soooo.....Nope. 1999 here thanks a lot!
germy beat me to it!
I was gonna say "again? sure it's not STILL?"
no fair!
no fair!
there I was quoting and replying and when I hit submit - not only was the quote missing, but now my reply hit before the (now severely edited) message I was trying to quote!
may have to change my name to Dr. WTF...
you had a multiquote post and I replied to it - but by the time I was done replying, it was gone, so now my reply posted before the comment I was replying to - which looks like sushi grade time travel.Since his favorite time traveller is Dr Who, and at the time I was trying to figure out what happened, Dr. WTF seemed appropriate.
Exactly!And then, he farts.
I hate working with a hangover.![]()
should have took the day of and had more beer![]()
then you have 2 options - don't work --- or keep drinking...
fell better yet?
I remember in highschool, my cousin went out on Saturday night and got a little soused. My uncle knew the score and woke his hungover ass up at 6 AM and sent him out plowing down stubble. The lands were worked out, already, leaving a dead furrow for him to bump over every time he reached the end of the field. Poor ol' Cuz suffered out the morning, but didn't feel like eating dinner (That's lunch to you high-fallootin' folks), instead, he grabbed a half gallon of orange juice from the fridge and settled down in the shade and started to drink. The more OJ he drank, the better he felt. So, after that..........when more OJ showed up in the fridge, Unk had another clue as to what Cuz had done the night before.![]()