• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/


Oh please "BED". How is that emotional or irrational? What was right? So what you are saying we should have left things as they were and let that absolute ruler keep thumbing his nose at the world and refuse to allow the weapons inspectors in? So when do you people stop? When do you say hey enough is enough? I still do not see your logic. You say we should have left it to the UN or the world to decide. The UN couldnt do anything. Show me where they actually did anything to get inspectors back in to do there job. The world did decide they had enough. We didnt go in by ourselves did we.
The absolute ruler? You mean Bin Laden? Then yes, I agree. He attacked the U.S. and should be eradicated and going to war against him and his regime is a just cause.

I have been watching you and have seen you have been reading this thread. WHY havent you answered my questions? I CHALLENGE YOU TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS! I have answered yours and yet you still cower away from mine. YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT! Duck and cover your head in the sand is all you know how to do. Blab away then run and hide. Typical of your kind.

Otherwise we are all dead (or belly-flopping on a prayer rug 7 times a day :puke1: ).

JDwilson and his kind would be the first to fall upon there knees and bow to that fake God. They would sell there souls to live one more hour on this planet. They are Cowards and have no understanding of what it trully means to be free. Freedom doesnt come free folks.

One mans security cannot be based on another mans nobility.
Av8r3400 said:
***Very Graphic***

Paul Johnson

Nick Berg

Mr. Armstrong

I challege JDwilson and Okeedon to just watch one of these videos. I bet you wont! I bet you cant even do it with out turning your head. To be honost I watched one and it made me so sick inside. It showed me who the enemy is. Its one thing to know we have an enemy its another to SEE who he is and what joy he gets out of his killing of innocent people. I cannot watch any of these vidoes EVER AGAIN. Once was enough for me . BUT HAVE YOU WATCHED ONE? Tell me we should allow any of these people to get a nuclear device. TELL ME THEY WONT USE IT. TELL ME THEY WOULDNT PLANT IT OUTSIDE A SCHOOL. TELL ME THEY WOULDNT PLANT IT IN YOUR HOME TOWN. TELL ME THEY ARE JUST. TELL ME WE ARE NOT. IF WE ARENT JUST THEN WHO IS? ITS EITHER THEM OR US. WHOS SIDE DO YOU TAKE? IF YOU CAN BE HONOST THEN I WILL NEVER ASK YOU ANYTHING AGAIN. (But first answer my original questions) You wont.
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Well as you know you can see when someone is reading a post a what post that is. JDWILLSON44 was reading this post. Then he went and was reading his PMs. I sent him one and just asked him to answer my questions. Thats all, very srtright and to the point. He then signed off. Now we all have jobs we need to do. I understand that. But I have a feeling he refuses to answer my questions. He has had plenty of time to do so but refuses. As far as I am concerned he will not. I have baited him as much as I can. I am done. If he replies then I will also. Keep Safe America!
Snowcat Operations said:
Yes I own firearms. Do I go around pointing my barrel in other people faces and threatening them with total destruction. (If I did I would get shot) To proclaim to the world that if you are not a muslim and if you dont convert that I will be head you? (Funny how if you take a country and put a citizen in its place and he started doing what his country is doing. IE threatening everyone around him. How would the police act)

I find it funny how you apparently are able to see the logic of defending yourself in your personal life, you admit to the logic of not going around pointing your gun in others' faces - and yet this logic appears to escape you when you start looking at international relations. You make the statement "If I did I would get shot" yet you apparently have no knowledge of geography or recent events because you don't realize that the US has invaded countries on either side of Iran and has threatened to invade Iran on a number of occasions. To me the development by Iran of nuclear weapons is an entirely logical response to the way the US has acted in that region of the world. Do not take words and put them in my mouth and say that I am somehow supporting them - I am not. But ignorance of reality is not the best way to go around leading one's life.

SO AGAIN WHY DONT YOU ANSWER MY ONE QUESTION THAT I ASKED YOU TO ANSWER? JUST THAT ONE? You see I knew you wouldnt even begin to answer my others and now you wont even answer that one simple question.

