Snowtrac Nome
member formerly known as dds
you are right they should know how to secure a load and jj keller puts out a fmsca guide that will spell out how to secure a load on a flat bed also keep in mib=nd that thar s7r groupe is likely made up of volenteers much like ours is and they probaly dont have any truck drivers in their groupe how ever IAW ak state law that rig wiuld likely ecceed 21500 pounds which would require a cdl knowing that a bv206 weighs in around 10k stripped and you add the weight of a trailer and 1 ton truck and prestoI'm not smearing there name . I am responing to another posters post . I really don't give two hoots who it belongs to . It is piss poor chaining . You can like it or hate it . I could care less but the fact is whoever owns that rig has it chained incorrectly .
If you don't believe me take that picture down to the Highway Patrol truck scales and get a 2nd opinion . It only needs to fail one time to prove my point .