After talking with my snowcat partner he believes that if we continue to pursue this the Forest Dis-Service will request us to provide studies as to why the habitat will not be damaged and environmental impacts. Essentially causing us to spend a lot of money for something that could be denied. We would need to prove or show why the snowcat will not pose a threat. What benefit the snowcat would be to the USFS, yet we can claim we can transport them and there gear if needed, as well as, for Search and Rescue. Another statement the Rangers pointed out in our meeting last week was that if we did have a snowcat we would have to stay on designated roads in the National Forest. We mentioned how we have ridden snowmobiles in these areas where motorized vehicles are permitted and they said we were riding illegally. I do not see what is illegal about riding on top of snow.
At this point we are thinking of just purchasing the snowcat and exploring the areas back there and ski where we can. Then let the Forest Service tell us we can/cannot be there.