You are just like most other people in this country - you have bought into the fallacy that in order to protect this country we need to go galavanting around the world saving everybody else's asses. What has that gotten us so far? How well did Vietnam turn out for us? Is the Iraq war over yet and are the Iraqis dancing around thanking us for democracy? No. My personal opinion (which I have stated on this site a number of times) is that the Mideast as a whole is a big stinking cesspool - and there is absolutely no way that we will be able to go in there and force thru solutions. Until the people in the Mideast decide they are sick of their leaders and throw them out nothing will ever change there. Why do we in the US celebrate the fact that the citizens of this country threw out the British and establised a goverment and society for the people - and yet we don't seem to think that this process might work in other places? By involving ourselves in the Iraq war we have gotten this country drawn into something that may well prove our undoing in the end. There is always more than one way to win a war - and the problem here is that I believe that we as a country are NOT SERIOUS about winning this. Too many people believe that we are not facing a real threat - we are not addressing issues like immigration from the Mideast (why is the former spokesman for the Taliban going to Yale?), and the big one is - why do we continue to send our dollars to the Mideast and continue to keep paying for oil? To continue to keep doing this is like letting the Islamics hold onto our balls while we engage in a fistfight with them. The surest way for us to win this war is to remove the funding that supports it. This means an absolute stop to any purchase of oil from the Mideast. Once the money dried up the sources of funding for weapons would dry up. In the end the Mideast as a whole needs us far more than we need them - if you don't count the oil. The problem is that with us so dependent oil we need them far more than they need us and they know it and they use it to their advantage. By continuing to do this we are sowing the seeds of our own destruction. If you don't believe me read this article:


Where do you think that $70 billion came from?

OkeeDon has mentioned that I support Pat Buchanan - I cant say I support everything about him, but I do believe he has some very good things to say - if you really want to get a different view on things I highly recommend you read his book " A Republic Not an Empire" - he makes some extremely good points, he backs them up, and what he says is entirely relevant to what is going on with the US right now.

A good part of the problem is that even so called "conservatives" are not really conservative any more. They just believe in screwing around with peoples lives in different ways. George Bush and his crowd put on a good face of conservatism but in the end they are just using the goverment to further their own goals - deficit spending goes up, goverment agencies expand, the goverment pokes into our lives even more, etc.

This article has some good commentary about this:

And as far as okeedon yes Kruschev ordered the weapons back. BUT HE KNEW it would mean war and he knew we would have invaded CUBA. You sir believe hollow threats can achive something. They only work for a while and then you get the crap we are in now because finally SOMEONE had the balls to do what was right. You cant stand the idea that GWB is just like JFK when it come to this matter (hell even on taxes). And as far as the U.N. once again you liberals are sticking your heads in the sand and not seeing any wrong from your beloved idea. THE UN SUCKS. IT IS CORRUPTED BEYOND REPAIR AND YOU STILL BLINDLY FOLLOW IT. You know you people are what have destroyed this great country that JFK help build. YOU have cut off our balls and have thrown them to the wolfs and cant understand why we are so hated in the world. Once you show the enemy we are weak they will try and attack. When you make excuses for those attacks against us you encourage them to do more. MY GOD! thank God we didnt have people like you in power back in the 40s! You would be saying how nice HITLER IS or how we really provoked JAPAN into attacking us!

If you knew anything at all about the reasoning behind Bin Laden and his ilk you would know that one of the main reasons why they think they can attack us is because many of the US's interventionist wars over the last 50 years have not turned out so well. The Islamics perceive us as weak and aim to take advantage of that. By drawing us into their cesspool of a world they believe they can drown us in their shit. And we are falling for it.

I don't believe I ever defended or advocated anything about the UN - frankly I believe we should get out of the UN - they are useless and they do not deserve to have power over any of the US's affairs.

"Somebody had the balls to do what is right" - what is that exactly? Invade another country that did not attack us? Frankly I think taking out Saddam was the stupidest thing we could have done. Instead of supporting Israel we should have been supporting Saddam - tired of Iran ?- give Saddam more money and weapons and tell him to go at the Iranians. Tired of the Saudi Wahabi schools turning out terrorists? Let Saddam threaten Saudi Arabia and see how quickly they come in line. Saddam could have been our bitch and we blew it. He would have taken care of the Islamics much better than we ever could have - and since the French and the Germans and the Russians all wanted to trade with him it would have kept them in line too.

You make reference to the Japanese and Hitler during WWII - which is why I must again point you to Buchanan's book I mentioned earlier. He makes the point that the Nazis did not initially look at invading France and England. Hitler actually considered the British a potential ally. The initial invasions were pointed to the East - into Czeckoslovakia and Poland, and then ultimately Russia - not into France. France and England entered the war because they had defense treaties signed with Poland. Once France and England entered the war Germany had to go into France because they threatened Germany from the West. Hitlers ultimate goal was "leubenshraum" or "living room" - the Nazis considered the Slavs as subhuman and his ultimate goal was to invade Russia. If the Germans had not had to fight the French and the British and the Americans they might have actually defeated the Russians.
Can you say that having Communist Russia survive WWII was a good thing? Stalin killed more people than Hitler did. Communist China under Mao killed more people than Hitler did. Remember that one of Hitlers inner circle actually flew to England in a ME-110 to try and get a peace between Germany and Britain - there were no such attempts with the Russians. Could the US, France, and Britain have defeated Germany without Russia? I dont know. Would we have had to? I don't know. This is all conjecture. The point is that history took the turns that it did because Britain and France got involved because they had to defend Poland - not taking into account that Poland is essentially indefensible geographically from France or Britain. This sucked them into a war that almost broke them - then the US got sucked in too.

