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Is Kerry a Liar?


Like a bad penny...
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Re: For OkeeDon - Is Kerry a Liar?

BoneheadNW said:
Dargo, believe what you want on this one but if I was 18-22 years old and my butt was on the line (literally) patrolling the streets of Iraq and someone told me "nothing is to happen to this guy", I would make sure that he would be on the enemy side of me all the time. I don't believe that most of these guys are as worried about their career in the military nearly as much as they are about getting themselves and their buddies out of there in one piece. I have been fortunate never to have served in battle (no offense to those who have, I guess I am a woosie), but like many hazerdous jobs you rely on your partners for survival. Do you really think that someone would risk going to war and depend on other soldiers to make sure nothing happens to them just to pad thier resume? I want some of what you have been drinkin (respectfully, please :drink:)

I only drink about one drink or so a month. I did have a Jack and Coke the other night though. :wave: However, yes, I know for a fact from some very high ranking (retired) military personnel that special circunstance soldiers do exist and they are propped up and they are padding their resume. I'll definitely not make any derogatory comments aimed towards you if you did not know that this is a very real occurance in the military.

BoneheadNW said:
So all of our presidents "untruths" (i.e. things he said that were not true) can be explained by incorrect information that he was provided? Do you REALLY believe that?

Not all, no.

BoneheadNW said:
Even if what you say is true about Kerry deliberately going to Viet Nam to pad his resume (which I don't believe for a minute as stated above), why is it that he is a fraud and the younger Bush was just "not in harms way"? Isn't he a fraud too? While we are on the subject, why do some Republicans point to Clinton, Gore, Kerry, etc. and call them frauds, criminals, etc but refer to members of their own party (Bush, Delay, etc.) as being "misinformed" or having made a "mistake". I think that the same standards should be applied to any of these people, regardless of party. How about you?


Kerry specifically tried to run as a "war hero" until he got caught in his lies and had to retreat faster than the French army. As noted earlier, I do not think that Bush served any tougher service than Kerry, and is certainly not a war hero. I will argue rather strongly that Bush's father, kinda like Dole, was indeed a true American war hero. When Kerry tried to hold himself up to those guys and McCain, he became a fraud in the eyes of many Americans. As I said earlier, Kerry shot himself (in more than one way) with his lies during his campaign and it definitely cost him the office of the U.S. President. Although it wasn't all that close, if Kerry wouldn't have campaigned on personal lies that were proven false, he may have won. Personally, I'm glad he is a poor liar.


New member
Re: For OkeeDon - Is Kerry a Liar?

Dargo said:
I'll definitely not make any derogatory comments aimed towards you if you did not know that this is a very real occurance in the military.
Dargo, I apologize if I offended you in any way. You and I obviously disagree on many things here and we are not going to change eachothers minds.
Dargo said:
Kerry specifically tried to run as a "war hero" until he got caught in his lies and had to retreat faster than the French army. As noted earlier, I do not think that Bush served any tougher service than Kerry, and is certainly not a war hero. I will argue rather strongly that Bush's father, kinda like Dole, was indeed a true American war hero. When Kerry tried to hold himself up to those guys and McCain, he became a fraud in the eyes of many Americans.
I will agree with you on Dole and definitely McCain but I don't view Bush Sr. as a war hero, no more so than anyone who serves (including Kerry).

You never did address my point about using the same standard for all politicians (or just people in general for that matter) regardless of political party. A liar is a liar just like a fraud is a fraud.



Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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TINGUY said:
I am sorry if my opinions have offended you in some way. That was not my intention in debating the mater. I guess it is not possible to be P.C. in a debate.

And yet is a debate not about an exchange of opinions to some degree? I will respect your wishes and no longer debate the issue with you. If you feel compelled to not respond to my posts in the future that is your option and yet I do not agree with your opinions and feel no such animosity.

I was not ever offended.

The reason I will no longer debate you is very simple. You choose to ignore fact, you choose to ignore what was written. All you have done, and very consistently, is to suggest that there is a need for compromise but you won't even accept that the your basis for asking for compromise is based on absolute lies. If you want me to compromise, then first you have to admit that the entire reason you want me to compromise is because Kerry is basing his entire anti-gun 'cop killer' bullet proposal on lies. And then you have to propose some compromise based on the lie.

But to ask me to compromise when I am providing fact and it simply proves (to at least the 99th percentile) that there is no problem, then I have to say that no compromise is needed.

So when you get honest, then we can continue. Not until then.

But have no fear, I was not offended. I am the least PC person around, I take great pride in the fact that I can offend everyone uniformly and I rarely get offended myself.


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Re: For OkeeDon - Is Kerry a Liar?

BoneheadNW said:
Dargo, I apologize if I offended you in any way. You and I obviously disagree on many things here and we are not going to change eachothers minds.
No offense. I don't know why I phrased it that way; maybe to imply that I did not wish to offend even though we disagreed. :eek:

I will agree with you on Dole and definitely McCain but I don't view Bush Sr. as a war hero, no more so than anyone who serves (including Kerry).
Aww, come now...

