Gone But Not Forgotten
Hey Allen,
Thanks for the education, and yes I was around when you were posting about your restore on the KT3. The hydrolic diagram was a bit intimidating, and I never really understood what kind of a mechanical valve would be self leveling, or do you have to do that manually? If so, and you hit the wrong side valve on a side hill you could effectively "roll yourself" down the hill!!!
Yes a very tight firewall and the one piece exhaust would be a geat addition to the original engineering. And yes to bad about the inventor/founder fo the company. When they are gone many good companies fail. Walt Redfield of Rifle scope fame from years past and Colorado, as an example. Any other tricks up your sleeve for your restoration? Better engine cooling would be on my list.....Maybe electric fans under the hood?
Thanks for the info, and I seriously hope that this thread and some Rum and Cokes will get yours together and out playing in the snow, in your restored Kristi.
Best regards, Kirk
Kirk ,
Yes I have to manually set the level on the machine . Its really very simple .
I am only about 4 days of labor from being able to drive the KT3 . Just build the tracks !
Its just that I have sooo..... many other committments right now that the KT3 is on the back Burner .I am not going to rush the rebuild as I am very close to being done now and I want everything right when it is finished . My family and friends will be in this rig and their safety and comfort is most important .
I feel pretty good about tearing down , rebuilding and documenting the KT3 here on FF as there is so little information out there on the web about them .