The point of all this is that when you get involved in a war you can't predict what might fall out of that. We are in a war right now that we cannot predict what the real outcome will be over time - doing this type of thing is not a "conservative" action.

By the way you had put me on your ignore list before I even asked those questions. WHY? I had never directed anything toward you specifically. Or did you know I was right and you were wrong and just decided you couldnt handle the truth? The truth is scary isnt it? You realized everything you stand for is full of crap! BUT there is hope for you. You can come over to the other side. The side of truth! The TRUTH shall set you free my friend. Take that step and dont get all caught up in the emotions. I am seriuos here. OPen your eyes and you mind and trully think for your self. Quit having someone else tell you how to think. What to say. I wont put you or anybody on my Ignore list. WHY? We are talking about OUR future wether you want to admit that or not. Our childrens future is at stake not some political contest. I dont give a crap about the Republicans or Democrats. BUT I do care about the well being of our GREAT COUNTY! Shouldnt you?

You are goddam right our future is at stake. And I can't see how spending our country into bankruptcy, bleeding our military out on foreign shores, spending 100's of billions of dollars on fighting wars, pissing off half of the countries across the globe, and blindly striking out and giving other countries reason to fear us - is going to make us safer.

What truth is it exactly that you think we should come over to? After reading your comments they frankly look to me like a scripted speech from the Bush Administration. I don't think that either OkeeDon or myself are the ones that need to start thinking for ourselves. Quite frankly the way you are talking is just as disturbing and threatening to the ultimate safety of this country as the Islamic terrorists. Blindly marching in tune to the war drums is not necessarily the best way to defend this country and defeat the enemy. In the end it may be the surest way to get us all killed.
Although I agree with your possition on the matter, it will not do any good to attack the other members.. It might not be my place, but thats the thing that is causing the left to loose favor.. They attack and belittle anyone that doesnt see their way.. Simple truth is that you have no influence on someone who has such died in the wool feelings on a subject.. If you watch Hillary, Kerry, Kennedy, or any of the other great liberal leaders speak over time, they will contradict themselves just out of pure hatered for their opponents regardless of right and wrong.. There's nothing you can do but, vote against them....

Seriously, I think you have added some great comments here.. Unfortunatly, I think you have made more enemies that will ignore you and not read the good points you have made.. Take it easy man, we need to be civil..

If I pissed you off, tell me so, but I think it needed to be said...
You still didnt answer my question. Or any my others. You are just ranting. Please simply answer my questions. Its simple. Here give me a few minutes and I will post them so as you can understand them.
Qestion number 1:

Is Iran the biggest sponsor, support and trainer of Terrorist?

A simple yes or no is all that is needed.

Question number 2:

This question was in regards the leaders of Iraq who are religious wackos. You said that some people view President bush as a religious freak. My question to you was (in post #18) If I were in Iran would I be executed for writting what I had written. A simple yes or no answer is all we need.

Forget all the other questions. Now I have this question. Again you act like we started (as a country) walking down the street waving our guns and threatening everyone who is close to us. Again I say we are simply responding to these people attacking us first. So Afganistan you are saying was un justly attacked? We went there first after all and they border Iraq. Who was running Afganistan then? Who is now?
NO way you pissed me off. This isnt about me trying to persuaid these poeple one way or the other. I really want them to just answer my simple questions. They keep going around and around. I dont hate them. If anything I feel sorry for them. They made all these statements and I simply am trying to get them to answer my questions.. And as far as trying to make friends I have no dillusions about that!
Snowcat Operations said:
Av8r3400 said:
***Very Graphic***

Paul Johnson

Nick Berg

Mr. Armstrong

I challege JDwilson and Okeedon to just watch one of these videos. I bet you wont! I bet you cant even do it with out turning your head. To be honost I watched one and it made me so sick inside. It showed me who the enemy is. Its one thing to know we have an enemy its another to SEE who he is and what joy he gets out of his killing of innocent people. I cannot watch any of these vidoes EVER AGAIN. Once was enough for me . BUT HAVE YOU WATCHED ONE? Tell me we should allow any of these people to get a nuclear device. TELL ME THEY WONT USE IT. TELL ME THEY WOULDNT PLANT IT OUTSIDE A SCHOOL. TELL ME THEY WOULDNT PLANT IT IN YOUR HOME TOWN. TELL ME THEY ARE JUST. TELL ME WE ARE NOT. IF WE ARENT JUST THEN WHO IS? ITS EITHER THEM OR US. WHOS SIDE DO YOU TAKE? IF YOU CAN BE HONOST THEN I WILL NEVER ASK YOU ANYTHING AGAIN. (But first answer my original questions) You wont.