You never did address my point about using the same standard for all politicians (or just people in general for that matter) regardless of political party. A liar is a liar just like a fraud is a fraud.


Yup. That's why I totally agree with the moron being forced out of office in CA a week or so ago. It only seems that the democrats always get all their fellow cronies to support them and they cling to office even when shown to be crooks.


New member
B_Skurka said:
I am the least PC person around, I take great pride in the fact that I can offend everyone uniformly and I rarely get offended myself.
Just look at the Hawaiian shirts this guy wears! And you were worried about offending him? (Bob, note that you were the one that used the word uniformly.) Get it, uniform-shirt?

But anyway, as far as Mr. Cunningham from California goes, hey-I voted for the guy when I lived down there! Talk about war hero, this guy has a service record that's as good as it gets. Just goes to show you that even with a resume that includes a legit war record, the guy can still be a crook. Hmm, weren't we talking about that before?

Finally, and I have to throw this one in:
Dargo said:
It only seems that the democrats always get all their fellow cronies to support them and they cling to office even when shown to be crooks.
And this never happens with the Republicans? I want some of that coffee you're drinkin (its still early morning here)!



New member
"Re: Is Kerry a Liar?"
Does a Bear POOP in the woods??
FYI as a newbe reading this thread I have yet to reach a conclusion as to the validity of the original question other then to state the obivious!!!!!!!!!! YES he is/was and probably always will be!!! (Not slander)

How can I be so positive Re: Mr.Kerry you ask? I spent 3 years there and a career being something he was NOT!!!

Someone mentioned debate! I welcome your input but in the interest of fairness please state your qualifications in this matter first!!

I want to thank each and all for the privilege of being just a member (New) here!



New member
Archdean said:
How can I be so positive Re: Mr.Kerry you ask? I spent 3 years there and a career being something he was NOT!!!

Someone mentioned debate! I welcome your input but in the interest of fairness please state your qualifications in this matter first!!
Spent 3 years where?

Qualifications in the matter to debate? Say what? Why would one have to have qualifications to debate on this matter? If that is the case, who determines if one is qualified?:confused:



Charter Member
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How can I be so positive Re: Mr.Kerry you ask? I spent 3 years there and a career being something he was NOT!!!

Someone mentioned debate! I welcome your input but in the interest of fairness please state your qualifications in this matter first!!

Sounds as though you may have known Mr Kerry in his military days. That would be awesome.



New member
BoneheadNW said:
Spent 3 years where?

Qualifications in the matter to debate? Say what? Why would one have to have qualifications to debate on this matter? If that is the case, who determines if one is qualified?:confused:


Should be plain to anyone/"Say what?" is a slang term for? / If one is to debate something, common etiquette requires that you at least have some background~!/Qualifications are normally determined by the host of the debate and in this case you have not stated any and/or I missed them!!


New member
Archdean said:
Should be plain to anyone/"Say what?" is a slang term for? / If one is to debate something, common etiquette requires that you at least have some background~!/Qualifications are normally determined by the host of the debate and in this case you have not stated any and/or I missed them!!

You've got to understand, I am named Bonehead for a reason. It takes me a little longer sometimes to understand. I don't know what "3 years there and a career being something he is not" means. Do you mean you served in Viet Nam? Do you mean that you are/were a career military man? I said "Say what?", not out of disrespect, but to mean "Excuse me?"

With respect to qualifications on the subject, I find it hard to state my qualifications but here is some backround info on me:
Do I know Kerry personnally-No
Have I ever served in the military-No
Have I ever run for/served in public office-No
Am I a hunter/Do I own a gun-No
Am I a registered voter-Yes
Am I well read-Yes
Do I attempt to keep informed about the candidates for major public office-Yes
Am I a Dem or Rep-Dem, but will vote for any party if the candidate is the best choice

I believe I have other "qualifications" but, like anyone else, I could go on forever. Is this what you were looking for?



New member
I understand BH, please restate your point as it pertains to your defense of Mr.Kerry!!



New member
Archdean said:
"Re: Is Kerry a Liar?"
Does a Bear POOP in the woods??
FYI as a newbe reading this thread I have yet to reach a conclusion as to the validity of the original question other then to state the obivious!!!!!!!!!! YES he is/was and probably always will be!!! (Not slander)

How can I be so positive Re: Mr.Kerry you ask? I spent 3 years there and a career being something he was NOT!!!

Someone mentioned debate! I welcome your input but in the interest of fairness please state your qualifications in this matter first!!

I want to thank each and all for the privilege of being just a member (New) here!

Wait, let's start over. While you might think that I am "defending" Mr. Kerry, I am not. Look at the rest of the thread to see where I stand. It has been me against everyone else here, which is O.K., we have different opinions. Then you come on here and state the bit about the 3 years and the career and I have asked you several times what that means. That is all I want to know. I gave you my short list of qualifications, what are yours ? What do you mean when you say I spent 3 years there and a career being something he was NOT!!!



