.

Yeah, well, according to me, that thing wouldn't have made it outa me without everyone in North America hearing me scream. Mine wasn't even half that size and I recall seeing my vision going dark all around the outer edges (about to pass out) when it went "clink" in the urinal. You a stud! :respect:
B_Skurka said:
If you take a look at the ruler, that stone is roughly 8mm x 4mm x 5mm. It should NOT have passed.

Dargo said:
Yeah, well, according to me, that thing wouldn't have made it outa me without everyone in North America hearing me scream.
OK... I can't resist so I opened my big/thick folder titled "kidney stones" and pulled some pics.

You would be surprised what you can pass.

Here's the largest I've passed. What is that, about 17mm? :4_11_9: It took almost 30 days to pass. I'd have to say that wasn't a very comfortable period.


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Are you guys eating gravel.. man.. I'm crossing my legs thinking how much that's gotta hurt. I'm glad my stones were small when I had them.
Ice Queen said:
Excuse my 'french' but bloody hell!!!!!
As it relates to having/passing a kidney stone, that language is nothing... I believe every profanity that exists as well as some newly created ones are used when passing a stone.
Well, I had a bad one yesterday...

I woke up at about 2:30AM and felt the stone move out of the kidney and most of the way down the ureter where it stopped about 2" from the bladder. It felt weird but didn't really hurt. No pressure behind it so I didn't have the traditional flank pain. A prickly feeling where it stopped but not too uncomfortable so I fell back asleep.

Spent the day at work and such but after going outside and moving, it was becoming more painful.

So, although not officially prescribed by my last urologist (but approved with a wink), I started my medication... Beer.

Come about 7:00 PM, the kidney pressure was really starting to build but the stone refused to budge.

By 8:30 PM, I hit the bed, not knowing whether I was going to puke or pass out.

9:00 PM, head for the shower to get cleaned up in preparation for a trip to the ER. Just before hopping in the shower, I did some stomach crunches (or whatever you want to call it when you tighten up your abdominal muscles). Voila!!! It passed into the bladder. The flank pain was gone almost instantly. :clap:

Felt great for about 5 minutes then felt that the stone fell right to the urethra and now it's blocked the bladder. The incredible flank pain has just moved to the bladder. Can't push the stone out.

Don't know how, but I was able to get comfortable enough to get to sleep. Hmmm, maybe it was the beer, Vicodin and Valium, all on an empty stomach.

Woke up at 2:35AM and was able to pass it. :w00t2::w00t2:

It was about 7-8mm.

I've passed a few more since but they're much smaller so I barely noticed.

It's amazing how great you feel after having passed a stone. The daily aches and pains aren't even noticed since that pain level is so insignificant after passing a good sized stone.
OMG... You all are something. I have a VERY high pain tolerance. I am not sure it applies to Mr. Winky though. I am finishing this Pepsi and am planning to drink about 40 gallons of water. Ya'll are scaring me straight here...
Oh crap. Here they come again.

I felt it about 2AM Monday morning. Tons of pain and puking (really just dry heaving).
Called the doctor's office as soon as they opened to get something better than Aleve for the pain. They couldn't prescribe anything until I had tests done.

Luckily, I already had an ultrasound scheduled for the next day (to be proactive and look for stones before something happened but I was a couple days too late). The ultrasound tech completed the test then had me wait in the exam room while she contacted my PCP with the preliminary results. (For the tech to call the MD immediately, I knew they confirmed what's going on). I got some good pain killers that afternoon.

As it works out, I have one that's passing now. It's 12x6x11MM. I also have 2 more, one in each kidney. 8x3x6MM and 7x4x7MM.

Some other things:
It's been 82 hours since I felt the stone.
Of those 82 hours (so far), nearly 80 have been in bed.
In those 82 hours, I've only been able to eat the equivalent of 1 bagel total.
Yep, you'll get constipated. I haven't pooped since it started.
If you do get them in the future, ask for Flomax. It relaxes the muscles in the flow of the stone and therefore allows them to expand a bit lightening up the pressure.
It hurts to read.

Fortunately for me I've eliminated TUMS and eliminated SUPER BEETS. Found out both were a major cause of kidney stones for me.

No real issues for a few years for me. I've probably passed some tiny stones. But nothing worth mentioning.

Try to find the cause of your stones, it might be dietary. If it is then eliminate that food!