I have already seen all of those videos except for the one showing Mr Armstrong getting his head cut off. You can only stand to watch them once - I will watch them over and over again to remind myself what is at stake here. All those videos do is show why we can never expect to achieve anything in that part of the world. The war is a losing cause because the people there are like this and support this type of behavior. If this was a war of extermination then I might say it is a good idea because you might actually have a chance of success. Trying to convert people who would do things like this to democracy is a losing proposition.

I said it before and I will say it again - do you really believe that the Iranian goverment would just start nuking other countries as soon as they get a nuclear weapon? The fact that you actually believe this is just as scary to me as those people who are hacking off peoples heads - because frankly it is the same type of thinking. Who is cutting off infidels heads over there? Who is suiting themselves up with bombs and blowing themselves up? It isn't the leaders in the goverments and the imams in the mosques - it is the people on the street - the blind followers - who believe everything they are told without question who suit themselves up with bombs and go out screaming "Kill the Infidels!".

Once again I will repeat - if the Iranians use a nuclear bomb they will be wiped from the face of the earth. If there is a city that is nuked - and there is even a suspicion that the bomb came from Iran - they will be nuked. Once this happens Russia, France, Britain, everybody who has to deal with Islamic terrorists - will want to see Iran nuked. It will be the end of Iran. Do you really think that the leadership of Iran is that crazy?

Since you are so sure the Iranians are hellbent on putting nuclear weapons outside our schools what do you propose we do about it? Now you have a question to answer.
Oh so now I have a "Scripted" rebulican speech I am spewing? PLEASE I do not bow at the Alter of BUSH! In fact I have some seriuos issues with our leader. Let me tell you how I feel. First our borders are fricken WIDE open. I have written BUSH SEVERAL times on how I feel about this! I will be going to join the Minute Men for my vacation to help watch our borders. I am also pissed off on how much Damn money the Bush administration is spending. Its a Fracken joke! There are alot of other issues I have problems with as well regarding the Bush administration. Oh but I am a republican pupet huhhh. Please, go give spew that crap to someone else. Now answer my questions.
You STILL refuse to answer my questions. See the BIG CAPITOL LETTERS? Why wont you answer at least that one damn question? So here I go again I will answer your question.

Ok lets pretend I am the President and it is present day.

I would let the UN and all of the world try an persuaid Iran to stop building nuclear weapons. If they continued I would run a blockade and imbargo on there counrty (this will go on for months just like what JFK did with Cuba). If they continued then I would be forced take out all of there capabilities in this matter. EVERY single one. I would destroy all of there plants. I would target all of there scientist and I would traget all of the leaders. I would give them every chance in the world to stop But if not then I would stop them. You have a problem with that? Thats what should have happend to Bin Laden. Thats what happend to Saddam but that went on for far to long. I am being honost with you now why dont you answer my questions?
Snowcat Operations said:
Qestion number 1:

Is Iran the biggest sponsor, support and trainer of Terrorist?

A simple yes or no is all that is needed.

The answer to this one is NO. Saudi Arabia is by far the biggest supporter of terrorism. They finance all of the Wahabi schools across the globe, they finance Bin Laden, and then financed the Taliban. They are just a lot more sneaky about it. They also sponsor mosques and Islamic activities in this country that undermine us. Once again I will post this article:


Please read it before you respond.

And we continue to support the Saudis with military help and by buying their oil. Don't tell me we are serious about fighting this war. We are supplying the money that finances our own destruction - and our goverment and leaders - George Bush prominent among them - does nothing about it.

Question number 2:

This question was in regards the leaders of Iraq who are religious wackos. You said that some people view President bush as a religious freak. My question to you was (in post #18) If I were in Iran would I be executed for writting what I had written. A simple yes or no answer is all we need.

Forget all the other questions. Now I have this question. Again you act like we started (as a country) walking down the street waving our guns and threatening everyone who is close to us. Again I say we are simply responding to these people attacking us first. So Afganistan you are saying was un justly attacked? We went there first after all and they border Iraq. Who was running Afganistan then? Who is now?


