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Bathroom reno.

Thanks. That heated floor is nice.

Nothing too exciting today. The tiles behind the tub are grouted. The shower is cleaned up and ready for grout tomorrow.
Perfect timing. We got a call that the glass was in yesterday. They came out to install it today. We're still waiting for a couple pieces of the fixtures to install the taps jets and showerheads. 20210412_155500.jpg20210412_155516.jpg
That is one huge shower, I love it. Enjoy :)

Oh, we will. It'll be the Cadillac of showers. 3 separate systems in there. One for her with just an overhead rainshower. One for me standing with overhead rainshower and 3 wall jets aimed directly at the trouble spots on my back. For days when I'm having a hard time standing, I have the built-in bench complete with a separate shower wand and 2 wall jets aimed at my back. It's more like a spas.
Still waiting on the counters and shower fixtures to be installed but the blinds came in. We went with the pleated horizontal blinds that can be lowered from the top or raised from the bottom. They'll allow plenty of light to come in and allow us to look outside meanwhile providing protection for the lower part of the window in case a squirrel or tweety bird wants to look at my stuff and think it's a tree branch they can climb or land on. ?

Ok. Even with the different shower heads, we gave it a whirl last night after a hot tub and the pressure was fine with both right and left overhead sprays on. The left overhead only lost pressure when the wall jets were on. Overall we're pleased with how it turned out.
I'm looking forward to seeing the counters and everything come together. It looks like your wife has already been in the shower putting some personal girly touches in there (y).
Wow Brian, your bath reno turned into kitchen reno also. Wow. Projects like that do have a way of growing.

I'm still dealing with a kitchen reno, flooring had been on back order and is going in today. Next week electrical and we still have the backsplash yet to go. Before and after pics once done.
Lol. It kinda worked out that way. We figured since we're ordering countertops we'd do all the upstairs bathrooms to get rid of the dated tile countertops that were gross and hard to clean. That turned into ordering a bank of cabinets for more storage in the kitchen.

Here's the bathroom with both sinks. They aren't hooked up yet as we have to wait for glue and silicone to dry. That's tomorrow's task.


Here's the hall bathroom with the sink and taps installed.


The kitchen cabinets. The counter is temporary as the quartz counter isn't in yet.

We're finally in the closing stages of a complete bathroom reno down to the studs. The only thing left is a couple pieces of tile that had to wait for the counters to be installed. I did the plumbing on the sinks today. We also need to pick out a backslash. It'll last us the rest of the time we're in this house which is hopefully another 40+ years.

"A big problem with renovations is a lot of "you might as well..." creeps in. It tends to expand the timeline and the budget"

I agree with the above. Sometimes contractors just want to stay as long as possible and make as much money as possible.

Seeing what a contractor says is smart, but just do your own research too.

I hope your contractor talks to you about Schluter/Ditra products.
this is a tactic that scummy salespeople take advantage of. It should never feel good to sell someone a service or product they don't need or believe they want. It's important for homeowners to remember they are the ones in charge.
NOT GOING TO START A NEW THREAD, just adding my little project onto this one that Brian already started since his thread seems to be completed.

I'm not quite done.

We have a guest apartment over my back garage/workshop. It's about 900 square feet, 1 bed/1bath. My sister in law has lived there since we built it. She had knee surgery and the original bath was somewhat cramped and not friendly to a cane/walker, etc.

FWIW, this bathroom is approximately 5' by 9'

Put in a "floating" vanity. Tore out the one piece fiberglass tub/shower and replaced it with solid panel shower walls and a concrete shower base. Ceramic tile that looks like river rocks in the shower. New ceramic tile on the whole bathroom floor. We had previously installed an ADA elevated toilet a couple years ago, that was pulled out, and reinstalled.

I still need to install some baseboards, add the new towel hangers and little details.

All the new details will apparently be BLACK finished. The faucets and ADA support rails in the shower are already black finish. But she has to buy new toilet paper holder, towel holders, etc.

Of course the lovely Mrs_Bob found a CHROME and bead blasted aluminum light fixture, so that is being painted black. P.I.T.A. It's a 5 light fixture, all L.E.D. Lots of little pieces. Entire fixture had to come apart so I have baggies of screws and glass pieces trying to make sure I can put it back together the way it came apart!





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Took 2 days for painting, and a total disassemble & reassemble of that light fixture but it is now BLACK instead of polished chrome & bead blasted aluminum. If my frustration and labor costs were factored into the price of that light fixture it would have a Rolls Royce logo on it.

Still needs baseboards, paint, etc

None of this is to my taste/style, but I don’t have to use it.
