I'll admit that I know a lot more about a lot of things than I know about ammunition. I'll admit that I have little interest in learning any more. But, I have a couple of questions. I seem to remember they were talking about a specific type of round when the question was being debated; I recall that it was teflon-coated, and that it had properties that non-coated bullets did not have. I don't know what those qualities were, but people who are smarter than me said they were dangerous, and they were not needed in the "normal" use of a weapon.
Further, there has been a lot of talk in this thread about hunting rounds being able to pierce normal police vests, but I don't think that's the issue. It was stated that normal pistol rounds will NOT penetrate vests in most cases. If I recall correctly, the "cop killer" ammunition was a teflon-coated PISTOL round that could be used in the most common handguns used by crminals. After all, few of them carry hunting rifles on the street, and they're somewhat difficult to conceal.
So, if the ban was on a specific type of unnecessary pistol ammunition that could penetrate normal police vests yet still be easily carried and concealed, it seems kind of logical to me that no one except a potential cop killer would ever use it, and it seems kind of logical to make them illegal to purchase and use. Even if it were possible to obtain them from some source, and still use them, the law would be valuable because it would provide another level of charges to be applied to the bad guy to keep him off the street longer, if he's caught.
As I also recall, the NRA is against that and any other law that has anything to do with any guns, even if the laws are reasonable and logical. That's why I call them fanatic nuts. If they would compromise on things like teflon-coated pistol rounds with no earthly use other than penetrating law enforcement vests, people might be more willing to listen to some of their other points. But, when they are such radical, unbending, illogical and unreasonable opponents to anything about guns, I have no respect for them or anyone who supports them.