I can't answer your question about being executed in Iraq because frankly I don't see how it has anything to do with this discussion. The only thing I can take from your comment is that you believe the US should go around the world toppling goverment and "liberating" people because they live under oppression. This isn't how it works. It's the same difference as buying your kid a fancy college education vs having him pay for it himself. The kids whose parents pay for everything usually dont always respect it - the kids who suffer for the money to pay for it themselves do. Until the people in that part of the world decide to get rid of their fundamentalist religious goverments themselves they do not deserve freedom and democracy nor will they respect it.

From everything thing I have read and every interaction I have had with Muslims I frankly do not believe that Islam and democracy are even compatible. To think that they are is just wishful thinking.

To answer your last comment - you need to read some more history. Iran is not the same as the rest of the Mideast. They are Persians not Arabs. Their predominant religion may be Islam but many of the people in Iran have no real love lost for the fundamentalists. And the US has been screwing with Iran for a long time - do you know how the Shah got installed into power? Before the US invaded Iraq there was some inkling that the fundamentalists might lose power. I have not heard much about this lately - probably because the Islamics have strengthened their grip because of the threats from the Bush administration.

You have a real talent for making up words I never said. I never mentioned Afghanistan at all. And to answer your question the last time I checked the Taliban is still in control of areas of Afghanistan, poppy growing has come back - and most of the country outside of Kabul is in the hands of warlords. Not exactly democracy by a long shot.

Since you claim that we are simply responding to people who attacked us first can you point me to the new stories about where Iraq attacked the United States? - I must have missed them.
Again you wont asnwer that one question,

I said Allah was a fake god. Would I have been executed in Iran for saying that. This is in regards to the Leaders Fanantical religiuos veiws. Not me try to be the worlds police. Again you are skirting the question and you know it. You also know the answer is yes which would also prove they ARE fanatics! You are also mistaken about Saudi Arabia as the worlds largest supporter of Terrosist. I said or Implied STATE sponsored and trained. NOT indidvidual financiers that happen to be Saudis. IRAN is the worlds largest supporter of Terrorist. They have more training camps and have more terrorist in there borders than any other nation. I do agree that some very rich Saudi citizens and some of the royal family sponsor terrorists. But these are not State sanctioned like in Iraq. I too feel we need to pull back from Saudi and other countries in the middle East. But when the Worlds economy runs off of oil its hard to just quit cold turkey. YOU CANT. You have to either have your own oil or develop another source. I prefer another source but that will take a while. BUT why do the Democrats keep blocking the drilling up in Alaska? I am not a Republican or Democrat I am an American. I pick who best represents my beliefs and vote for that person. Democrat Republicam Green party who ever. So when I ask why do the Democrats keep blocking the drilling and exploration I am not asking it from a "Repulicans" view.

Yes I know the Irainians are not "Arabs" but thats besides the point isnt it.
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On another note this has been a great discussion and I havent typed this much in a while. My poor old key board has been dying for weeks now and is really in its death throws. I really do not have any bad feelings towards anyone. This has just been a political head butting. I do look forward to reading your answers if you ever do really respond to them:D . It has been fun. :thumb:
Snowcat Operations said:
Again you wont asnwer that one question,

I said Allah was a fake god. Would I have been executed in Iran for saying that. This is in reagrds to the Leadres Fanantical religiuos veiws. Not me try to be the worlds police. Again you are skirting the question and you know it. You alsoknow the answer is yes which would also prove the ARE fanatics! You are also mistaken about Saudi arabia as the worlds largest supporter of Terrosist. I said or Implied STAT sponsored and trained. NOT indidvidual financers that happen to be Saudis. Iran is the worlds largest supporter of Terrorist. I do agree that some very rich Saudi citizens and some of the royal family sponsor terrorists. But these are not State sanctioned like in Iraq. I too feel we need to pull back from Saudi and other countries in the middle East. But when the Worlds economy runs off of oil its hard to just quit cold turkey. YOU CANT. You have to either have your own oil or develop another source. I prefer another source but that will take a while. BUT why do the Democrats keep blocking the drilling up in Alaska? I am not a Republican or Democrat I am an American. I pick who best represents my beliefs and vote for that person. Democrat Republicam Green party who ever. So when I ask why do the Democrats keep blocking the drilling and exploration I am not asking it from a "Repulicans" view.

