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I am going to lose my Mother

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Lorelei, I am so sorry that I have missed this. I am so sorry sweetheart!! I lost my mom 16 years ago to colon cancer. I know what you are going through. I know this will not make you feel better by any means, but, know that she is no longer in pain and is with your dad now. You have all your wonderful memories and I pray for you to have a quick recovery from grieving and be able to smile at those memories. I love you girl, take care and if you want to talk, you just holler at me!!
My condolences PG. Just know that she is in a better place now were nothing can harm her. She'll be looking in on you and your family from time to time I'm sure.
Little Pirate, mere words can't begin to express how sad I am to hear of your Mother's passing. Knowing she's with God, knowing she's with the loved ones who have already gone beyond- these are comforting thoughts. Nothing will ease the ache, the hollow emptyness you feel now except the passing of time.

During your period of mourning, should there be anything I can do, you have my number. In fact, you've a lot of numbers because of the number of people who reguard you as a true friend. Don't hesitate to call.

I am sorry to hear this Lillie.

She is finally at peace and I pray for healing for you and your family.

My little Pirate :(

I am horrible sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

I havent been on FF much and I just looked here and found this thread.

I was wondering why I havent heard from you and now I know why. I really cant express how I feel by simply typing it out but tears popped out of my eyes reading this. Im so very very very very very very sorry sweetie. I bet she is missing you horribly but with that loss is also the immense comfort and joy being with the people that have already moved to a place made and formed from something as simple as love. Can you imagine how she wishes you were together? Yet also looks forward to meeting again in the most wonderful place any of us could imagine experiencing.

I love ya sweetie. :flowers: HUGE hug from a giant rice roll with feee-sh in it.

PG i am so so sorry for your Loss....try and keep the fun memories you have spoken of the past few days glowing in your Heart to help ease the pain.

You and your Family are in my thoughts.
Many, many thanks to you my friends for taking this journey with me.

Mom will be cremated on Wednesday after visitation hours end at 5.

She wanted it all kept very simple.

Friends and family, music and a dinner that evening.

I am doing just fine with all of this. Relief is the word, I am relieved.

Love and Hugs and Blessings right back at every single one of you.
Lorelei, I don't know what to say. In situations like this I am always lost for words. You know what I mean to say, I just can't come out with it. Best wishes for you and family.

My condolences Lollie. You appear to be the rock for your family. Way to go girl. Thoughts and prayers coming your way girlfriend.
Kind of - what Doc said. It seems that you are the strength of th family and are assuming the duties of matriarch.

Well wishes for healing and closure are coming to you.
I'm like Murph and others that want to say or write what I mean, but the words just won't come.

Having lost my mom last fall, I know what you've been going through.

My deepest condolences.
My thoughts and prayers are still with you sweetie. Your family works like mine does. We had as many laughter tears as we did sadness tears when my Grandma went. I am finding my peace and it sounds like you are too. :flowers::flowers:
Lorelei, so sorry to hear, but at least now Mom is happy and pain free. And I'm sure she heard y'all repeating the Mom-isms.
This is a journey no one wants to go on and I'm glad you shared it with us instead of going at it alone. Just shows you what love there is for "internet friends".
Lorelei, so sorry to hear, but at least now Mom is happy and pain free. And I'm sure she heard y'all repeating the Mom-isms.
This is a journey no one wants to go on and I'm glad you shared it with us instead of going at it alone. Just shows you what love there is for "internet friends".
Thank you Jerry.
Yep, you all have been just great, and this crazy internet friendship, feeling such love and caring from those whom you've never met in person has really shown it's worth for me- more now than ever before. :)

It's been a busy day. Meeting with my brother, sister and half sister at the funeral home this morning. Making sure all i's are dotted and t's are crossed. Phone calls, neighbours stopping by.

Mother as I said wanted her funeral kept very simple.
She wanted it all done in one day. Visitation and viewing (or as she called it, putting me out there on display).
We had a hard time going through her wardrobe and picking something she'd have loved to be wearing.
My God that woman had the clothes! I wanted to buy her something new, but as my sister pointed out, she had things hanging in the closet that hadn't even been worn yet. So she'll go out in a lilac suit, pearl earrings and pale purple comfy bedroom slippers.

One thing I'd balked at months ago is when Mother expressed she didn't want a Catholic service when her time had come, as she'd started going to a small protestant church with a couple of her blue haired lady friends. So the pastor from that church will be speaking at the service.
However, I did make sure my dear Father Mel came to the hospital and anointed her a couple of days ago. ;)

Her funeral dinner will include all her favourite southern foods that Grandma used to make.
She was originally from southern Indiana and never lost that twang, loved the Grand Ole Opry, Jeopardy, crossword puzzles.. and her kids and grand kids, oh and shopping. lol

Final thank yous to you all.
I don't want this thread dragging on and on, just know how much I love you guys and it's been a comfort for me, very much indeed!
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