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Funny Obama pic thread.


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Ya got one in the WHITE house....what do ya expect??????.....yes...yes...I know.....disrespect and all.......If it walks like a duck[mussy] and quaks[talks ]like a duck[mussy]and looks like a duck[mussy] Im going to assume it is a duck[mussy] until it is proven different!! and as I see it...day by day the evidenceis gets stronger and stronger that he is a mussy.


Bottoms Up
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Excellent find Muley. So TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had not even considered the statutory rape possibilities, but that is a very valid point. :clap: :clap: :clap:


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I say wrong again...his face belongs on an incarceration warrant!!!!!!!in a cell covered with Mirrors on all the walls...that way nomater whitch way he pointed...he would see him self...to blame:yum: and pipe Hail to the chief 24 hours a day 7 days a week..........and let ME be the man to weld the door shut...ya wouldnt even need to lock it!!!!!!!!


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I could vote for that......send her over there.....sever all ties with libya and halt all chance for her to return....and tell all forces to stand down and turn away!!!!!


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I might question the use of the word WOMAN:whistling: Just think of waking up ...rolling over and seeing that!!!!!


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This despicable woman stains the good name of the White House ... America's house. Thankfully, in January 2017 we can open the windows and air the place out.

That's assuming the idiots don't elect another one like him.