I read your posts numerous times and cant find the one where you referred to Allah being a fake god. For some reason you seem to like to put words in my mouth and veer off the subject - I never disputed that Islam is a fake religion. After the Danish cartoon incident I spent a considerable amount of time reading everything I could on Islam and the history of the Mideast - as I said before I saw the videos except for the Mr Anderson one. From all I know of it Islam is not a religion - it is a cult. Mohammed was a murderer, a rapist, and a war monger. There is absolutely nothing about the belief system that I admire. I have also spent a decent amount of time on religious site antagonizing Muslims the same way I am am antagonizing you.

But all of this is why I stand by my earlier statements - which by the way you have not sufficiently responded to - that the war under it's current stated purpose - is a waste. Again - like I said before - if this was a war of exterminiation it might make sense. But our current stated goal is democracy - it wont work - it is incompatible with the Muslim religion. So the war is a waste. It is unwinnable under the current stated goals And you don't go to war unless you intend to win. If we really wanted to win against the Islamics we would have taken the hundreds of billions of dollars that will be spent and we would have gone all out on alternative sources of energy - nuclear, coal, ethanol, solar, hydrogen, whatever. Once we are thru with Mideast oil we would have severed all ties and shut them off from any support politically, militarily, financially whatever. Get out of the UN - they do nothing for us anyway. Let the whole region spiral down - as you know it would. This would inevitably draw in the Europeans and the Russians and possibly the Chinese. While everybody is beating the crap out of each other we can sell them all weapons and make a killing on the arms market and watch our economy grow. Let it be known in no uncertain terms that attacks against the US will be met with overwhelming nuclear response. Mind our own business and threaten utter annihilation to anybody who screws with us. I say some of this with my tongue in cheek just a little but I truly believe that the current involvement in the Mideast in not beneficial to this country in the long run.

I don't know where you go the idea that I am a liberal Snowcat - I get the impression that you think anybody who disagrees with you must be a liberal.
Snowcat Operations said:
Jdwillson44 let me see,

So what you are saying is to just leave them alone? Dont dare risk angering them. Hell they can only strike Israel so why should we get involved. Why should we get involved. Hmmm Why should we even bother? "When good men stand aside and do nothing Evil prevails" Iran is the biggest trainer of terrorist. Do you at least agree with this? If so then what is one of the most lethal weapons they could use against us? What is the smallest most lethal weapon they could use against us? You act like we just attacked Iraq for the hell of it. You act like we deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Is that what you think? Let me hear you respond to each of my questions. They started this. Them and there twisted evil religion started this. Not us. They hate us because we support Israel. What have the Israelies done to them? Lets see 1967 the 6 day war. HMMM I recall Israel was attacked on three sides by three diffrent nations acting as one unified army. Israel Kicked the living shit out of there enemys! Remember the U.N. They only stopped the war once they saw Israel was totally wiping the sand with there arab asses! They also did it with alot of our military weapons (The French stopped supplying Israel during the war because they were making alot more money from the other guys). What else has Israel done to them to have such a hatred. Oh they are Jews. I guess in you book that is enough of a reason. Yes Israel has had Nuclear weapons for decades. But have they EVER used them? No. But what do you think the Arabs will do if they get a hold of a nuclear device? History has showed the dont need a valid reason to attack Israel. They would use a nuclear weapon in a heart beat and not even care. Hell they starp bombs on there children to go kill Isralies! You see those people are religious freaks. You say Bush is a religious freak or you impled that other people said he is a religious freak. HOW? Because he believs in God? Then I'm a freak. I dont see Bush having peoples heads cut off because they disagree with what he says and then hide behind that so called God Allah. I dont hear Bush saying he is a prophet of God do you? Bushs word is not Law. If I were in Iran I would be executed for writing what I have typed here tonight. Do you think I am jokeing? Answer that one question if you dont answer any of the others. WOULD I BE EXECUTED FOR WRITING WHAT I HAVE WRITTTEN HERE TONIGHT IF I LIVED IN IRAN? The answer is yes. So who is the religious freaks? If they would execute me for what I have written(and remember they would do this to there own and have everyday of the year) then what makes you think they wouldnt attack America if they could. I also said they would do it behind closed doors. Not openly. They are dumb but not stupid. All they need is to supply the weapon. What makes you think they wouldnt?

"That so called God Allah" That is what I had changed it too. I had first wrote Fake god and then chaged it. SORRY. But if I were in Iran and said that allah was not the true God then I would be executed. Wouldnt I.
My point was this. If these people are religious freaks which I believe you and I can say yes they are to that then what makes you think IF they are the worlds LARGEST STATE sponserer and funder and trainer of terrorist that they wouldnt give these weapons to a terrosist group? That was what this was all about. Thats why we need to stop them before they develope these weapons. BEFORE they can have them smuggled in across our borders one way or another.
Snowcat Operations said:
"That so called God Allah" That is what I had changed it too. I had first wrote Fake god and then chaged it. SORRY. But if I were in Iran and said that allah was not the true God then I would be executed. Wouldnt I.

