Did You Know ...

Do you realize that the youngest picture of you is also the oldest picture of you?

Is it possible some of us stay up late because we were meant to live on the other side of the earth?

30 seconds seems short until I can't skip the add on YouTube.
Did You Know ...

There is such a thing as Presidential M & M's. They were first created for Ronald Reagan in 1988 and they later replaced cigarettes as the standard gift given to guests of the president on Air Force One. The M&M's are presented in boxes about the size of a packet of cigarettes, with the Presidential Seal and the signature of the sitting president on one face, and one of the M & M characters holding the US Flag on the other.
Did you know.

The men who served as guards along the Great Wall of China in the middle ages were often born on the wall, grew up there, married there, died there, and were buried within or beside it. Many of these guards never left the wall in their lifetimes.
Did you know that in 1963, major league baseball pitcher Gaylord Perry was quoted as saying “They’ll put a man on the moon before I hit a home run.”

On July 20, 1969, one hour after Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, Perry hit is first, and only, home run of his career.
Did you know ...

Temperatures 30 times hotter than the sun can occur on the earth.
Nuclear fission creates temperatures that are about 30 times hotter than the sun.
In less than a second, the splitting of an atoms nuclei in a chain reaction can create
temperatures of about 750 MILLION degrees Fahrenheit.
Did You Know ...

The so called 100 year war actually a 116 year war. France and England fought from 1337 to 1453, over England's encroachment into French lands.
At the end of it all, England lost.

Gold Fact;

The California Gold Rush yielded 125 million ounces of gold from 1850 to 1875-more than had been found in the previous 350 years and worth more than $50 billion today.
Did you know ...

Temperatures 30 times hotter than the sun can occur on the earth.
Nuclear fission creates temperatures that are about 30 times hotter than the sun.
In less than a second, the splitting of an atoms nuclei in a chain reaction can create
temperatures of about 750 MILLION degrees Fahrenheit.
Love this! Gonna pose the “can the earth have a hotter temperature than the sun” riddle to friends :D
Did You Know ...

The so called 100 year war actually a 116 year war. France and England fought from 1337 to 1453, over England's encroachment into French lands.
At the end of it all, England lost.
Why is it called a 100-year war then ?! 🤣

The first Ferris wheel was invented in 1893 for the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago. The ride was over 264 feet tall and featured passenger cars that weighed over 1,200 lbs and were roughly the size of a city bus.

The first Ferris wheel was invented in 1893 for the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago. The ride was over 264 feet tall and featured passenger cars that weighed over 1,200 lbs and were roughly the size of a city bus.
I rode in what they called the biggest ferris wheel in the world. It was in Vienna, Austria. Don't know how big it was but the cars were the size of railroad cars.