NOT GOING TO START A NEW THREAD, just adding my little project onto this one that Brian already started since his thread seems to be completed.
I'm not quite done.
We have a guest apartment over my back garage/workshop. It's about 900 square feet, 1 bed/1bath. My sister in law has lived there since we built it. She had knee surgery and the original bath was somewhat cramped and not friendly to a cane/walker, etc.
FWIW, this bathroom is approximately 5' by 9'
Put in a "floating" vanity. Tore out the one piece fiberglass tub/shower and replaced it with solid panel shower walls and a concrete shower base. Ceramic tile that looks like river rocks in the shower. New ceramic tile on the whole bathroom floor. We had previously installed an ADA elevated toilet a couple years ago, that was pulled out, and reinstalled.
I still need to install some baseboards, add the new towel hangers and little details.
All the new details will apparently be BLACK finished. The faucets and ADA support rails in the shower are already black finish. But she has to buy new toilet paper holder, towel holders, etc.
Of course the lovely Mrs_Bob found a CHROME and bead blasted aluminum light fixture, so that is being painted black. P.I.T.A. It's a 5 light fixture, all L.E.D. Lots of little pieces. Entire fixture had to come apart so I have baggies of screws and glass pieces trying to make sure I can put it back together the way it came apart!