That at least is something I will agree with you on. There was an incident recently with that guy in Afghanistan who was going to be sentenced to death because he had converted to Christianity. After all I have learned of Islam I truly do not believe that anything we try to do over there - short of complete eradication - will make that area any better. This is something that the Muslim world has to fix itself - and we need to extricate ourselves from this mess as much as possible so it does not blow up in our faces. By getting involved in the Iraq war we are exposing ourselves to some truly horrible scenarios. What would happen to the US military over in Iraq if Iran were to start lobbing nukes into Israel and Iraq - we could lose hundreds of thousand of our best combat troops.

You say we have to stop them - the problem is that there really is no way to stop them. If you have a solution I would like to hear it - because the only way I can see to stop them if they really want to do this is to either 1) do what I have been talking about and cutoff their oil money and disengage from the region to protect our own asses - or
2) nuke every known nuclear development site in Iran. This is the only way militarily to be absolutely sure all the targets are taken out. This would have to be followed by a full scale invasion of the country to drive out the goverment and try and establish one that would not develop nuclear weapons - for the probably success rate of this enterprise please refer to the ongoing Iraq war.
I do not feel we have to Nuke everysite. I do feel some Nuclear bunker busters along with conventional bombing and and some very accurate smart bombs will pretty much do the trick. You would need to target of course all of the production facilities which are known to us. Targetthe Scientists (all of them) and target the leadership. There is a huge rebelion just waiting to happen. You once stated that we were able to over come the British. Well that was with like military weapons. Times have changed and these people have tanks aircraft and the like. Kinda hard to defeat these weapons when you only have a sling or at best an AK47. If we can get together with the laeders of the revolution then we could help them over throw these Religious whacko rulers. Only time will tell who is right. BUT also dont forget. I dont know if you are religious but the end times will start and end in the Middle East. Its all in Gods plan.
I know where he and others got the idea that I'm a Liberal; it's because I attack misinformation. And, right now, the fountainhead of misinformation happens to be a Republican regime. I've stated numerous times that I have voted for conservatives in the past and will do so in the future. I regularly vote for Mark Foley as my Congressman, because right now, he's the best for my district. Sometimes because of national politics and "marching orders", he has to vote for things that make little sense, but he has rarely been misinformed.

If one goes through all of my posts on this forum, one will see that I have rarely -- if ever -- espoused a Liberal cause. In fact, I have often criticized Liberal policies when they are also misinformed. I have never defended, or even stated my views pro or con, the United Nations. I have supported some Conservative policies.

I have two primary "pet peeves". One is gratuitous name calling of any politician on either side. I get my back up when people start using cutesy, insulting nicknames for our representatives. I don't do it, and I will call to task anyone else who does it -- whether they are insulting Liberals or Conservatives. It just so happens that on this forum, the jerks who use these insulting names are all (self proclaimed) Conservatives, and they use their rude and childish names against Liberals. Therefore, when I attack the name-calling, it appears that I'm defending Liberals.

Please get it straight -- I'm not defending anyone; I'm ATTACKING the jerks who use the cutesy names.

My second pet peeve is a collage of overstatement, rhetoric, phony macho rants, bluster and failure to research or even think about a subject. I often disagree with jdwilson44, but I respect him. I have vastly different conclusions than Bob S, but I respect him. I do NOT respect people who rant and rave and bluster without regard for the consequences.

I am a fiscal Conservative, much more so than the current administration. I fundamentally disagree with their tax cuts, because I do not believe that anyone can survive for long by borrowing their way to prosperity. Sooner or later, the piper must be paid, and the sooner we get back to sanity with regards to our national income, the better.

Likewise, I have a conservative view of spending. However, when I read that the Conservative government is eliminating spending in many critical areas, while spending Billions in Iraq, it curdles my blood. There are smart spending cuts and there are dumb spending cuts. I don't see much evidence of smart cuts.

I'm not even much of a social liberal. I'm much more of a laissez-faire thinker. What that is, is something similar to Libertarians, although more laid-back and not so stuffy. Another term is agnostic -- which can be defined as, "I don't know whether you should have a gun or not, and I don't care, as long as you are responsible about it." It's the same type of attitude that says women can have an abortion if they feel they need it; that says it's OK not to wear a motorcycle helmet; etc.

