I had hoped you folks would be getting LOTS of snow from the storms on the East coast.
Missed out on a big one, from what I hear. Winter isn't over just yet. Hope you get a couple of feet to run your cat on..
In Iowa, we have had more than 30 days of good running so far..
I took the Snow Trac out yesterday for a 10 mile run. We took some corn and soybeans in buckets and spread them in places that I know the pheasant are spending the winter.. Poor birds haven't ben able to dig through the hard pack we have, to get food. I hope they found my offerings, and benefit from our efforts. We are rebuilding slowly, our pheasant population, after years of decline..
Been thinking about some sort of drag to pack the snow between the tracks of the ST4. A roller would be best, for me I think..
Good luck with the snow..
Regards, Kirk