• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

The up your post count thread.....

you had a multiquote post and I replied to it - but by the time I was done replying, it was gone, so now my reply posted before the comment I was replying to - which looks like sushi grade time travel.Since his favorite time traveller is Dr Who, and at the time I was trying to figure out what happened, Dr. WTF seemed appropriate.
you had a multiquote post and I replied to it - but by the time I was done replying, it was gone, so now my reply posted before the comment I was replying to - which looks like sushi grade time travel.Since his favorite time traveller is Dr Who, and at the time I was trying to figure out what happened, Dr. WTF seemed appropriate.
:yum::yum: :shock: That was all in yur head:glare:
In Indianapolis with my Dad and Aunt for a reunion. He forgot his cell phone charger. So far the seems to be the only thing. :clap: Should make for an interesting weekend for sure. Seem he is quite a bit better when someone helps him track his meds.
other thing I forgot to reccommend this morning -- try drinking some "Emergen-C" -- it's a vitamin/electrolyte powder with a LOT of vitamin C & B-complex in it. I use it when working out in the heat and it helps limit cramping and the hungover feeling you get when you sweat too much before that 3rd beer kicks in...
Fluids and more fluids! Fine now... just tired.. early night and then I play ball again tomorrow night...:thumb:
I remember in highschool, my cousin went out on Saturday night and got a little soused. My uncle knew the score and woke his hungover ass up at 6 AM and sent him out plowing down stubble. The lands were worked out, already, leaving a dead furrow for him to bump over every time he reached the end of the field. Poor ol' Cuz suffered out the morning, but didn't feel like eating dinner (That's lunch to you high-fallootin' folks), instead, he grabbed a half gallon of orange juice from the fridge and settled down in the shade and started to drink. The more OJ he drank, the better he felt. So, after that..........when more OJ showed up in the fridge, Unk had another clue as to what Cuz had done the night before. :yum:
I'm glad your Grandpa is doing better. The phone charger is something a lot of people would forget.....shoot....I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached :yum:
I remember in highschool, my cousin went out on Saturday night and got a little soused. My uncle knew the score and woke his hungover ass up at 6 AM and sent him out plowing down stubble. The lands were worked out, already, leaving a dead furrow for him to bump over every time he reached the end of the field. Poor ol' Cuz suffered out the morning, but didn't feel like eating dinner (That's lunch to you high-fallootin' folks), instead, he grabbed a half gallon of orange juice from the fridge and settled down in the shade and started to drink. The more OJ he drank, the better he felt. So, after that..........when more OJ showed up in the fridge, Unk had another clue as to what Cuz had done the night before. :yum:

That's funny there! I think my boss on the farm had my number sometimes too. I showed up one morning and did not even SEE him. I was told to dig out the lilac bushes.:bonk: I think my dad called him ahead of time and warned him or something...
And to close the night... post 2100 here. Gonna shut it down. Tired and tomorrow will be a long day. :thumb: