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Dargo's little girl needs our prayers

Thanks so much to everyone! Mel was just moved from ICU to a mid level room. She even got her catheter out which makes her much happier. The lovely basket arrived just when she got to her private room. It's perfect too because most all the food in it is on her approved diet. For the surgery they had to cut all her left side jaw muscles away to get deeper into the base of her brain for her surgery. They want her to gently chew and the grapes and bannas are on her list.

Her eyes are pretty well swollen shut and her left eye looks like she went 15 rounds with Rocky. However, she isn't calling for Mick to cut her. I'm trying to upload a pic, but apparently I can't from my iPhone.

She just ate her first food; a Reese cup from the basket from the great people at FF. I was going to get a pic of that, but as soon as she found her mouth, it was gone. Mark up a victory for all you guys at FF! I may see if I can email a pic of her enjoying (as much as she can enjoy anything now) items from the FF basket. Thanks again!! You guys are great!!!!

That is awesome and great news!! :clap: Hope she continues a with a speedy recovery. This just made my day!
Wonderful news :w00t2:!!! Praise the Lord !!!
You just made my day too .

Now do me a big favor . Get some rest !!!!

You all must be exhausted from the worry and the stress.

Merry Christmas , my friend !!!!:clap:
Thanks again all. They have started her on fenalyn (sp) due to post op swelling and pain. They say it is at least 100X as powerful as morphine. Mel says it isn't helping. I guess she is at her worst pain part. She has 25 nice shiny staples in her head (pic would not be good even if I could post). I think I am hitting my adrenaline dump. May not be able to update until tomorrow.

Thanks again to all. Seriously, her gift basket is wonderful!!
You get some sleep yourself. No sense in you getting sick over this too. Update us when you can. We can wait, you have given us some good news already.
Merry Christmas to you and your entire family. Enjoy some rest and trust that she is getting great care for all she has been through. Life will be challenging for a while but she is strong and will pull through.

Praise GOD! Dargo! I have been watching this thread and hoping, praying for a good outcome.

Like the rest, I am hoping that you're able to get some well needed rest for yourself.
:sad: Apparently an infection has set in a bit and her cranial pressure is causing such pain that fentanyl (sp?), the drug 100X as potent as morphine, won't touch it. For the first time she is really crying in severe pain. Being late Christmas eve, no luck at getting any neurologist or surgeon to come in unless her life is at risk. Pain or increased pressure in her eye doesn't count. We don't know what to do. The snow even prevents my son from bringing the rest of our family up. Mel doesn't want to see anyone now anyway. Hopefully everyone else has a better Christmas.

Thanks again for the kind words from all of you. I'll personally thank each of you later. My exhaustion, pain and emotions are starting to get me now and I have to keep up the good face for my wife and Mel.
Brent, we will be thinking of you and Mel. I hpe they can get her some relief soon. Pressure now doesn't sound super good.
I,m sorry to here about the setback Dargo , thoughts & prayers still going to Your family . I trully hope things are better in the morning . :flowers:
Damn Dargo that is tough, and I'm really sorry to hear it. My advise it to keep up your strength for those around you, it really does pay off when all is said and done.
Just hang in there Brent and be with her.
I hate to think of her being in such pain that a drug such as that won't even touch.
Brent sent this to my phone and gave me permission to post it here.
His message said that the picture was taken this morning(12/24)

poor baby, Its heart wrenching just to see this


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It is heart wrenching Judy.
But she made it through the surgery.
She is in a lot of pain that even the God of Narcs apparently isn't touching for the breakthrough pain.
It's encouraging to see that she is sitting up in that pic and has been able to eat something today.
I just wish the pain would be taken away for her right now!
I have one Catholic hymn that comes to mind for Melanie.

On Eagle's Wings

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rRea9qnjK4"]YouTube - On Eagle's Wings MV[/ame]


Get Well Soon Melanie

Merry Christmas Dargo Family....I pray this day brings Mel some pain relief.

Will be popping in for any updates.

Keep the Faith.
Hope they find something to help her with the pain. Her current med is a long term good pain med and should work better as it gets into her system. My wife has to take that on a schedule basis and it works if you keep on a strict schedule. She looks good for what she has been through and as the docs like to tell you if you are hurting you are still alive. Today is another step closer to recovery. Hang in there.
She is one tough little girl. To be in surgery that long yesterday and to even be sitting up today is amazing. Prayers still coming Brent.
I had to come back to the hotel early this morning for a bit. One of my other daughters, Madison, has been here with us the entire time and has been a wonderful bedside nurse. Poor little Maddie was a walking zombie. I want to go back over to the hospital (my wife stayed all night), but little Maddie is sound asleep and I don't want to wake her. I'm sure it's not the Christmas morning she wanted.

Maybe (fingers crossed) Mel and mom are resting since I get no reply to text messages. I don't want to call and wake them if they are sleeping.

Merry Christmas to all! I went down to the vending machine for a Christmas breakfast and bought a "bear claw". Half way through I just thought it tasted bad and threw it away. As I was doing so I saw why; it had mold all up the back side. Betcha never had a Christmas breakfast like that! :smile:
Thanks for the update . Hopefully they are getting some much needed rest . You really need to get some Yourself :wink: . Best of luck for the rest of the day & thoughts & prayers that You all get through this christmas to enjoy the many years to come . :flowers:
Brent, this will be one of those Christmases you'll look back on someday and have
some stories to tell. Hopefully when your daughter comes home and is on the mend, you
guys can celebrate Christmas for real with home cooking. Nobody know exactly when Jesus was born anyway, you could be celebrating closer to the real day anyway.
Continued thoughts and prayers, Mike
I only want one thing for Christmas ...... To hear that Mel got up , went home and lived happy ever after . Our thoughts are with you .:smile:
Brent sent an updated picture to my phone this morning.Don't think he will mind if I post it. He said it was between dressings.


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Good to she her sitting up and in regular clothes!,hope that is a sign she feels better. I also see remnant's of our basket in the background. May she continue to improve