Is it his house he doesn't want to leave, or his Independence? I believe there are places that just "help you when you need it." The residents have their own 'apartment', but it is in a facility with help to make sure things are taken care of, like meds on time, food, etc.
Cory & myself moved a trailer next to my Dads house about 9 years ago, partly to get out of town, part to help Dad take care of his 80 acres. About 3 years later, they (both Mom and Dad) noticed things were not right, Mom started having trouble remembering things. The doctor put her on aricept, which is about the only alzhimers med at the time, & Dad would go places with her, (she drove mostly since Dad had heart trouble and 'mini strokes'), even if he didn't feel good, to make sure she did not get lost. She stopped driving when Dad went to the hospital with a heart attack Thanksgiving morning 2004 at about 1:00AM. The doctors wanted to do a quad by-pass, & I can still hear Daddy Tell them "what-ever it takes to fix it." They operated about the first of Dec., and Dad passed away Dec. 9. He had a blood clot in his small intestine, undetected, so gangrene set in and it still was not detected until it was too late.
Mom kept living in the house they had shared for almost 60 years. Cory was cooking for her, I was helping her with her meds, putting them in a weekly pill box with it written down when to take them. I think the lonely-ness of that big house, and missing her mate of 60years, she basically gave up. She would not take her meds, or was taking twice, who knows. She would get mad at me trying to help her, and just not listen or try to help. When she came down with pneumonia, the only way the doctor would release her from the hospital was to go to assisted living. The doc had her meds straitened out, including physic, so she was ok with it for a while.
If you spend some time with her, you can tell a lot of the time she still knows what is going on, but she has to go slow, and think things out. When she talks, you can tell what she says is not what she is thinking. Or she can not get her mouth to say what she wants to say.
Mom has been begging for months now to go home. And that tears my heart out. But there is no way she could live by herself, she is 81years old last Nov., and is sometimes un-stable on her feet.
I have an older sister, none of the family care for husband, she has 'stolen' from family before, so Mom will not go there, and we will not let him live here, he is also a thief. My older brother is on dylansis, his kidneys have completly shut down, so he can't take care of her. 2 younger sisters, they both have their own problems or agenda. My brother, myself, and 1 younger sis drive within 1/3mile of the ALF where Mom lives every time we go to work / town and again coming home. My other 2 sisters live about 5 miles away. Cory and myself are the only ones that go by to even say "hello" on a regular basis.
I promised my Dad, about 3 hard breaths before his last, I would take care of Mom the best I could. My Dad ment more to me than anything except for my wife and 4 kids, and I will do my damndest to keep that promise.
Al, I know how this is tearing you up, and do not know what to say. There is nothing I, or anyone, can say that will take the hurt away. I know from experience. But do know that you are not the only one going thru this kind of hurt.
If you want to talk, feel free to PM me, we'll exchange # & when to call.