Snowcat Operations, someone sent me a PM to challenge me as to why I was not responding to your "questions". The simple reason is that you are on my ignore list, and will remain there until you calm down. However, I did lift the restriction long enough to look at the specific challenge that was mentioned.
Snowcat Operations said:
And Okeedon, How can you sit there and say:
"he does look at things from logic, reason and research, rather than emotion and propaganda. We sometimes arrive at different conclusions, but more often, I have to respect his clear-headed approach to facts."
You only appreciate his so called clear approach to "The Facts" because it closley approaches your twisted beliefs! Lets see how he answers my questions. I know it is typical of Liberals to blindly follow and you have shown this very thing.
The primary reason you are on my "ignore" list, and why B_Skurka had to admonish you earlier, is because of your propensity to be a know-it-all and to put words in people's mouths. Talk about twisted! What you "know" about Liberals is about as valid as what you "know" about my weight. Let me simply say that the last descroption you could apply to either me or jdwilson44 is that we are "blind".
Snowcat Operations said:
Now as far as JFK yes he did handle the Cuban Missle crisis perfectly. Let me ask you this. What diffrence is there between how JFK handled Cuba than Bush handled Iraq?
I can tell you. If the Naval Blockade of Cuba didnt work JFK would have invaded Cuba! He had all the troops ready to go. Fidel Castro knew it and conceeded.
Uh - check your history. Fidel Castro had nothing to do with it, and I seriously doubt there would have been an invasion of Cuba. The only thing you got right was the blockade. The confrontation was with Kruschev, not Castro, and the results if Kruschev had not backed down would likely have been WWIII.
The all-important difference is that JFK
talked first. GWB
attacked first. And, don't give me that crap about the UN; you know as well as I do that people like you have no faith in the UN; you only trot it out when it's convenient, like trying to CBA (Cover Bush's Ass). If Kruschev had
not backed down, and we would have had to take action, JFK was prepared to take appropriate action, not the watered-down, piss-ant, ill-prepared and nearly thoughtless approach that Rummy took.
There is absolutely no comparison between JFK and Bush, and I think it's pathetic (and a sign of how little you actually understand) that you would even attempt to make a connection.
Now, back on my "ignore" list.