Like most conservatives, I'm REALLY big on Personal Responsibility. People MUST take responsibility for their own actions. This applies to everything from gun use to driving in the left lane.

I do favor negotiations over fighting. Does this make me weak? Well, let me think. I've never even come close to being in a fist fight, yet I've managed to get my own way almost all of the time. I have no physical enemies. In other words, despite never going off half-cocked and punching someone out, I've managed to win almost all of the time, more than my friends who occasionally end up in the hospital. I guess it depends on how good one is at negotiating. However, I do not see this as a Liberal versus Conservative attitude; I see it as simple common sense. Some of the folks on this forum believe that negotiations eventually run their course and one then has to fight. I think history is on my side that the opposite is true -- fighting always runs it's course, and diplomacy takes over. How else did our previous enemies become our allies and trading partners?

The point of all this rambling is that I'm getting freaking sick and tired of so-called conservative know-it-alls telling me how I think and putting words in my mouth. If you think you undertand me, you're do far off base that it makes you an idiot.
Snowcat Operations said:
I do not feel we have to Nuke everysite. I do feel some Nuclear bunker busters along with conventional bombing and and some very accurate smart bombs will pretty much do the trick. You would need to target of course all of the production facilities which are known to us. Targetthe Scientists (all of them) and target the leadership. There is a huge rebelion just waiting to happen. You once stated that we were able to over come the British. Well that was with like military weapons. Times have changed and these people have tanks aircraft and the like. Kinda hard to defeat these weapons when you only have a sling or at best an AK47. If we can get together with the laeders of the revolution then we could help them over throw these Religious whacko rulers. Only time will tell who is right. BUT also dont forget. I dont know if you are religious but the end times will start and end in the Middle East. Its all in Gods plan.

If this is all in gods plan then why are you so scared of the outcome and insist on attacking another country? It seems to me that if there is a plan for all of this then once again is no reason for us to be over there provoking the situation.

So you are advocating attacking another country with nuclear weapons - basically confirming my previous statement that we have as much to fear from people over here who blindly follow whatever is told to them as we have to fear from people over in the Islamic world who do the same thing.

Yes - I am sure a pre-emptive war against Iran - a country much bigger and more populous, with hard line Islamic leaders and plenty of people willing to die for the cause (unlike Saddams troops who pretty much surrendered at first opportunity) , plenty of weapons of mass destruction including poison gas and the probability of nuclear dirty bombs at the minimum - would work out so much better for us than the current war in Iraq has gone so far. I am sure we can rely on our intelligence services to tell us exactly where all these nuclear sites are and where the leadership is exactly because they have probably improved so much over when they insisted there were WMD's in Iraq and they knew exactly where Saddam was. I can't believe I didn't see how well this would all work out. :pat:
Targetthe Scientists (all of them) and target the leadership. There is a huge rebelion just waiting to happen.
That is PRECISELY the massive mistake that was made in Iraq. According to the "plan", all we had to do was remove the leaders and control the WMD if it turned out to be there. then, the population would welcome us with open arms and flowers, the way the French did when we liberated them in WWII.

The mistake was that they were wrong. The people don't want us, and they don't want our form ouf government. That's what jdwilson has been trying to get across. We can NEVER win in the Middle East, unless they want to change on their own. If there is a huge rebellion waiting to happen, then let it happen!

If we target any part of Iran, for any reason, we will just be throwing more fuel on the fire, and making the Islamic fundamentalists stronger than ever.

We faced the same sort of attitude during the Cold War. At one point, Krushchev banged his shoe on the podium and swore, "We will bury you!" We did not "target" them with tactical nukes. If we had, the world would be a vastly different place today.

Yours is the kind of macho bullshit attitude that could get us all killed. There are other ways of handling the situation.
Snowcat Operations said:
But if I were in Iran and said that allah was not the true God then I would be executed. Wouldnt I.

Actually, not necessarily. Shari law states that you should be executed for renouncing Islam, but not for never believing in it in the first place.
A nuclear bunker buster is not a so called Nuclear weapon of mass destruction.. Its for penetrating deep inside reinforced bunkers. I also didnt say THIS is the end times. But this is the region it will start in. We dont know when that is BUT we still need to protect our selves. So what you saying is if someone comes at you with a knife you are just going to let him stab you? Well? you know one day you are going to die. Is that your reasoning? JFK established a division (CIA) to protect us from ever being surprise attacked again (Pearl Harbor) Clinton basically destroyed that capability. There is nothing wrong with taking someones ability away before they can use it against us. This was a good discussion. Hope you have a good life and I hope we dont get nuked. But if we do it will be because of people like you.
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