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Changed my diet ... mostly eating MEAT now


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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I love carbohydrates. Noodles. Sugar. Sweets.

But borderline Type 2 Diabetes. So I need to do different things.

Listening to various podcasts, doing my own research, reading various news and editorials, and it sure seems like our diet, as recommended by the F.D.A. is wrong. Literally wrong in so many ways. I'm now down to roughly 50mg of carbohydrates per day. Pretty easy to NOT overeat. Pretty easy to lose some weight. Pretty easy to control blood sugar.

KETO and PALEO diets seem pretty natural. In fact, what does NOT seem natural is the FDA's 'Food Pyramid' that we all grew up with. After some research, ti seems like the FDA recommended 'Food Pyramid' is based on industrial food production and corporate food needs.

Beef seems to be the ultimate nutritional food. Simply put a diet of nothing more than Beef, can not just satisfy humans it may be able to also cure many mental illnesses. Beef, Lamb and Pork should be able to provide for all your nutritional needs, I ate LOW CALORIE for quite a while, lost a good bit of weight, but my blood sugar, despite a strict calorie diet, was still running too high. Why?

The FDA recommended this diet but logically it seems wrong. It favors political donors. Nutrition has taken a back seat to actual health.

I think the FDA recommended diet is a corporate diet. I think it has been corrupted. I have no facts. There are tens of thousands of studies. Which is right? Not sure, but I'm finding my results are better with Paleo.

I am seeing real results with a Paleo


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Just an update, it is easy to stay below 100 carbohydrates a day.

It is tougher to get below 50 carbs, but I do that probably at least 4 days a week.

Lots of meat, eggs, and some veggies. Not a lot of sugary fruits like grapes, apples or melons, in fact mostly none of those. And no fruit juices at all. No pasta or potatoes. When I eat bread it may be 1 slice maximum for the day, but typically I avoid it.

About 1 day a week I'll indulge in a hamburger ON A BUN, but more often than not, it is hamburger no bun. I don't drink much soda pop, 95% of what I drink is black coffee or sparkling water. Maybe I'll have a diet soda a few times a month?


Active member
Eddie Abbew's Diet plan.

On Instagram in November 2023 he posted 'the fat burns fat' diet — which is as follows:

  • Meal one: For a male — six eggs and a large avocado; for a female — four eggs and one small avocado
  • Meal two: For a male — 200g protein (high fat protein such as chicken thighs, lamb, steak, mince, pork, salmon, sea bass) and two fat choices (for a male — one large avocado, 24 olives, 60g nuts, 50g cheese or 20g butter; for a female — one small avocado, 18 olives, 40g nuts, 30g cheese or 15g butter) plus cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, cauliflower, garden cress, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, mustard plant or similar green leaf vegetables)
  • Meal three should be similar to meal two — follow the same template but select different options
  • Meal four is also similar to meal two, but again utilising different fat and veg options
  • As the diet progresses carbs should be added before and after training — for a male 150g, and female 100g (that’s the cooked weight) — and Eddie highly recommends sweet potato as his carb of choice
He wrote: "This is the only way you’ll build muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Your joint pain will improve. You will not feel tired. You will always be satiated. You will have mental clarity. You will have tons of energy. Your skin will glow."


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Eddie Abbew's Diet plan.

On Instagram in November 2023 he posted 'the fat burns fat' diet — which is as follows:

  • Meal one: For a male — six eggs and a large avocado; for a female — four eggs and one small avocado
  • Meal two: For a male — 200g protein (high fat protein such as chicken thighs, lamb, steak, mince, pork, salmon, sea bass) and two fat choices (for a male — one large avocado, 24 olives, 60g nuts, 50g cheese or 20g butter; for a female — one small avocado, 18 olives, 40g nuts, 30g cheese or 15g butter) plus cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, cauliflower, garden cress, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, mustard plant or similar green leaf vegetables)
  • Meal three should be similar to meal two — follow the same template but select different options
  • Meal four is also similar to meal two, but again utilising different fat and veg options
  • As the diet progresses carbs should be added before and after training — for a male 150g, and female 100g (that’s the cooked weight) — and Eddie highly recommends sweet potato as his carb of choice
He wrote: "This is the only way you’ll build muscle and lose fat simultaneously. Your joint pain will improve. You will not feel tired. You will always be satiated. You will have mental clarity. You will have tons of energy. Your skin will glow."
Yup, pretty much eating like that.

Breakfast was just 3 eggs + about an equal portion of ham that I baked yesterday.

I tend to cook with butter, eat cheese, and my veggies include cauliflower, bokchoy, cabbage, mushrooms, celery, snap peas, uncooked green beans and I often toss in cherry tomatoes as a snack (which is probably my biggest source of carbohydrates)


Bottoms Up
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GOLD Site Supporter
Avocado's play a big part of the Eddie Abbew diet plan.
I have never had an Avocado. Sad but true. Partly because I am not a fan of avocado dip. yuck. LOL


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Avocado's play a big part of the Eddie Abbew diet plan.
I have never had an Avocado. Sad but true. Partly because I am not a fan of avocado dip. yuck. LOL
I also pretty much never eat avocado. I'm just not a fan. It is considered a "healthy fat" which is why it is on so many different diet plans.
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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
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Today is my "fall off the wagon" day as far as Keto goes. As noted earlier, I do tend to have a 'cheat day' each week, and that day is typically pretty modest as far as cheating. Holidays might be an exception, those are more anything goes, but still remain sensible. So I don't gorge myself on cookies and pie, but on holidays I will eat bits of everything.

Today I finished off a carton of orange/mango juice. We had the carton for Kobe. Probably drank 4 oz of it, just to toss out the carton, so probably 20-30 carbs? This afternoon I had a 'cup o-noodles' with 41grams of carbs. I'm sore, my arthritis is acting up, I didn't want more baked ham, which is sitting in the fridge, didn't want eggs. Wanted something easy, and the cup o'noodles is easy. Not even sure why we have this in the house. But I am eating it. Clearly tossing me out of ketosis for the day. Not sure what dinner will bring, but likely very low carb. I think some days it is fine. I'm not feeling guilty about it at all.

I'm right about 6' tall, weighed in at 182# yesterday.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Avocado's play a big part of the Eddie Abbew diet plan.
I have never had an Avocado. Sad but true. Partly because I am not a fan of avocado dip. yuck. LOL
I was just about to type the same thing "JUST SAY NO AVACADO" LOL.