New member
BoneheadNW said:
Wait, let's start over. While you might think that I am "defending" Mr. Kerry, I am not. Look at the rest of the thread to see where I stand. It has been me against everyone else here, which is O.K., we have different opinions. Then you come on here and state the bit about the 3 years and the career and I have asked you several times what that means. That is all I want to know. I gave you my short list of qualifications, what are yours ? What do you mean when you say I spent 3 years there and a career being something he was NOT!!!


Fine!! I believe I just stated "What is your point Re: Mr. Kerry"
FYI I have reread the thread and I do see that it is "everyone else is against you"
As for your Q. "What are yours ?" It is to a limited degree posted on this site and you are more than welcome to see it, as it is public!
I did not just come on here I was invited and I rarely express myself in bits!!
Admittedly I am very new member, none-the-less, having said that I agree w/you on the starting over part as this is way beside the point that you originally attempted to make!

Finally, I'm certain that we can have a meaningful conversation providing all feathers are preened and smoothed! :D



New member
Dean, I think part of the problem is that we don't have many rules (actually, are there any rules at all?) on this forum, and you start off your participation in the debate by setting a condition.

Very informally, you should probably understand that on this forum, we don't impose conditions on anyone. We sometimes make requests, like I did regarding my name on this thread, and sometimes people listen to those requests, or not. You can participate, or not. However, I don't think many people will pay much attention to you if you insist on setting conditions.

As far as qualifications are concerned, Bonehead's point is that you haven't done a very good job of establishing your own, so what right do you have to demand it of others?

Probably you should start over again, this time just post your own opinion and let the rest of worry about whether we -- or you -- are "qualified".


New member
Archdean said:
Finally, I'm certain that we can have a meaningful conversation providing all feathers are preened and smoothed! :D

As far as the preening and smoothing of feathers, I wish I could do that but the wife is watching "Survivor" and eating dessert. She would shoot me if I tried to get her to even touch my feathers right now (that's why we don't own a gun) and I gave up preening myself sometime ago (it's a sin, you know). :nono2:

As the younger guys at work say to me, "Peace out brother".:peace:



New member
OkeeDon, for a man claiming to be born in 1905 your insight belies your centurion status, take no offense please!

BoneheadNW, nice response and certainly to your credit! Now what was your original ? I will do my best to answer it!

Preening is not in itself a sin but rather the preoccupation with the same apparently is!!



New member
The reason why the calendar shows my birthday as 1905 is because it wouldn't take an earlier date; I'm really 122 years old , and I have been that age ever since my kids first asked me how old I am (which was about 30 years ago). I can still remember their eyes getting as big as saucers just before they ran off to tell all their little friends, "My Dad is 122 years old!" I don't know if they still believe me or not, but I'm still 122. If I had any friends, they would say that I haven't changed a bit.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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OkeeDon said:
"My Dad is 122 years old!" I don't know if they still believe me or not, but I'm still 122. If I had any friends, they would say that I haven't changed a bit.

Wow, I thought I was telling a whopper when I told my daughter that I was 57. I've been 57 for several years. But now at age 10, she no longer believes me. But sometimes I do feel that old.


New member
Wow, I thought I was telling a whopper when I told my daughter that I was 57. I've been 57 for several years. But now at age 10, she no longer believes me. But sometimes I do feel that old.
If you play your cards right and don't find yourself in someone else's house and make them feel threatened, someday you will be 57! :D :moon: :coolshade
Now you know why the teacher made me stand in the corner all the time.



Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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How could an arthritic eccentric in a Hawaiian shirt make anyone feel threatened?


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Well I have read this forum from the beginning and found no real answer if kerry lied or if it was before he knew it was a lie???????


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Draddogs said:
Well I have read this forum from the beginning and found no real answer if kerry lied or if it was before he knew it was a lie???????

Kerry has been corrected on gun issues so many times that he can't justify his positions other than as emotional ones. He is a liar, plain and simple. He must know it.

Now I don't have a problem with him he would just be honest and tell America that he didn't like guns based on emotion and that is why he has voted against gun owners 100% of the time (according to the Anti-Gun/Anti-Hunting groups Kerry has a 100% voting record supporting their causes). I can agree to disagree with someone who is at least honest in their postions.

But Kerry knows he has no leg to stand on with regard to factual information regarding guns. That is what has made him a liar for the past couple of DECADES on the gun issues.


New member
Well when you become a prodigy of the infamous Ted "the drunk" Kennedy you really couldn't expect to know the truth even if it hit you between the eyes.


Klaatu barada nikto
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Gwill said:
Is Kerry a liar? Does a bear $hit in the woods? Duh! Next question. :mad:

Is <$POLITICIAN_NAME> a liar? Does a bear $hit in the woods? Duh! Next question.


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DaveNay said:
Is <$POLITICIAN_NAME> a liar? Does a bear $hit in the woods? Duh! Next question.
Dave, that sums up my opinion perfectly. Politicians should be made to carry around this flag:
