• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/



Extra Super Moderator
I don't know what 071 is, but it is showing up in a few posts..... is it a Smilies or is it a secret code between hinny and Jay? I have seen it in both of their posts...... is Jay hinny????? Come clean Jay.. :mad:


Super Moderator
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GOLD Site Supporter
Cityboy said:
My name's John. Born in 1964. I'm a USMC graduate: :boobies: University of Science Music and Culture :D (I borrowed that from one of the other Jar Heads on TBN..might have been BCZoom)

Wasn't me.

I too spent 4 years in the USMC. Avation Electronics on AE6-B's, UH1-N's and AH1-T's.

I've been in I/T for almost 20 years but thinking of getting out of it. To do what??? I don't know yet but I've been playing around with the bunker in the other thread for now.

I've been married for 10 years and have an 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son.

I have a little over 10 acres and spend as much time outdoors as I can. I like my toys but started parting with some (last year, I was up to 17 things to ride in/on) but I really didn't need 7 ATV's, 5 cars/trucks, 3 tractors...


Just Plinkin Away the $$
Hi....My name is Tom & I too am a tractor-holic.......I'm in NE ohio, about 100 miles north of Moon (Doc), & own & run a material handling business. I hav'nt been banned from the other site (yet), and I'm glad to see some familiar people here. I'm in my 2nd childhood, having gotten divorced & remarried & my kids are the same age as the grandkids of most of my HS classmates. We're into sports,fishing, boating, 4 wheeling,outdoors in general, & I also have a horsepower addiction which is satisfied by a couple of old cars. I have met some of the most helpful down to earth people I've ever known through the other site, & I'm glad to see alot of them here. It will be nice to speak my mind without having to worry that someone won't like what I have to say. Thanks for the new place Doc !!.... :applause: .........Tom


Super Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Hey Tom,

I was wondering when you were going to post. Welcome aboard.

If you're 100 miles from Doc, we're probably pretty close. I'm just a few miles inside PA (from OH) just SE from Youngstown.



Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Hey Tom,
Welcome aboard. I knew you'd be posting eventually so I made you a charter member. Knowing the Doc has it's advantages! :D

The gas hose & nozzel you fixed me up with worked like a champ all summer. I was the envy of our boating neighbors. Ofcourse I let them use it when they wanted. :)


Hi....My name is Tom & I too am a tractor-holic.......I'm in NE ohio, about 100 miles north of Moon (Doc), & own & run a material handling business.

Couple weekends ago, I probably went right by your place. We run 90 to 271 to 71 to 70 and went out to Richmond In..


The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
John, I'll set you up an appointment with a Welsh sheep in a private place, you'll find out all about them then :eek:
Yes, they can cook! I like mine roasted with a little rosemary and mint sauce :D

Bonehead, no comment, im appalled, I'll let you and John discuss that kinda thing in private after his appointment :eek:


Just Plinkin Away the $$
My shop is about 5 miles off I-77. Look at an Ohio map & find Strasburg just north of Dover/New Phila. along 77. Go north from Strasburg on Rt 21 to the intersection of US 250 & 21 & that's where the shop is. I actually live another 20 miles north of the shop off 250 near a town called Wooster. I'm in prime amish country, so if anyone is looking for anything amish made from beef jerkey to furniture and anything in between, I can be your local guide. .....Thanks for the welcome, guys !!.............Tom


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Yes, they can cook! I like mine roasted with a little rosemary and mint sauce :D
] Mith; That Rosemary is quite the tart eh? :festive: But what are you roasting? :beer:


GOLD Site Supporter
Not much to speak of in the way of Higher education . I graduated HS in 66 . The Army was hot for me by 67 ,so I went into the AF at the behest of my father. He was regular army in ww2 and korea. He for the first (and only) time explained His experiences . I took His advice and went AF. I stayed in for 22 years. I married my wife in 77 ,. She's also a 20+ year af type.
We have one daughter . She's also serving along with Her Husband . as far as I can tell they are career as well.
Currently , Im a carpentar on post frame buildings, The wife i8s in IT with PPG.


GOLD Site Supporter
Not much to speak of in the way of Higher education . I graduated HS in 66 . The Army was hot for me by 67 ,so I went into the AF at the behest of my father. He was regular army in ww2 and korea. He for the first (and only) time explained His experiences . I took His advice and went AF. I stayed in for 22 years. I married my wife in 77 ,. She's also a 20+ year af type.
We have one daughter . She's also serving along with Her Husband . as far as I can tell they are career as well.
Currently , Im a carpentar on post frame buildings, The wife is
in IT with PPG. John


Active member
I thought that I should get this thread going again as there are still many members that we have not heard from. I am also curious as to how the non-TBN members heard about this forum. Anyone out there from Washington? :soapbox:



Super Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter

Welcome to the forum.
We saw that you posted on TBN that you had a Chinese tractor and something about Power Wheels. Can you tell us about yourself?
How did you come across this forum?



New member
Thank you for the welcome Brian

My kids have power wheels. 2 jeeps and a atv.

I have a chinese tractor but its old and barely runs. I got a message that Bob Shurka was on this site and is good at helping people pick new tractors so I thought I would come here and watch. I won't be looking for a new tractor for awhile so I'll just watch the tractor info and ask questions later.

I live in Derby NY which is next to Lake Erie. I have a few acres. I do general maintenance work like painting, cleaning, changing lights and stuff.



The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Hi Ryan; Welcome to the forum of alternative websites. I think I meant that in a good way. :whistle: Your name sounds Irish, do you wear a kilt too? :whistle:
Did you actually learn of this site on TBN? The Big M over there hates myself and a few others here, and the mere mention of us causes flags to rise, fireworks to appear, and posts and threads deleted at warp speed. :drink:
What are your needs for a tractor? You won't get any very biased opinions here. Pretty much all makes and models are represented here, and all any of us care about is that your happy and safe on whatever colour you decide to ride.
Ask away noble sir! :wave: :beer:


New member
Thanks johnday.
Actually, I'm more Scotish. My last name is McHenry. I haven't worn a kilt in a while and it was for ceremonies like weddings.

I dont know what I need for a tractor. I have 2 acres of lawn to mow and 3 acres of land that was pasture but has overgrown with trees and bushes that I will need to clean up. I also have other projects and do have access to the beach if I could launch a boat with the tractor in the future. Thanks for your offer. I wasnt going to go look at tractors until spring.

I learned about this site from someone I know but I am confused about whats going on so I dont think I should say who it was. It seems like everything I read or wherever I post the stuff goes away. I was reading about some things here when people were joining but its all gone.



The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Ryan; This is great!! Another Scot with an Irish name, just like me!!! We've got one of those UK guys on here that was lookin for some help to gang up on me. :moon: His name is Mith, a true Englishman, but I don't hold it against him. :coolshade He's a very nice person with a very twisted sense of humour. Can I count on you for help against his antiScot attitude? It's a lot of fun carried over from the other place. :whistle:
No need to mention who recommended the Forums to you, main thing is you joined, and hopefully your bud has too. :beer: :tiphat:


johnday said:
This is great!! Another Scot with an Irish name, just like me!!! We've got one of those UK guys on here that was lookin for some help to gang up on me.

Hey John,

My grandfather was a Drake and me grandmother was a Mclendon. Is that why I liked to mix my Bass ale with Guinness back in my drinking days?:beer: So being a mutt means I can choose either side when its time to gang up, right? :D



The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Cityboy said:
Hey John,

My grandfather was a Drake and me grandmother was a Mclendon. Is that why I liked to mix my Bass ale with Guinness back in my drinking days?:beer: So being a mutt means I can choose either side when its time to gang up, right? :D

It certainly allows you to do that! ;) But in your heart, you know the better side! We may be UK derivatives, Mith, yourself, RyanR, and I, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what happened to those in England. :whistle: I have theory of my own that sheep may be involved though :whistle: .
Speaking of sheep, haven't heard from Mith lately, must be out cutting grass? :beer: :tiphat:


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
johnday said:
It certainly allows you to do that! ;) But in your heart, you know the better side! We may be UK derivatives, BCZoom, Mith, yourself, RyanR, and I, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what happened to those in England. :whistle: I have theory of my own that sheep may be involved though :whistle: .
Speaking of sheep, haven't heard from Mith lately, must be out cutting grass? :beer: :tiphat:
Why, Brian, I didn't forget you. :wave: Now how could you miss that? :beer:


The Eccentric Englishman
SUPER Site Supporter
John. mowing lawns (weeds) cutting grass sounds a bit, well.....
Cripes, where are all these Scots coming from, I need help, well actually you Scots need help but we wont go there :D

Ryan, welcome, I hope youre not adverse to a bit of friendly razzing, as long as it isnt against me :D


New member
Mith. I don't mind razzing. All I can say is remember the movie braveheart with Mel Gibson. Us Scots, even with our kilts aren't afraid of anyone. I do like the part in the movie when the Irish were sent by England to battle the Scots and after charging each other, when the came in contact, the shook hands and said hi to each other.


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
RyanR said:
Mith. I don't mind razzing. All I can say is remember the movie braveheart with Mel Gibson. Us Scots, even with our kilts aren't afraid of anyone. I do like the part in the movie when the Irish were sent by England to battle the Scots and after charging each other, when the came in contact, the shook hands and said hi to each other.
Ryan; I asked Mith a while back if he'd ever seen that movie. He replied no, and I think he said he never heard of it. Methinks that flick didn't get rave revues in Jolly Old! :wave:

Big Dog

Large Member
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Thanks Brian

Frankly feel a little more at home here already!

I think Junk and Dargo are ready for the Coyote forum now! LMAO


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
Big Dog said:
Thanks Brian

Frankly feel a little more at home here already!

I think Junk and Dargo are ready for the Coyote forum now! LMAO
Big Dog!! Welcome. Well you spelled coyote right!! I can handle that, but not sure of your truck choice. :moon: :wave: :beer: